Anyone who so desires may maike use of this funeral home. It was created for the use of those we serve. 'jAÎ 'UNImMM, "The House of Personal Service" 1118 GREENLEAF AVEî. WILI%'IErE 654, 554 CENTrER ST. WINNETKA 404 Our Mortuary i& Equipped with a Pipe Organ The Oldest .Established Undertakers. on the Imtnediate N orth Shore Superior Ambulance service Licensed. Lady Assistant UNJFImM-TIIMPItIAWRnE This man use'd to boast about the mileage he got fro m his' gasoline; 110W he's a rooter for our fuel. It maintains that uniform temperature 'so necessary to health and comfort. It is decan, convenierit, economical-try it. Phone your Wilutette Coal & Ma terial' Yard 1301 LAKE AVENUE PHONE WILMETTE 4200 M . -E~I I - I 740 0696 rM