Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Feb 1933, p. 12

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church The musical service planned by Miss Erma Rounds, planlst and, director, ls as follows: Prelude, 'A. D, 1620," Mac- Dowel1.; Anthem, "Me. Faith' Looks Up To ,Thee," Schnecker, The Choir;, Solo, "*Today, If. Ye Wil! Hear His Voice,"' Rogers, Mr. Edward Otis, soloist ; Post- lude;'Grand Choeur" (Gregorlan), Guilmant. Our' Sunday school will. meet at 9 :30 0'clock. with classes for al ages. Y h e Women's: Bible ciass meets, at î:10'bclock, Mrs., Pritchard, teacher. The Daughters of Service c.iass meets at 721 Nlnith street,. Mrs. Veneklasen, teacher. The Men's Bible ciasà meets ai 9 :45 o'cloék, the pastor, teacher. The Session of the church. wiil mee t at 10 o'clock to recelve new mnembers. Ail who wlsh to join our church famiiy time. Junior church, ln charge of Mrs. Stan- ley Peterson, wili care for the littie folks during the church service. The Christian Endeavor soclety wil meet at 5:30 o'elock wlth Miss Char- lotte Esmond, 188 Church road, Win- .netka. I-orold Osborn wiIl lead the meeting, the tople being, "How Shall We Determine Our Ideals." Sunday Evening club wlll present Byron D. MacDonald, in the pictures on "New Odysseys for Old." Miss Matilda Utecht,.fleld director of the Baptist Misslonary Training sehool, will be the speaker of the afternoon. 0O-ut of her wide expérience in Amer- caization work she ihi. presýent the topic from an. entlrely newý angle. Hazel Bell Rlsk, weil-known soprano of Win- netka wi1Ll render a, group of Italian songs appropriate to the spirit of> the meptitg An unsuaily large attendance la eeted.; Be sure to make your lu n reserva-tions wIth your Link leader. TUE B. Y. ]P. U. We begin. a, new series ýof programs in' the Young People's meeting' next Sunday evenlng. *at 5 :30 o'ciock. The Devotional 'Life ýCommission Is sponsor- 1ig them.. The subect ila "Patriotisyn."1 Keep these other da tes In. mmd. On F'ebruary 12, wie wil, entertain the Austin B., Y P. U. On February. 19, we will' naiçethe.i trip to the Fi'rst Baptist chu'rch in' Chicago, where we wiil present the topic1 for their Young' People'g group. WORLD-WIDE GIJILD Regular meeting on February 6 Mon-r day. Dr. Ailison wiii be, the speaker.i A Slver Tea is to be heid on Sat- urday, February 11, at the church inv the Guid roomi to which anyone In-'t terested la invited.' There w111 be spe- 1 cialvocal numbers, and taik wiii bce given, -Journeying in Norway and 2 Sweden." Corne at 2 :30-brlng your.l "Technocr acy's Challenge to the Church" will be the subject'- of 'Mr. Hindley's sermon at the Worshbip serv- ice next Supday mo.rning at Il o'clock. The musical program for the service: next 'Sunday will be: Prelude: "Andantino"...Boeiimann Anthem: "My Defence is of God,". Huhn Offertory : "Pastorale"........Bonnet Quartet: '."By the Waters, of -]3abylon". .Coleridge 'oTaylor Postilude:,*'Finale" 'from "Flrst Sonata' ..... Borowski There lsa.a welcome for bdys and girls of ail ages in our iChu.reix School, wyhich meets as foilows:. Frimary,. Juni- ior, Intermediate, and HighSchôoo de- 1artments at 9 :30 a. m.Ë, Beginners and Nursery departments ot 10 :45, contin- uing through the church service. Fnlday, February 3, members of the and' sewing at the home of Mrs. F. A. Wilson, 1118 Centrai avenue. Mrs. Wilson willi have as assisting hostesses Mrs. James Elvin and Mrs. I. R. Adkins. The board of trustees will hold itb reular meeting on Monday at 7 :30, p. m., in' the church parior. Mrs. Fred 'Parry, 622 iNapie avenue, wil.l open her home for a meeting of the Crescent circie Tuesday, February .7. Luncheon wlll be 'served at 12 :30,' foiwdby an afternoon of sewing. Mrs. Fred Rice will be the, assisting The SundaY echqool wiii neet. as usual at 9 :45, o'ciock. Al çhildren between t4be ages of three and the high sebool àge are invited. MetkodistChurc Lake, and Wlmette Avenues Rev., Oscar Thomas Oison, D D., minîlster. The. mlnister's sermon theme for the il o'ciock worship, service next Sunday morning wili be '«Our mission: T Demonstrate, ChristianiY." The Music for âext Sunday Morning is as fOlloWs: Organ Prelude- ".Largo" (Concerto Grosso) ... -an .del "In Paradisum"...... ...... Duboisz The Anthem-".'B ess Thou the Lord; O 0My, Soul 1"...........Ivanoff The, Offertory-"'Thou,-.O Lord, Art My Shield"4........... ... Stevenson The Organ Postiude- "Finale" «<Third Soýnata) .Alendelssohn ,Te ligh Sekool-league wilU meet Sunday evening at 5 :30. Miss Irene Truekenmilier and Miss Hazel Ward, returned missionaries fromn India, wil .present a colorful program in costume and music called "Bright Lights of India." A social hour will foiiow. The "Church Night" program begins tonight. Thursday, February 2, and wil continue for ten Thursday evenings, up to and inciudlng April 6. The schedule is as foilows: 6 :30-7 ;30-Cafeteria dinner and social a ne tf mai *JAvni ,ue fld.jtist echutUn Our mld-week meeting will be held ln Aurora. on Wednesday evening,' ai the Woman's club rooms. We will study Psalrn 42 The International Couticil of Religlous and 43, Songs of a Dlsheartened 'Sou!, Education meets in Chicago nexi week. We Invite you to meet .wlth us. ' '- Members 'of this church are reminded The Womans Presbyterian soclety o! to bring in their risslonary mite boxes the Pneabytery of Chicago will meet flext Sunday. Friday, February 3, ai Flrst, Pres- byterian chunch' of Austin, Waller ave- Miss Emmna lrodbeck, our niisslonany nue and Fulton street, Chicago, ai' 11 to China,' bas consented to e Lw~ith usr o'clocic. Luncheon reservations' mày Le some Wéednesday evening ln March to made thnough Mrs. 'Frank- Eager. taik 'to us on the subjeci: "How the Laynxan's Inquiry' Looks to a Mis-' P. n.',' in the church. A fine' program the ModernHoIde and School." Leader will be giveni, including motion p'icturés Professor Frank M. McKibben of North- of 'a "Dude" ranch. This la the out- western universlty. This gnoup wiii b. standing event of the year 'o os of particular interest to teachers in the aInd their dada. rby church' school and parents interested ini deaiing with the Bible. Friday, February 10, is the date for 'roup II-,ContemPorary Litenature the next meeting of the Woman's Guild. and Its Meaning for Today." A serles Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock of book reviews touchlng fields Of con-. by the East .End circie. The North- temfporany lnterest in fiction, biograp4y, west cincle will have charge of the work and religion. Chairman: 1%r. J. 'R, 'and 'program. Harper. & u~u -1 ... . . . . .....oe.i e I. U -U , a'-4' M e'--'J - - - - - -....-. . ~ A h i -17ex Inerstig eeing ae oentoCommunion -' elebrated. The church da-y .nghtat o'iock. iA cho ail.' I Senior choir rehearsal Frlday evenlng' service 15 at '11 o'ciock. will Le held Fnlday evening, Fg at 7:15 o'clock.'I 3, at the home of Mr. and Mr THEnk SUradl h e ue NDdaye enlgFeruay Thible d ndaconeencn eing b foheld I-1.rThayr 2 asrr Frank Shrlnda t ShOOL 'r O uda ennFer r5 Thible dnday neenc ing me egfrld lwot.Tayr12Rasrro intendent of the Senr-7Aduit depart- 5:30 o'clock we.wlll organize a Junior. February 9, at 7 *45 o'c)ôock at Dr. Wil- (Contlnued on Page 16)> Thurs- r arty ýbruary, S.Wil- I. Ken-l

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