*ducts the class which was having its regular session that evening. Maryý Pearl Wil liams, Virgin .iaý Howe, Janle Krause, Ruth Mervis, janet-Colvin, Charlenie 'Driver, Pegg9y Ketcham, Stephe.n johnson, Bob, Evans5,, Landon Tayltor,, Edwin, and Jirn Weckler. assisted with the enter- tainimeflt. 11r, and Mrs. George L. Holloway atid 11rs. WVilliam Kinney. were chap- erons. Higherest Bseer Top Glenview Players The Highcrest sCbo wa v1C- :tariaus in three out of four basketball gaines with the Gtenview~ school last- Friday night in tbe Highcrest gymn- niasit4m Parents were invited to at- tend tbe series of games, and the proceeds will be used to help pay lor new basketball suits that have becai purchased for the Higlbcrest. boys and girls' teams. *New suits for the boys arrived t.he daY of the game, and the boys' first teamn celebrated by trouncing Glin- ie,14 ta 3. The Higbcrest boys' second team also ivon. 5 to 0. [n a . bard-fougbit gaine, the girls' 6irst team of Hizhfre'st scrrpeded in son ot Winnetka, treasurer. Thé board *of directors is headed by Nat Armet, c lub. champion for the pýjiSt two seasons., Other directors are the four officers. and George. IL, Martin of Winnetka and George E. W'ells 'of Chicago. This seasonl Mr. Wells also wil be 'chairnman of th>-e lbouse com- mittee, which, bas :charge of, arraniige- mients for social affairs. Under. a new pIaài wbich has 'been worked, out, a meinbership in the Wilmètte Golf club can be secured at' a. low rate and the annual renital fee can be paid in' te-n monthly instal- ments. Membership is non-asscss- able and 'inàcludes playing privilegs for the member, b is wife and, junior, members of. thé familv UI) to, tbe age, of niineteen -yi.ars. ARRA*NGES t1tLE BRIDGE Mrs .C. D. Ewer is in charge of ar- rangements for the'benefit bridge tea tbe North -End circle of the Congre- gational church is giving Wednesday, February 1, at 2 a'clock, at the home of Mrs. Harvey Craig, 716 Lake ave- nxue, MMTinette. MNr. and Mrs. James C. M.\urraN,. 433 Cuminor road, Kenilworth, re- turned Iast week from a three weeks' Iwo lnelpers every W ecnesclay to the Economy shop. In return for thut. serv- ice the. Woman's club gives the Health center one-sixth- of the shop 's profits. And sb op success means,.more nioney for. health. work. If yau.can make a contribution tci the Eçonomy -sbop, in the form of ctothing, furniture or 'aîîytbin g your home no longer needs, you.nlay think thalt you bave a part in swelling tbe "emergency fund, wlich is so important- now, 'for glasses, cod liver oul and tonsillectorries. The board of directors of the Health center, wishes toý thank contributors to thé shop and asks' for geneérous, ';ym- patbetic giving ini the future. At ptesent nien's&ctothi sg seems to be the. crying necd. The zext lilfant be beld f roin 2:30 Februa'y 8.-& Welf are ta 4:30 clinlic il o .clockon The dental clinic is openi each Tues- (la), morning 'fropm 9 a'clock tuitil noon. 'l'le Howvardl school dental clinic is huld f roni 9 o'cl'ock until noon every Tbursdav. The next chest clinic wili be beld on1 the third Mondav i Februarv. Anycne neediiig care or interested in the work wvill he Most welcomie. wedding marcb the young couple de- scended' the st airs to take théir places for the wedding ýservice. The Rev. James. T.. Jones, pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian chUrch, officiated at the ceremonywhich *as .performed before an improvised altar of2 evergreens among which 'were candelabra -bearing tati white cathe-, dral candies. Pedestal baskets -of poinsettias stood in each :side. "The Indian Love Cali" was played softly during the service. *The -bride, wore an afternoon go wn, of gray crepe with touches of brown, and -brown accessories. She carried. an arm bouquet of Talisman roses. Mrs. Church, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William Bogart. and a granddaughter of J. Z. Schultz, presi- dent of the, irst Nat&iional Bank of Stevenson, is a graduate of the Stevenson High scbool and a student at the University of Alabama. She is pledged to Theta Upsilon sorority and bias been. a popular member of the younger set of Stevenson. Mr. Church attended Purdue unit versity and is a senior at the Univer- sity of Alabama and a member of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. The bride and brideoeroom. left im- reeci the games. Thursday of this wveek the High-ý crest girls' teami wilt play 'Morton Grave at Morton Grove, while the, boys will go ta Niles Center for a zaine with the Lincoln school Friday. 'Mrs. Oscar E. Oison, 2430 Glenview raad, with ber two children, liiez and' Carl, left on Tuesday of last wveek for San Francisco, Cal., ta visit MNIr'. andi Mrs. Alex Han Mrs. Artbur Haynies, C. Etîgler, and Mrs. Blackwood. naî, Mr. atid Irs. ..WIlianm Charles K. -a- Mfr- and I'Mrs. John Bovîston, 1302 Cbestnlut avenue, , accampanied b3ý their daughters, Mrs. Hallis Gleason of Wilmette, and Nirs. Ray Rennec-' kar af Winnetka, sail February Il. on the Conte Grande f roin New Yark, .ponstans of 321 Meirose avenue, Kenilworth. She 'was accom.panied by Afis~s Eleanor H iss 0ai Nontclair, N.- J., who camne ta visit Mliss Bar- bara Erwin of Kenilworth. --- Walter Bottbof and his son, Low-, ry, 156 Abingdon avenue, returned ta, Kenilworth January 9, f rom , Palmi Springs, Cal., where they spent the holidays with Mrs. Bottho-f and 'ghir- 1ORTY CLUB, MEETING The Forty club, of wbich Mrs. W. G. Morgan, 925 Forest avenue, is presideni. is meeting for diinner and bridge this Saturdav with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lewis of Lake Bluff. New miemibers af the club recently admit- ted are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schuettge of Wilmette and Dr. and Mrs. James McLeav and Mi. and Mrs. E. -M. -wood avenue, w: bridge dinnerS ier Saturday. -- -o- - Mrs. Harry 1. Williams, 205 .0: 4erriil, 1116 Green- road, Kenilworth. entertained t entertain at a small bridge club last Monday at the iturday. man's Athletic club. ~o.. liber motb'er, Mrs.. fHighland Park. ry Hoffman Of. meeting will be ker in Highland, on. The next xs, John Bar-