Tuesêay, January 31 7 p.m. Men's basketball. '"B" league. Hoffmann Florists vs. Bas.keteers. Howard gyninasium. 8 p.m. Men's. basketball. "B" league. WViberg Drugs vs. Hornets. How- ard gymtnasium. 9 p.m.. Men% basketb all,. "B" league. Hilis Service Station vs. Van -Peu- sens. Wednesday,, February .1 6 p.m. Boys' basketball. "C" leagrie. Lights vs. Sea Lions. Howard gy- nlastuin. 7 p.m. Aero club for boys. Stolp1 gymniasiumn. i p.rn. Men's baskethall. "A" league. HofmnnFlorists, vs. State Batik. Howard gymnasîum.. 8 p.nx. Men's- basketball. "A" leaguie. NI. Y.- P. D. vs. St. F'rancis. Howard gymnasium'. $p.m. Meni's basketb' all. " 13' eagaw, Amnerican fLegion vs. Y. P. C. Stoili gymnaszum. 9 pm. Men's basketball. "A" league-. Lynapn Texacos vs. K. of C. How ard gymniiasiumn. 9 p.m. 'Men's basketball "A" league. Mfethodist vs.. York. Stolp gymi- n asiutnî. i p.. rsda4 February Z' ýgyninasiuni class. aiuni. ,s' uyniiiasitim class. How - in Area "D"i, and many others prom- mnent. in childwelfare. activities., -lli- nois was represented .by the state president of the auxiliary, Mrs. Mel- ville Mucklestone,, the. department family relief chair man',, Mrs. H., Se- welI, the department child welfare chairman of the Legion, Dr. Charles Schott, and the department child wel- fare, chairman -of the auxiIiary. Dr. Beatrice Hawkins. In their child, elfare work, the ILegion i.and Auxiliaryare doing some of their mnost, outstanding- serv ic e. Energetically, harmoniously, the two groups work toward one main ob-- jective,,namely, to obtain normal, liv- ing' conditions for gll children.' In 1924, the national child welfare di- vision was', organized and head- quarters éstablished in Indiana.polis. The union wvas divided into, five t.areaLs," of' which Area "D" comprises thirteen 'central'" states. This was local area. Two projects %%ere. chiefly stressed, that of opposing anv legisiation which in the nime of ecônomny ad- vances nieasures which mnay prove in- jurious to the wvell being of children and( cause untold suffering to farnilies and chil.dren, and that of placing children in foster homnes uînder super-, vision instead of i institutions. XVhen the Legion set LIO its lna- of Wilmette, Illinois, at the close of busiess on the 3lst day of December, 1932, as showni by the annual report made b y the said bank as a trust company, to the Auditor of, Public Accçounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to Iaw, and'filed in, the office- of the said, Auditor of Publuic Accounts on the Eleventh dayof Janua-ry 1933. R.ESOURCES. Loans on àRe al Estate................ L.oanson Cèlëiêra1 Security........ Other Lans.................... Ov erdrafts ................. U. S. GQvernment Investmenits ......... Other Bonds and Stocks............... flanking, flouse, Furniture .and Fixtures... Other Real, Estate..................... Due f rom Banks, Cash 'and Other, Cash Resources .............. Customers' liability under Letters of Credàit Custôniers' liabilit>r accoù-nt of Acceptances.. Other Resources ....................... 2r5951.57 Total Resources................... 17EO64 LIABILITIES Capital Stock ........................... So. Surplus .. rofits. .... .......... .... 1 w-Po0 ., Undvidd Pofts Net ..... ......... 27,5834 Time Deposits .................... fIS SothBnd d., are speîîding a World -war an~equal- cha nce -w it h week ivitlx their dfaughiter and fainil .other c ilden C T secure improv- the Albert Xebsters. 1601 T'éi ith" ed and increased facilities for the street, fornierly of Keniilworth. 'lie care and protection of chiildren,-thnrs Hastings arrived SaturdaV. benefitin»g1 not only .children of vet- crans of the World wvar but aiding ini raising the standards of child wel- A soli, Dorrance Heath, was bor 1 fare generally." Sunday, Januarvý 22, at the Evanstoît hospital to -Mr. and M.\rs. Edmvar:l Xrs. W. MNcKentzie, 1447 Edge- George of Sycamiore, 111. This is thitir1 first child. Mrs. George is the formier wood latie, XV'iiunetA-a, ,vill entertain Helen Nygaard of Wilmette. lier bridge club Fridav, januarv 7. Reserve Accounts.....................**"*'* Bis Payable ...... ........ Re-discounts....... ........ Letters of Credit................... Banik Acceptances........................ Other Liabilities.'.7........... Par ............ .~ . . . . . .$ l7 O l . Subscribed and 1933. (SFAL.) sworn to before Phono Univoe.ity 3353 y comsn expires Novembr6 94 6,275.0