Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jan 1933, p. 16

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for a wxîx to possession of, bauds, and sonie of their friends were there. Among those. whom,. we, saw wverc Mrs. Clarence, Clarke, .president of thc wilinette ,icaguïe, and lier mnother; Mr. and Mrs. -Shelby> M.I S .ingleton, Mrg. C. P. Evans, Mrs. .I. R. Adkinsg. Mtrs. Ira, Reynolds, Mr. 4ndý Mrs .. F. E. 'Parry. 'Mrs. Williami J. ýWeldon, and Mrs. John B. Boddie. whlo. now l ives ini the city. Decorations Effective Neyer have we secti the stage oi Orchestra hall, so'colorful and so at- tractivcly decoratcd as it ivas tlîat' 'Graceful, and intertwining sinilaxý casçaded over the tiers to cover the -entire back wall which wvas bright- ened with five large Amnerican flags grouped at eachi side of the center. -The frmmediate- bakoudfor-te speaker was a- simulated high hbox- hiedge wall with the national enmblein1 outlinecl at its center. At each side stood pyramids of Madonna liles. Memibers of the state league board acting as hostesses hield an'informnai ire ception on the stage as they grected their guests of honor, the consuls of foreign nations and their wives. a-id uishered theni to their seats ini the sections desiinated Imv ropes of greeni. i strar, National Coýllege of lducra- tion', zho lias been at T'cachlcr.e cûltge, Columîbia ?iiin!ersitX - oiu leave of absence during the p(.st seinester, lias'completed thlecrc'quIre- nients for thie ntaster's degrt',e and is retirnmiig ho rcsuinn hep, work at the collegc. iMiss Helene i)azis, aIs- sistant registrar, lias carried on the w~ork in Miss lfcElilrovs absece. Vie.p fir wiIl flot begin for some time.. Recent "'s" v'ac-* garden books available at the library On the basJ5 of comparative scores, include the folloNving: the wý'estI side boys niust be consid- Ortloff-Garden Maintenance. ered favorites.- T'hey won' from Ev Ranisey-Garden Pools, Large and aso,1 o1,atrEaso a ]Roberts-Atierica4n Plànts for Arnerican ilup New Trier 34 to 24.Lat Gardens. week Newv Trier noscd out Deerfil. Roekwell-Rock -GardehA. Rush-Ignoranius Gardien Book. 32 to 30, while earlier ini theý season Wright--Gat-dener's Bcd Book. Oâ k Park won from Déerfield, '36 to SmÙith-Wbt C.eater flelight. 21. Morton, w'hich lost t o 'Oak Park Gardu Boks o Perunla lY 1 I ast Frida, 32 toS2, was defeatcd blw l3ardswell-Herb Garden. .Earle-Old Tiie. Gardens...New Trierbefore Christnias, 22 to,118. Tàabnr-OId-falshioned Gardening. I ihsN.ed "B8reak" Brewster - Lit tic Garden for Little Ne re'lihwgts Mone. Nw Tiers lghteigtswho ran lodCtueof Perennialst. truc to forni last week in losing. to Ciloud-Prictical Garden Book. De erfield, 28 ýto 21, liope that 0ak Dtirand-W%ildl Flowers4 and Ferns. Park wiIl give them an opportuni1 ty Fincék-GardenIng, With Brains.. EIy-WVOMan'.S Hardy Garden. I to' break their losing streak. T.he Harding-Peoffie.s in the Little, Garde n.. Oak Park liglits have .the losing- haw- Kiini-ftlo(k arde. i t, too.1[ast weck the Morton light-. King-Variety in the Little Gardien. %vé wight team, which lias an unblemn- l1anisey - tafhdsHpngm e ished record in the league this sea- - - America.s onând bopes to xin thie chamtpion- '~heton C lture.om ship) again, -whipped Oak Park, 31 to %%rlýght-Flovets for, Cutting am'i Dec- -92, whiile New Trier Wvas- losing to oration. -Deerfield, Morton's lights won froin iNew Trier, 38 to 23, before 'lie Ferry Hall Students- Christinas vacation. Prepare for Operetta [<ast Friday night's New, Trier-' After tlic opening of the second Deerficld hieavywcight gaine provided seiestro aur 0 tryhl, pleîîty Qf, thrills for basketball fans L.k oet alte il ~ilb uyof Ncw Trier township. The score - . ~ w R 28 tR28 t the e nd o f the reiz- î,cprigfo a perett a .to be egiven] ý,rý fflaviflg It was the s in mv knowledge." TPhe color ot - the gowns of the 'womin accentcd by thë black and whîite of thlcconsul's eve- ,ing clothes and the colors of the *emblexns thc.y wore of the countries they serve, heightened the effect. Amiong the niemibers of the diplo- rnatic corps wcre John Vennenia. consul of tlîe Netherlands, and Mrs Vennemna. wvho live in Winnctka. to returun i the tal! are planning to re- rcady. oegun to renca4rse teheimusic, enter at this time. Onie of the interesting and dances are being Worked out by iie-,v courses .offered at the college this those interested ini that branch. Evcry spring is that ini homne.making givenmn- girl ini the school will have,- somne der the direction of Miss Beatrice Bill- part ini the evening's funx and enter- ings of the home econoniics depart- tainnient. ment. Before the date of the operetta the. -- girls will give part of the program of HoId Tryouts NQw for a, musical-service inldone of the Lak~e KenlwrthCaelems beinrehiearsals Iby the nmusic and Get Close Cal - Inability to stop Skidmiore, Deer- field guard, who scored fiftcen points, nearly cost New Trier the gaie. At the end of thé haif New Trier led, 21 to 15. Deerfiekdi was still trailing, -M to 21, mhcn the third quarter cnded. Iii the final period, lîovever, thé Lake county boys went into tlhe ead. A free throw by jack Sinding, Ne,,% Trier forward. as the g'ai-e ended AJ4 51 ~.V~U1I~ 1iiii ~lU1I. and after luncheon had a ince Hunter King, 711 Forest avenue, Mrs. R. Hosking is president. will be host at two tables-of bridge Ralph Durhamn, formerly of. Saturday evening.- - mette, .was guest of honor. ,s*a- or Hollywood, r îa. to remaîin until iîing April. - Mrs. George H. Weaver, 1020 Ash- eting. - --land avenue, entertained ber lunch- Mrs. Mrs. C. M. Wecks, 735 Ninth con bridge club last Friday. The next Wil- street, is -convalescing at her home meeting wil ibe with Mrs. Herbert from a four weeks' illness. I.. Gray in Evanston., iii ii

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