awarded J)v unamnous consent toj Elma FEhrlich Lev' jger of Coumbus, Ohio for "The Bride 'Maiden" iwhich wvas considered an outstanding play. The cominiitec considcxred this pia% too dràniatic for Sisterhood presenta- tion. and clecided tol give a second prize to "Deaf by Choice" wý7ritten b) Mtiss Ruthieda 4. Pretzel of Glenl- coe.' a play ritten cpcilvfor %woneli's clubs and eiuentlv ftted for production- bv mernbers. This playý is 'to- be produced atý the finlal spriîi n metinig of the Sisterhood with aà splendid cast. Art TaIk and Music for MacDowell Society Hazel Crow Ewell of Raeinia wilI' talk, on "Sumiàner Art ini Chicago,*" at' the first .Meeting this year of thé! MaIcDowell 'society, to be held at 8 :30 1 Tucesday ievening, at the. home of Mrs.' *Dwight Orcutt, 786 Greenleaf ave-ý nue. Glenco0e. The Swigart trio_ wvhose menmbers are George. and4 Estelle Swigart' and Pauline *Mfan- clhester, ivili play several groups be-j fore and after 'Mrs. Ewell's talk. Cercle Francais Plans. Loomis Pulies Photo George Harold Rigler of Keil. i uorth,- pictî>red here; te>zor o! the Foutrt& Presb)yferiae church o! Chi- cago, ii:>to stng -upon the c ccastio 01 the cninnal's klight of the Ncighbors of Keniftt-'rth--zwhich zvllbe àe4d q* the Kenilu-or'h club Tuesdav, January 31, wiî, th Williamn Raine y Bennett, zotIl knou.n Ihmor- isi, as the ipuest speaker. Mr. RigIer will include on his pro-ý Soiree, "Une Nuit ýParis>' gramn a song, "My People," the words Le Cercle Francais of Chicago is of which are an as yet unpublished entertainiiig at a soiree called "Une IpoemI, America to 17er People," by Nuit Paris" this Saturdav lu Curtis Anne Higginson Spicer (Mrs. V. K. hall of the Fine Arts b)uilding-, 470 Spicer of Kenilworth), which just has South 'Michigan avenue. The time been set to music by Phyllis Fergus, -MI 1 - Q 1 comoser,* who is Mn. Thatcher Hoyt SECOND-They nmus+ be as smairt ... service and si Mrs. Foster isnow in New. York buying our. new -Sprng things. We wotild be de-. ighted to ha~ve you corne into the-shoP ând talk over this question of your Spring anidSummer. clothes, so that we tan wite her suqestions es to types, colorsend sizes and have. a number of models spe.- daly chosen to submit for your consiclera-, tion. THE SPORTS SI-O.P HUSSARD WOODS 976 LINDEN AVENUE in -the Montmartre district. of Pari; with their' customiary songs and dances. There will be scenies inside the cafés and on the sidewalks. The affair will be particularly enjoyable, to those interested in Frenchi. Pro- ceeds will go to charity. Tickets miav be obtained froiniMs Frank P. Witmore, 644' Abbotsford road, Keniilworth, wveek. Members of the social comrittee, of which 'Mrs. H-oward, W. Jordan is chairman, wvill act as hostesses. On January 17, the members of the, club had a most entertaining address by Prof. Ralph Dennis of the School of Speech at Northwestern uni versity, on "Salvaging fleautfy." Professor Den- nis urged his audience: "To make it a glorious adventure- in seeking beautyl at a luncheon at ber homen dyof this nth streè~ Monday OfE th' iaother bri, Janry27. cand wîll be hiostess at foursonie on Fridaýv. 8998