Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jan 1933, p. 30

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*About one hundred of their friends gathered to offer their felicitationis and were received, flot only by the two guests. of honor, but by their children, and ,grandchildren. Their son and bis wife,, Mr. and- Mrs. Nate S: Aelyand their children, and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.-XVthers, 'with their chui- dren, stood at, each side of the receiv- ing Iite:- The roonis %ere filled withl beauti- fui flowers sent. to ;Mr. and Mrs. Akely., These floral gifis included enormous baskets of Cuit flowers wvhich cani>e to thé latterfrorn the Womnan's- club of Ocean Srns Miss., of, which she is president.. The, sm ilax which. was twined about. the rooms*.also wasý sent, from Missis- sippi. Another gif t *was the enorni - ous wedding cake with its golden roses of spun sugar which was the ô1Yérfng of 'he HIi-makers club of which Mrs. Akely is a iuenber. The remerubrances of friends of the guests of honor included flot only. flowers and other gifts, but cards anîd telegranis and long distance phone calîs which were showered upon thern throughout the day. T%%ice during the evening, the Ak-elv trio, consisting. of Frances Akely, violinist; Blythe Akely, cellist, macde their home ancd where they still are %well known. .For the past few years, however, the south bas claimed. tlem; for they reside now ini Oceaîî Springs. They came nortb about five weeks ago for a holiday visit, making their head- q4uarters while here with their daugh- ter. While on the n orth shore, they have been extensivelv: entertained .by Opera company. The concert is.. given this year in lieu of a -play, wlîich has beenthe nmedium of addi ng to the build ing fund'for several sea-. sonis 'past. The personnel of, the conîîni ,ittee in charge of the concert includes Mrs. Paul B. Wagner, chairman, and Mrs. Harvey Bush,, Mrs. Charles ElVans, Mrs. A. L. Griinneil, Mrs. David Hall, Mrs. Walter H.,Magner.,Mrs. Halsey E. Poronto, MNrs.,F. J. 'Scheidenihelm.i ,Dr.'Alice..D. Tuttle,,auî'd Mrs. Walter Hor.ner. ' Mrs. H. A., Finne%. is wvavs and nîcans chairnian. Dinner Dance, Fiiday Te at Kenilworth Club Tefirst regular dinner dance silice early Decemiber is to take place at the Kenilworth club Frtc1ay. eveff- ing, Jaîîuary 27, witlh diiîer service* at 8 :30 o'clock. Hostesses for the affair are Mrs. Frank W. Ketcham and Mrs. R. Ward Starrettk "Stirring music and a splendid dinîner" are the club's inducements. The danîce conîmilttee of the Ken- ilworth club lias in its personnel, Mrs. Lawrence T. Mitten. chairman, as- Lancier, Jr., Mrs. Arthur Wakeley, Mrs. Harry Williams, Mrs. Leland Danforth, Mrs. Harolcd Schildberg. "Boys! Dads !" the club announces, -It's all set! Friday. February 3, is the day of Kenilworth's aniual get- to-gether for its fathers and sons." Week-End E vent s at will make up the mannequins and give ashort talk on care of the' skin and make up. A prize will be awarded each table. The tickets ,will b4 on sale Saturday. of this week and nqay beý procured f rom Constance Bersch, 1715 Walniut- avenue, Wilmette, or from. any club niember. Ail tables will b4e reserved.-- This *party is Iooked forward to as, one. of the oufstanding social events -of the, year. -The. next regular meeting of the, Junior 'auxiliary wvilI' be 'held on Thursday, February 9. Episcopal Circles. Meeting This Friday> The four circles of the Woman's guild of St. Augustine's, Episcopal chureh are mneetin~g Friday, Janixart 28. The East circle wil 6e entertain- ed at the home of Mlrs. Philip V. Bright, 73~1 Ashland avenue. The meeting is called at Il for sewing and luncheon will be served promiptly 'at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. Harry Davies and MIrs. Thoin- as Fullerton will asist as hostesses. The East circle is having its last meeting for the year toniorrow. Mrs. .Phiip Bright and Mrs. Perrv Sinith- home of Mirs. C. J. Horii at 418 Fif- teen.th street. It is .having a ýcard partyr just for circle members., The Northeast circle niembers ivill gather at the home of Mrs. Hubert Carleton, 1103 Forest avenue, for luncheon at 1. Assisting hostesses, a re Mrs. Joseph B. Marshall and MrS. George 'H. irA f heiciny the owners ot series tickets, the number of seats stili to be hiad is limited, and the play comnimittee ex- pects them to be ýsold out. shortly: .The Three Musketeers"' froin the classic story of Dumas is to be shown. It makes an especial. appeal to the high school age, because,,of its themne of high adventure and brave deeds. Yet the smaller ,children, can enjoy it tloroughly' because of its colorfuil picturing and swift, action. Thle cos-, tuming is. very1 good.. To miake sure. Of the nature of the presentation iMrs. Henry Brandt, chairman of the commiitte and -Mr s. J. T. Booz,1 co- chairnian, at tended a dress rehcearsal at the Little Trheatre . of the Dance. T1heyNwere very ýniuch pleased with this offering of. Miss Foley and: fecl happin luthe selection nimade. TVe cast is not the sanie a-- for "Cap>tives of the NMoon.," and includfes thirec of our fiorth shore children, twvo froin Wil.miette. STicket--, nay be hiai froni the coin- initt'ee in charge: Mrs. Henîry .1. Brandt and Mrs. Booz, and M,\rs. À. V. Gruhni, Mrs. Arthur Hall, NIrs. WV. S. Hedges, Mrs. Williamn F. florsting, Mrs. Richard Hosking, Nirs. Cliffordi Ives, Mrs. J. Robert McClure, Ms .Howard E. RinghIlolmn, 'rs. \Willim A. Richardson, ,.Mrs. Chlarles Rk.lPip- ley, and Mirs. Enoch Steen.. Ln I j uiorI4.~I axiry Ui me % vomII- an's club of Winîette is giving its annual reciprocity tea Sunday. jan- uary 29, from 4 until 7, at whichi time junior auxiliaries. of the Tenth district, Illinois Federation of Wom- en's Clubs, will be its guests. During the afternoon a prograni of piano music will be played l.y Robert Sheldon, who is said to be a briliant. young pianist. Ainong the guests of hionor will be Mirs. :Arthur J. Dix- on. nresident of the seniorrclub. who and Mrs. R. L. i Lakce avenue, n, on at 1 o'clock. Miss B wood avc rnembers-. luncheon ner r - Mrs. Joseph 0. Converse, 1610 1040 IEln- Highland avenue, entertained ail her ýss to the officers and chairmen of 0. 1E. S. coni- g club at mittees at a one o'clock luncheon and bridge on january il., atber home.

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