Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Feb 1933, p. 22

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Plans for the1 coming events ofin thie Girls'S tud b uiling on t' n- the Tri-Ship, clu~b are progressing dymrig aur 7.Ms a rapdl, i ws an~nte lst eek.loney, the. senior girls'. chairman, presented the plan for next semes- ,Final arrangemeçnts for, the, William tr' Beebe lecture are being icôtpleted adioyste.U tohss- by thé following committee: -Charles msete eirgrs9 aemta sepa rate*rp i iadierom Dostal,. chairmnan, Sheldon Fox, louis'ropinsxavserom KlenJaesKigeyFrtzKaîlrunder, the direction of' Mrs. Banker, Howard Fogg, Joe. Harrison,,and Ed.Miss. Cole, Miss, Fulton, Miss, Kars.t, Walters. miss Mfickey and Missý Walk-up.. The lecture of 'this well-knawn un- Under the new plan ail: sen ior. girls derseas explorer îg is o take place both ,vill:meet in the Girls' Study buildin * afternoon and evening of, February with Miss Maloney as the adviser, 20. Motion pictures and, slides willassedb:r. akr help, Mr. Beebe ço.mmunicaite' thç ! This will necessitate considerableI thrills of his subniarine descent twoarunofcpetonbthgis miles intfocooetheonseathe 'ii iles into ite isa.xplained. However, it is felt that! It is' anniounced that there -will be in the presntConditio e h a Mother and Son banq.uet on. March sho is trying to ecouiomize , in everyl~ 16. This event will be uùp ta thé way, stich a system can be worked out. usual standard of eutertainmen~t at1 The .reom w'111fre conducted ina muçIh H the Tri-Ship Club, the sponsors state. i the samne way as the present system- The regular bi-annual excursion taý, seated in separate grou.ps btwt .Washington during the spring vaca- anly one adviser. In viewofc- tion. will take place as usual this, mencemnent rnaterial and general an- year. It was announced last week nouncements, this system will be very that the cost this year will. be reduced 'helpful, it is predicted. approximately one-third. The itin-4 -1liss Maloney also annouinced that erary follows : a1 snor honor' study hall will start Leave Chicago, Saturday, April , P. m., next semnester.. This provides that Arrive Gettysburg, Pa., SundaY, April, ail senior girls who have no tardy 9. . n.marks to school and ta class, and no Arrive Washirigton, ý;unday, April 9, notices of low work, will be able to Xfniv nrll use the Girls' Club) room during their- on, Funny Operas The Girls' and Boys' Gee clubs, and MIthe Senior M,,usic club were the guiests Mi of the Dramnatic clujb at' a mobt. en- joyable meeting on Tuesday, j-anuary% Anna -Varie Booz~ and Bill Ca- sels zWII have the roles of King and Qireen of Hearts in "A lice in Wontderland,". Freshmian - .Sophu- more play to be giVen i 0w aidi- torium this Saturday. There 4,ihi be ma4liiee and evening perform- The guest speaker was 'Nrr .Macy of Winnetka.. He gave a.ta 1k.,on Gif- bert and Sullivan operas. He devoted special attention to the "'Gondoliers." which will. be given by the glee clubs this year, shortly after .Easter va- cton.. The meeting wvas 'fôllowed. by.rlq,,ehmet5in the mess hall. * The officers of the Dramatic, club are: .Sydney Date, president*- Bob Merriman, vice-president, and Nancv Fis ber, 's.ecretary.. Virginia Smith, Helen Shepard. Charlotte Wachs, Alisan Burge. Em-- nia Bickham and Jane W %eston. are the officers, and monitors oi the Gîirl&' GI ee club. d iara ath j.The officers. n irraso h Boys' Glee club are: Dick Steen. Staxiton Schuman, Victor Luensm'an. Bill M-acFadzean and' Dîck Oison. *Margaret Loomis is the president af the Senior Mfusic club, and Char-' lotte Wachs is secretarv, Eighty Girls Entertaine d at Annual G. A. A_, Tea 'ihe tea held last Tuesday ini the *Girls' Club .raom wvas vated a great sUccess. It was gîven by the G. A. A. to close the '5part seasan which ended ,Norfolk (a.m.. Visatrt c>wp Li* y J Iat" ?1 Av llè PluiThe mn.e 1mbers of the winning fist- where Cornwal.lis surrenderei, -Na ' ual TeguTE TU es Yard,' Hamptof nsttuV.aYIReal Sparks Fny vvnue j Anu11Li ;e ote bal;team.s, the runners-up, and the' Lunch at Williamsburg. A visit to' Seriblerus Club Musesj Preparations for the annual League. class ping-pong champions were al the original capitol ur Virginia Thacibes lu ed t e o Nationis contest are- in full 5wa3T invited. Before réfreshments were restoreýd to colonial condition as a re-suit h cilrscubhl t eodagaîn. Miss Aima E. Hurs n Xiss seved, Joan Mc.Adams and Betty 0f a*10000000giftby ohnD. ock meeting of the month at the home'[.aura F. Ulirick will conduct after-'Jane Bailev gave a dance. The guests efeller, Jr. Visit Jarnestown, the fi-st1ofDikHlin Wlet.MS'as vchdhefl sbl gm permanent English settiement. Spendof ikHl n Wlee. is noon classes about' once a week ta o .ace h ia ltalg night at Richmond, Va. :Hamilton read n tew try-outs, and Ed, help threslî out the small details. . between the school winners and the Tuesday, April ilFaerwsa1etd samebr present, thirty-six students have en- taut.ad h ia ping-pong Vist trtfrdbirhpac o Le. Essays by George Hunt- and Bruce trdtecnet matches ta decide thé school cham- *Fredricksburg-home of James Mon- Ellison 'were read and discussed.,pionship. roe, and place of Civil war fame. l ime was taken by the sponsors to Thirty-five entrants are listed here This was the tea given regularly Wakefield - Washington's blrthplace,linfQrnl the members regarding theý Geraldine Peacock, Esther Hearne,bvteGA..athendfaspr recently made a national shrlne. Scholastic writing contest. New Trier Marianne Crosby, june Kehl,, Frane Arrive Washington, p, . -, , ..... _.. tr_ L.T.. ~ -season and was attended .bu 2av- rk where she university... 8ttlGy atj Routsong 7, FIra ýarer 2. igam l27. -.- .- mUI I i u .J U ;e 39. sernester., She will take graduate Judging from the apPlause which study in French at ,Western Reserve President Barbour received, bis talk in Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Bredin plans proved 'of great value to, those, to return in the faIt.. present. S"We'll be happy to, see you back After the assembly, President Bar-. with us next September,, Miss Bre- bour interviewed the boys who are din," the stuclents declare. * 'interested in Brown university. i.

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