Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jan 1933, p. 24

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One of thé greatest. hits that ever sparkled on a Chicago stage was pre- sented at the Fine Arts theater on February 1l, 1915. This play Wgs suc.han instant success tliat no. lime was lost before a LNèw York company wvas formed with the well known ac- tress, Vivian Tobin. as its star. The New- York Production, was' also a great success ;anid ran for rnanyf months at the Booth.. theater. On Saturday,' Februaryý 4, it. wilI- be ýthe great privilege of the. .New Trier Dra- matic club to present this. classic as its Freshinant-Sophornore play. It is very unusual for professional dramnatic critics to rave about any, play. They are so saturated With draina that to thei even the best classics in Fnglish iterature seeni colorless an'd, lifeless. Therefore, whe any production brings unani- mous applause and acclamation froin t he columns of' the nation's magazinews and papers, that production muçt be good. "Alice in Wonderland" was lauded by every important publica- tion in the United States. Such lead- * ing magazines as* Vogue and Book- man were among the loudest in their praise. Childiali Story ?-Oh, No!. It nmight seem unusual to somne thiat these initelleetual and sophisticated1 lowing activities are off ered this se a- son: basketball, swimming, rhythmic dancing, and clogging.. Basketball. is headed by Helen. Shepard.' The. practices wil be as follows : Monday--seniors; Tuesday-ý juniors; Xednesday -freshien,; Thursday-.sophomores, and Friday- freshinen. Practices wilI be held. for about. four weeks beginning, Febru- ary 7 an& lasting until Mardi 3. From about March 6 until Mardi 31 the Adviser Roorn league wilI h'e, run off, and the followving week, lhe inter-class gainés willbelp!ayed. Any students ilerestèd in oficiaîing nmay report for la meeting in the gym lec- ture rooni-on Februiary. 7. The definite schedule for adviser room gaines will be posted February 28. The head of swimming is Barbara Wilde'r.' Al ttà9ýs wilI 'have thèir' practizes froin 3 to 4 o'clock on Tues- day and Thursday. afternoons from February 7 to March 2., Thé adviser room meets will be lield froi Marchi 7 to Mardi 30. Froin March 20 to March 30 will be the tryouts for the class leains. The class meets. will be heki froin March 3 to April 7.t Rhytlimic dancing, with Florencec Carev iii.charge, will be conitinlu eçi *versity of Arizona for three reasons. (1) Il is 'far f roin New Trier to%%n- slip.. (2) It is in a région of thé United.Stales that I like. .(3) It lias a comparatively -sinal enrolirnent witli lie variely of courses, and, high, class instruction thata state untivers- ity affôrds." Raîpli Sinsheirner: "Miamni niv.&ers- ity is my choice, 'mainly because* il offers ýan excellent course :for the work I plan-to take up. thlas a fine school, hf e.and spirit which I con- sider a big asset." Florence. Sellery: ",I hope to at- tend the. Connectîcut College for Women.' This college is in the E ast. It offers a secretarial. and a musical course and bas a> very, nice crowd of girls attending." Beth Mcllraitli: "I amn planning to attenld Connecticut vollege for sveral reasons. 1 have always preferred a small college i-n the East. ThIe lo- cation is ideal, being in the hieart of tie East, andi on the Tiames river and Atlantic ocean." Alex Newton: "The best advice is: 'Go wherever you can get in.' For the majority of people, 9 wlerever you can get in' narroWs things down to a rather undesirable choice.' I refer to miy own case in particular..* in ie tst t sais LAV AoI W v.IL -LI I njiiAn Deerfield last Fridaynight aI Win-. netka, wlien Frazer, r.eplacing Hall-.. quist who had left,,thegaine on four. fouis, sank two baskets in the Ilirce- minute overtime :to.maketlie final score, 32-30. Ný,ew Tirier led froin the start, and at, the haîf the score was 21-15, but the Iead graduglly dwinidled« in tie fourth quarter, and with only one minute Ao0 play,, skidmore sank 'a basket putting Deerfi eld, .i n'the lead, by one point. ',With the timer's gun in the air and his watch reading eleven and one-haîf seconds, Sinding was given one free throw which lie made, as the.gaine ended, tying, hie score. -Deerfield'Scares Fane Deerfleld took the lead in the ove r- time period wwhen HaitIbexg saiak a beauty from thie middle of the floor: Thin Frazer, who is a substitute for. New Trier and lias iad very little ex- perience this year, sank a -short one froin the left side of the basket, ty- ing the score again. New Trier took turne out with -)0 seconds left to play, and when thev starteçi again -Frazer got the bail a little to the righit of the free throw line and sank the winning basket making the score, 32-30. aclults. Therefore, when Alice Guer- ing Wédnesday froin 3:15, to 4 tenberg dramatized this classic, she o'clock, is ieaded by Helen Stepliens. did it witli an aduit audience in mmid. The junior or beginner-s' group, mnccl- Iî is said Ihat when Queen, Vic- ing the saine day froin 4 to 4:45 toria read "Alice in Wonderland" o'clock, is headed by Shirley Burnett. for the first lime, she liked il so much At the end of the season, thc regu- that she sent out to a book-store for lar awvards will be given to the girls ail the otier books by the, saine au- making teains. tior. Soon a servant returned laden wili. books. The queeii was over- jrM seCu a joyed. for she was looking forwardSeirM scCu a young gentlemen's going to coliege is to ai d theinselves in securing a. ,good job, alhougli. there are quite a nuniber tiat attend with a good excuse to enjoy theinselves at Papa's expense. I should prefer the tliree scliools mentioned above, as tiey are entirely men's institutions and are capable of giving you a fine educa- tion in numerous lines and are tlie best this country has to off er in high- er sdbolastics." of15 -points. Oak Park This Fraday Oak Park wlio was leading the Suburban league until beaten la$t Friday by Morton will corne to New Trier this Friday.. Su mmaries of the New, Trier (32) B F P .Sinding 5 1 il jo Clayton 2 0 4 AI Scott 2 0 4T4! Deerfield gane: Deerfleld (3o) Bpp hnston 2 2 6 lIen 0 1 1 [allberg 2 0< 4 ýansen '2 O 4 kidnore 7 1 15 scnoôo- in an way. rs another opportut -I Everybody had a "'swell" turne thankcs to Harry H. Herron, and the: club officers, it is announced. Satuirday,M will Ch, in any Way..

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