ith. ýFEBRUARY' SALE of anc un Fields Evanston in our February Sale.. New Shasta Pattern glass ... elear crystal. elabora tely ci t. highly pol- ished, goblets, sherbets, cocktails, tuliiblers, finger bowls. Each., $1 comfort MORE quulity! and more VALUE Boys' caif oxfords with cordo6van. tip;-6 $2,75 6. at fIE LD.1X' From ' our own experien know that the quaIityýý FebruarvSae ries-Mi Aristos, Fielcos, Con4ý1 shoes in( our store 'is red Wollie& S black caif with ?i quarter.. for February, Childrèn'"s Co mfopedlics:pric, t#,size S. $2.95# $3.95# $46 Fielco sho(es for women: genuine watersnlake; sandal tie . $4.90 I Field's Evanston Store Emphasizes: FI E ýë * i LA