of New York's Automnobile Show Week N EWYRKERSsaw t durngtheur Auto Show and applauded Now'ha Chicago's show is.opening youcan see the Packard Hll of Pfecision,, the greatest exhibit of its kind ever presenited. And you'l see it with the orig- inal casC' intac-with every feature that-was shown in.,New York, from re cîSion instruments tQ famous motors and trophies hhs otr ele owin In this exhibit are marvelous devices thatenable Packard engineers, and. craftsmen roÈerry. accuracy of manufacturée ro an almost ,incredible, degree.. A. machine that, through the use of light rays, measures to a millionth of an inch. Sales that weigh the-ink in a signature. A device that measures the volumeo sound in a whisper. You wili also want to sece the cars that these rcision methods make pos- sible. Sece themn at the nearest Packard showroom. And by ail means drive, one over some road you know by heart. Compare it with eve&y ohèr Ine car 1933 can offer you. We believe you will agree that the new Packards are not only the finest cars Packard bas ever prgduced, but the finest cars America bas ever seen. PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY 0F CHICAGO PIOFESSORAUGUSTrE PJccAI inspects the Packard LowELL THomAs, famnous author, watches an engi- Light Ray' Machine which checks precision gauges ne eg eiki i intr.Teesae r to oe-mllinthof n ich.accurate to one five-millionth of a pound.