Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Feb 1933, p. 20

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the count this Fiday. Lighte face Big Taik- New Trrier's ligbtweight tean>, beaten1 repeat.edl this season, bas slight hope of winin g from Morton. The Cicero lightweiglits, champ ions of the league last ýyear, ,were iinde- feated this season tintil. they m,1et Evanston. last Friday, Evanston won, 30 to 29, Earlier ini the season New Trier lest to the Mortont lights, 38 te 23. Oak Park's heavyweight, team (le- mnonstrat.ed. last Friday: that .it lias y .ery definite ideas about the. Sub- urban league championghip. New Trier lost, 28 te 23, to the 'same team that. defeated Evanston, 18 to l4, a few weeks ago. Take Long' Lead .TheOak.Prk boys bad piIed up a 16 to 1 lead at the end of the first hiaif New Trier's onlv score being a free tbrow by Frazer. Newv Trier reduced Oak Park's' lead te seven points at the end of the third quarter, wben the score was 21 to 14, but the west side tean continued 'to maintain its advantage and, as a resuit, is still undefeated ini the race for Stiburban league honors. Althoug~h his teami lost. Scott, New "But d on't say anytbisng to the lady next door. She gave me a dollar to takethis litter to the river and drown tlielnt.e" e conti11ued,, pointinig to a burlap bag in the bottom of the wa- gon. fomwbich there caàme,, the. whinling of other pups. ýAnd that was lhow - Dan Newton saved "Rags", his first pet dog. from a wýatery grave., There w'as a lot of betting; of poc-ket' knives, marblies, and ýtrj.nkets ove r its pedigree, but it was pretty well agreed that, "Rags," was a cros*s between a water spaniel and an O'Cedar'mop. Excepi for bis blinkinig.eyes ûunrder bis shaggy' liair. it was bard to make out which _nd of 1dim was h1ead or. tait. Mrs. Newten claimecd that aside froni satisfying Dan, the only other reasoni for flot sending the pup back to thle rag imanwàs thât s17 h Iialft use' hini for dusting the living roomn furniture. 'Mr. Newton was 'not so 'easy to hiandle. "He's got to go!" Dan's father insisted. "I don't want i sniffinF around the kitchen wbere vou re cooking. It's flot healthy !" lhe argued vvith Mrs. Xew- ton. "Listen, Dan!1"lie said, later in the evening.sbifting bis. eves front the I clinic, where' several times he had delivered things for the corner drug- gist. ýBurstinigthroýugb the swîngîng doors he sbouted, "Dr. Shudder! Dr. Shud-' der! I want miy dog. I want my dog !" There on a stône slab 'lay "Rags",,bis legs tied and bis body haif sbeared-of its long bair. Dan struggled with the attendants, in bis, effort to get bold of "Rags". - "Give hin to me!1 Don't you, dare b urt hum !" Rags raised bis head with. a whimipering cry, when be recognized Dan's voice, and looked up as if to sa, "Gee! I'm glad you ca me,ý. You're just in, 'What's the racket here?", asked Dr. Shudder. loudly. coming quickly into the room. "That's my dog. Rags !" replied Dan, pleadingly. '1Don't let then, kili my dog, Dr. 'Shu&dder. TTés a' good dog! fMéý wouldn't. bite anybody! Give him to me 'and l'Il go over to the dog pound and get you another to take bis place !" be continued, suddenly getting the idea. Not wishing to prolong the con- fusion, Dr Shudder agreed to give Up "Rags". if Dan returned ini and bour with another dog. Da2n fan ii1the uiav to the nPound. This action frightened Dan; for until then be hadn't realized what it meant to off er Tricks as a sacrifice. He. looked down at the dog, who sensing danger at the sight of Rags and the smell of -chloroform, tremb- led, violently. He looked at Rags, who_ lay on the sab-ull, lifeles.s. a nd uglyi without, his' hairý. He then looked back at Tiricks.and rememiber ed his playfuîness and how quick be was at learning things. In. bis-eyes,. however,*he saw that saine sad appeal for sympatby wbich a littie while ýbe- f ore he hiad s"een. in Rig's eyes. "Hurry, get that pup off the table !" shouted, the Doctor impatiently- "Let's.have the other>dog. -!" Dan was numb with. fright. Heý couldn't bear the thought of desert- ing Rags, whomn he had saved once before, from aà gunny sack tragedy, and yet, there was Tricks, who now s'eenied't0 hffitihe very living spirit of the sleeping' Rags. What was he to do ? ,Ci dren;, what 'would yo0ù do if vo:i Were Dan? Dorothy's Note Wins Thzis Week's A ward Dorothy Georger, 13 years old, 823 Asbland avenue, Wilmette, this week wins the one dollar award for her letter telling what she would do 'if seven, were thie :eading scorers for Oak Park.' Have Easy Time In the lightweig ht. gaine Oak !Park took a -10 to 6 lead at' half tiinte and then coasted along to a 30 to 21 vic- tory.- Ten Oak Park players scored, but the best any 'individual player. for the west side team couid do was five, points:« Falkenberg, New "Trier for- xvrd 2 i<Lh corer of the 4Tt1IP use talking. 1-e ro'led over on theelie bit the air, bis bat 'blew off. The 'n t me local 'stores. If I)oroti l,,ias and slently ,cried hintself to sleep. dog brk os and cbased aiter it.' no immediate use for tbe certiicate, ..Hello. Dan'!" shouted Rïchard. the and in 'a few moment laid it at Dan"s nerbaps lier parents will find ' h coni- son of tbe scbool janitor. wlien lie f eet. Dan was so pleased, hie sat venlient to give bier a dollar for the saw Dan tbe next morning leading down on the steps and stroked the certificaté and use it in shopping at the scbool. "What's the matter? It's dog's head, wbich the latter bad '\Vilniette stores. not time for scbool, vet !" ' wedged between Dan's knees. Dan Each week Mr. Hurst publishes uie, "Didn't your dad tel yoit?" replied pulled Rags' hall from bis pocket and or more letters written by reaclers, Dan,. gloorningly. "Father said for tossed it int the air. Tbe dog of the "Deeds of Dan" i1ý response nie. to .bring Rags over for yOU tO jurnped highand cauight it between tO the- question: "Children. what atternoon.' Thec enroliment of the college bas Dan's eyes nearly popped fri increased more thna 50 percent dur- their sockets.. "Going to cut hi tbe school year of.1932-33. The Pres- 'up-! " he sbrieked, gripping .Ricl ent enroîlment. is 1,250 st udents, r' an "You don't mean you-, kflhle teside teunconscious îMags, L'uruLuy Georger. wbo now looked likce a skinned rab- ïbit.' Mrs. John Rathbone, 523' Ablhots,- t "Is that my dog Rags?" moaned f ord road, Kenilworth. entertained 1 Dan, as he rushed towards the table. her bridge foursome. Wednesdav of_ > Rags was quite still, but breathing last week.

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