Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jan 1933, p. 36

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H-e .%as iormeriy vice-presicient of, Mexican colony); a 'Mexican dinner; sion b-as in-stal-1led telephones in the the MacLean Drug company operat- v isits in Mexican shops, and a -fiesta. United States Air Weather bureau ing fiftéeen stores, ail of *hich, with. Various lectures will be hieard during offices at Chicago and Moline, Ili., the exception of two in Evanston. the day St. Louis, 11o.,-and. Evanisviiie', md. wverelocated in Chicago.. The tour begins at 2 o'clock and By means'of this new service twen- likel&:His North, Shore iil conlclude at 10 o',clock. ty-four hour per -day. weather in>- Disposing of these interests, he Ote eoclaio rp pno-formation will be: available for pilots, resolved to give to the north shore,, ed by Dr ekicue"SneE-wonay eall the. nearest air weather and Indian Hill in particular, the fet. fteDpeso"Fbur bure au. office,. coliect,. fromi any place ver fnes dugstoe osibl Wth4; "Russia 'in Chicago and -the. So- f*Ilnifo the purpose of ob- rcost restriction" elimlinated. ..ve"Fbur l Ie Ida taîning.weather'information -for pro-> On November 1, last year, he pur- Probiem andCGandhi"-March 25, posed 7fiights. chased the. Indian Hill_- Pharmacv. . The telephones are listed.under the from S. H. Barnhart,: since which ieetusaeopnt i ei naine, "Illinois. Aeronautics Commis- lime the work of remodelling and dents Of the north shore and further sion Xeather Service," and the num- equipping with its specially desigeinfrainmyblbandb aI bers are as -follows:-in Chicago, Pros- fixtres as een nderay.ing: Dr. Beck at University 7582. pc 60 in Moline, Moline 420: i The.'store, cornpletely. and newlv re- EvansvilIe, Evansville 2-4986, and in. stocked, will be throwi.n open for busi- Children WTi1J En y St. Louis, Avery 570. ness Saturday of this wýeek, with the. In 'commenting on this. new ser .vice formaI opening date announced'-for Winter Day in Dunes for pilots Mr. Landis said :-"Ii is Saturday, Februiary 4. Invitations will The sixth and s eventh grades Of the hope of this commission that this be maIed to the latter event, whien the ChiiIdren's sch<od, National Col- service wil be of ge-tiie value- tô appropriate favors will be given to lege of Education, are making an ail- the pilots of Illinois and that it wil bis guests.- day trip. to the sand dunes of In- be used wvhenever satisfactory Fixtures in Mahogany diana Friday, january 27. Viggo weather data is not available locaily. The floor of the hew store is done Bovbjerg, director of physical educa- The service is possible through the in tinted tarrazzo with the walls tion, will lead the way along the Lake cooperation of the United States ànd celing also in harnionizing t ints. over the famous oid Indian Trail, and Weather bureau." t- -The fixtures, throughout, are oi after "camp" bas been made for the _________ Honduras mahogany, featured by W. day, the boys and girls ivill collect A.- oraura ecgnze ladrin science juaterial-lichens, moss, rocks, Head of Airpiane Radio - drug store designing. etc., under the direction of Wilson Firm G igtoEuoeg In th-e drug departmnent, a case MNcGrath, instructor -ini science and G ig Erp aIla *'ie west wl is11 s rmouhn-tp;l matheniatics. The group is especially, William Lear, head of the Lear De- t ai ~iiuaiapons, irepor ts Imat meLin-1J mitéee has recommended the in- auguration of a national- Légion, air racing foundation. . ,Final approval of the proposai rests with the finance and executive 'coin1- mittees of. the Legion,'s national :or- ganization, with headquarters at In- dianapolis. Somne1 action. on the, matris expected in the near future. - The air. racing. foundation would, according ta plans, promote 'civil aviation in al its .branches- becau5e of' its value. as an adjunct* to thé Le-* gion's national'-défense program. Plans for the Legion's 1933 nation- 7al air mieet,jto,,ho eld:-at one. of the north shore .'air ports in connection with the national Legion convention in Chicago the first week in October, were discussed at the meeting last week in Indianapolis. It is. expected, that this ineet m-iIl draw the largest- crowd that bas ever witniessed suicl an event ini the Chicago area. In ad- dition to the large numnber of dele- gates to the Legion convention, the air meet also will draw f rom the thousands of other visitors who wil be in Chicago for the Cenitury of Progress exposition. 'Major Schroe- der, who conducted the American Le- gion air meet f or--the Cook coun-ty counicil- of the Legion at Sky Har- provided for the cosmetic depart- mnent, completely stocked and- in charge of an expert cosmetitician. The cigar department, at , the north end of the store, comprises, in addition to a modern displav sec- tion, the Iatest improvemieîts in humidifying systems. Circulating. Library On the east side of the rocimi, at dmen wîîî -transport the group in cai and in addition to serious work the %viIl be the pleasure-of a winter's à in the open, with roaring fires ai good things to eat. Scout Leaders Pattern Lear plans to inve and air travel iin E German, Russia, Itý particuiarly with refi apparatus,. He expei about May 1. Curtiss Staff M ýate airports Sky Harbor Clubhouse and, France, and Spain:- The Sky Harbor airport ciubhouse ice to radio vvas the scene of the first of a seriesý to be back of weekly winter dances sponsored- bv- the Club Corrado ou Dunîdee road last Saturday night. Music xvas fumnished by the No.rth Shore Syn- ibers - copators. The management of the a Kasasto hoid dances at- the modernistic ,ounitant. at Sk- Harbor clubhnic evrprv air antique muarble toîps and' providing 4 nursday, a gencrai tour, ot anthrop-- - a seating capacity of 50 are features oligical, botanical, geological , and PLAN 'IS REBUILT VISITS CURTISS AIRPORT of the fountain and luncheon service. zoological exhibits; and Friday, "Ro- -Finishing -touches are being put on Herb Anders on, former flying in- - - - man Hall." Parties for these tours, Wayne King's recently rebuilt Bel- structor- at Ctirtiss airport and now Mrs. A. J. Taylor, 835 Central ave- conducted by staff lecturers, assemble lanca at Pal-Waukee airport. The with Trans-American airways as a nue,1 was hostess to lier luncheon at the north entrance. -'The tours are uph-olstery work was being completed bind flying instructor, was a viysitor bridge club members- last Tuesday. ýopen to ail museum visitors.- the latter part of last week. at -Curtiss field last Thursday.

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