To SP; iig .Fa shion .Make for Yourself -No Moe Than the Cost of. the Yarn. ..,One QI These Stunning Netv Paris Models' Ev*ry on# of th.m .lookl1k. a million dollars, but y»u will fond thet they are, in reality,- decdedly inexp.nsv..Yoy'll finçi d . o t fin. rde., 1. $a&. iur p"a.amen M, fruly fas hionabl. fuis, Sprng, you'Il simply have fo wear à sfunnig hand-knift.d ouf fit. Miss Nancy Ferrali Newv York Yar,,craft Stylist workng i corjunction witb our permanentfinstructressi Mrs. Hawl< Yarncraft Studio TODAY, TOMORROW and SATURDAY. Miss1 *..will b. in Our rraill fiaddif1ori to e E njo ythe Di! 0f ,Hand-Knit sti nction Ombree Bouclette Looks Just Like Tweed! Oni Davis Street. Wilmefte 1100 Frocks, Suits, Sweaters Caps and Jauînry Scarfs I I I I I 4ýený.,