'Mr. Ksoch will show the group rue library, and will emphasize the initer- esting architectural features of this Most. recent addition to the modern gothic. buildings 'of the. north shore; the interesting windows containing medallions, depicting the story, of books and. learning planned by. Mr. Koch; and the beautiful 'carving i wood and stone' which have been clone for the interior. Aftertouring the libra 1ry the group will go to the treasure room ancithere will sce anilexhibition of illuminated manuscripts from the, collection, o C. L. Ricketts of Xilrette,. father, * ofMrs. A. T.,Goodman and of MUrs. Jas per King. This collection,, after those of J. Pierpont Morgan in New Y'ork and that in the HuntingtonJh- * brary at Pasadena, Calif, is the rnost expensive of L.at in illuminated manu- scripts in flic Unitcd States. M.R'ckets s hias purchase t ie nuaiiuscripts together after a period of forty x'ears and they form a unique grýoup in that thev 'have been brought toehron thebai of their artistie interest and mient, radier than fromn tcli (>ia nhicuarlaii. or collec- * " lxvr i p ont( iC . AT SKATING TOURNEY *J. Il. ] iiu gaulglî ani lison, 811)) le (f 1012 La1ke avcnue, Gcorgc Grucîi of 1706 Wallnut avenue, aiid Nlariorie aîîd Elsi1e Pateroîî etof 1025 U<. i i av-enue , nîetorcd to, OconOioow OL. \Vis., last ,weck-eiid to witnc'es td'e National Outticor 1ce Skatingd n iolisip. TO ATTEND PROM Miss Mdarjonie Smnith of 337 WVash- ington avýenue, will spend 'tis week at Madison attending the Juior 1prom ait thie University of Wisconsiu., One of lier sororitv sisters, Miss YJeai ette Woodlev of Toledo, spejît this past ýýeek-end wýýith bher as her * guest. the L.ogan scnoot. This meeting wiii be held. in the. auditorium of the Howard school àt .3 :1 5 o'clock.' On 'that occasion the association wîll have as guests of honorý the' past presi- dents of. the association includ«ing Mrs. J.ý R. Harper,' Mrs. Williinl Durgin, Mrs. R., Merriam' , Mrs-. C.*,A. Wheeler, Mrs. H. I. Shaw, Mrs. Charles \Vhite- hili,. Mrs. Harry D el ander, Mrs. Don- ald' Maxeil, Mrs. H. A.' Stornis, Mfrs., Otto Von der Hoff, and Mrs. J. _V.: Smnith.> Pr sdents, of other \Iinet.te e hr associations are also heing ÎiM'îted, including Mrs., Loweil Snori, Central-Laurel P. T. A.; Mrs.- Johin J. Tnacey, St. Francis P. T. A.; and Mns. joseph Reagan, Higlicrest PT .A. The program . will. consist of a pag- eant in lhonor of Fouiiders' day, and a candie lighting e-erenotiyengage(] inl by thie past presidents ývith piano accom- paiiniment by Mrs. E. J., DevIlin, nhnsic chairinan. M\ernl)ers wiII be givcn an ol)portiinitv to conitribute te the' Fonn- 'ders' (lav ftud wh-ichi is used for the work (i' the Ilineis Conigress of Par- cit> al i' eachers. The >ai-'t~adPre-school.cîrcle wil 'Il met TIuesdav. JeruarV 14, at Iihe h<,înle of M'rs. . G. Petry, 1207 Six- tctenth street., at 8 o'clock. Nutrition. \\-hxc~~Ill be disctuissed.. 'Malinut avenue. On T esday, Eebruary 14, at 10 YOUNG GIRL TAKES IRON GANS TEN POUNDS Bvrie rov 'ge 12, -as badly un- d'vveiht.After takîng Vinol (iron tolluc) she gained ten pounds. it gave uer appetite aild rosy chieeks. Chil- crei' like NViinol, Renneekar Drug Com- The Mother's club of St. Josephi's schiool will have a card party Tues- day evening.-' February .14, at 8 o'clock. The're .will be. bridge, 500,' 1)unCo, euchre, and "66." Refresh- ment s will be served. George bj. Martin, six-.year old son of the. GeoIrge Butler Martinis of, 1046L CU mwood avenue, had his. tonsils. rc . înoved. Thursday of last wek 'and is- recovering satisfactorilyý. Mr. and'Mrs. john Marshag Rr>- er.s,. 528 -Xar wick roadý, KeniIwg th ent'ertained a few- friends for dinner SaturdaSnight-, fjnuary 28. rrain. No. 119, Green Bay Express of hcao& North Western nailway, Iteaving Winnetka at.8 :24 A. M. wvl1I stop daily on advice to agent for pas- s-ngers destined for Milwaukee and lh(yofld. No. 402 and '216 'wil toatÔ'~$t Winnetka at 6 :35 P. M. 'and 8 :35 P. M. to discharge passengers from Milwau- kee and beyond. AfIv. GOLD We lbuy old gold, silver andt Platlnum, goIê teeth and broken jcwelry. RIgbest prlee-free esti- mates. D, PAGLIARULO Jeweler 11'6WILMETTE AVEINUE t i DÉily Dinner 350 Il '.Sunday Dainer 500. RESTAURANT end, LMB CONFECTIONERY 601 Main St. 67 I.ai.t w, tA. IViluiette Ceai1 Materliai Yard 1301 Lake Avenu. Phone Wilmett. 420 to Thursday, Friday, Saturday MIDDIENDORF BIRos Lake Avenue at N. W. Tracks i Wilmette Unversity 2186 235 RIDGE ROAD Also ONIONS, 50-1b. bag for 35c Phone Wilmette 5304 I Wilm.ff.s ~raph