1 itemi and the girls swung f rom one old scout song to another, spirits'rising bigber wbeach song; this led to the sugges- tion that theý troop members sing for their. parents. some. time, ýwhich led to* plans fora. concert, to be held at some future date; for just nowthe girls areý Planning a tea for.their m'others to be givenl some tinie in February. Speaking of scout mothers, Troop 23 wishes to thank, its scout mothers for the help tbey gave atthe sewing bee at the. trOop's last meeting, when the moth- ers cnt out scout uniformns for the troop, and promised to see that they were mnade and on. scout daughters *by th e next. meeting. Perhaps "it is misleading to. thank the mothers for the "help" they gave-as a matter of, fact, they. did ail of the actual work, though many of. the* scouts stood by, lendng, moral aid *and willing to help should their as- sistance 4~ needed. Onicé more, Troop 23 says, ".Thank you-and God bless al scout mothers 1" No Sereams. for SnaJoes Troop 24 is presenting a unique na- *ture project-the girls bave slipped Înto the study of snakes, thus disproving, at least as far as scouts are concerned, that al'girls scream when a snake is mentioned. Last week, Miss Ortseifen *showed the troop the movie of a fight Troop 21 is also working on signal- ing-and does that particular second- class requiremeiit take work l Ask aniy scout! Aniyway, it has to be done, so most scouts grin and go after it, wav- ing the flags as if the future of scouting' depended on the vigor dïsplayed. For- tunately. there are also signaling games; Troop 21 nlaved several-so that 1the The reil <camper is an all-year-»roun;d camper like these Girl Scouts who are as adeptinj, keeping a rmn n witer as thry are in keèping cool in the sujnz er. Scouting Regarded f Several Games Played liend the necessity xor' constr action against delinquency' This forcefully expressed opinion of Herbert G. Cochran of the ju and Domestic Relations court, N( Va., over which he has presidh seven years. -To ýdo nothing to-prevent 'criul been to the Sixlanids. %NVell, anyw;ay, here are the words: Tinker Bell Pack M~re played two bean-bag relays, theû had a wýNater-pouring relay. The pack wasý then. di-ided, the nev Twveenies learnlingail about l3roWnlies, their laws, proise, etc. They also made 'Lenid-a-> Hiand" books.ý The older Twveenies. wokdwith B3rown, Owl on, more ad- vacdtestý work. andý the two real Brownies learned. how. to set a .table,, skip a figure'eighit. and, carry a -pan of water without spilling it. W~e 'aIl vent to Sixlands, and Brown Owl called on ecach one and, the Sixland. song was sung. We, then had a p(JWw wow and Brown OwI read .a 'Iunny story. 'hen we sanig "Let' Me Call You l3rownie- afl(l said zood niglt.-TawN-y Browuie Packc 2 Browniie Pack 2 made planls last week for scrapbooks *which they 'are going tQ, make at their niext meeting. They also enjoyed playling 'The Queen with a Headache" and wcre delighted to find how manyv Browniies really could be quiet eniough so as not to annoy the queeni. Then, too, each Six represented a diffe-rent season of, the year, and they live of ghtiul plays, tooi the filling these out, court ofhonor was __________ dgiie her olcorners we 'liad "colors" CamP " tunt ]ight" 019 and inspection. We played three gamnes. R vv db ro for Trhe first was a tag gamne andl the sec- e i dbyT o 1 ond a jig-saw puzzle gai-nt. The third Camp "Stunt Night" was re vived at was a' "code" game. They were aIl lots the meeting of Troop 1, Thursday eve- and o f f un. ning, January 19. Each patrol had to the The meeting wvas closçd with "Tlaps" prepare, in' any way it so chose, a sù.9ry [ail- and the Iowering of the Americani flag. of local interest or tradition,. and 1-n every meniber v iIIcre~ f ~J4~%. sh le best, e. -"F. M.H. L.. I stahdin world.' 1iriog, ill and under- women of the - 1 èveýy ýt ,there.i