Harmisworth trophy and in wiicfl he set up a new world's speed record of, 124.91 miles. an! hour, the greatest speed' any ma" b as ever: attained. on the water. Four. engine 's were designed and built, by the Packard Motor companyr for. Wood's boat. . .£ach_ develops 1600 horse power, .gvngMsAe- ca:X more than three t imes. as much: power as that in one of the engines, which hauls thé Twentieth Century Limited -train. The motors are of the airpiane, type, being adapted for. use ii a boatthrough th.e use of pr~o- peller gear:dri.veýs. especi'al>l. designed for the .record-breaking boat -by, Wood. One of thle engines has been taketi f rom Miss America X and is now on displ!ayat a big quality and precision exhibitio'n bn heldby thë'Paclçar Motor Car company at the Edge- wateÉ Beachi hotel. ENTERTAIN The Alpha Phi mothers gave their annual bridge tea at the chapter bouse January 19. Thirty tables were in play. Mrs. William Freudenreichi and Mrs. J. K *Farley, Jr., of Kenil- Pworth. were assisting hostlesses. story as the settings ofthte îast Pro- ductioni wereto.."jack and the Bean- stalk," which the young people greet-. ed wth shouts and whistiing., There is, the - cave scene aind the island and the funeral scene and the whitewash- i .ng scene, and lasi but flot. least, the grav eyard scene, and ail the ôtheri important parts of the story are de- Iicted before vour eyes. HOSTS AT VISTA BRIDG E Mvr. and Mrs. William P. Baker. 343 Forest avenue, Winnetka. and Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Archamlbault oi 30 heridan road, KenilWorth, wil be joint host and hostess at the Vista del Lago bridge dininer Saturdav.: CHAIRMEN Mrs Loretta E~ngels and Mrs. An- na Epp of: Wilmette were chiair-men' of the refreshimçft committee at the Jarxuary meeting of the Highcrest Parent-Teacher association. William M. Kinney, .126 Abingdofl avenue, is returning today from a two weeks' business trip to Chatta- .nooga, Tenn., and other southerfi cities. George Ambuhi,' who temporarily is located at Lewisburg, Pa., 'Spent two weeks with his sister and4family. the. Staver MouldingÉ, of '934 Oak- wood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. William Liii, 119 Ab- ingdon avenue,. lef t Kenilworth Monday for New York. where they will sail on. the President Haye s for a.two months' visit to Honolulu. Mr. and Mrs. J. Melville, Brown, 99 Robsart road, Kenilworth, enter- tained a small group of friends at, tea Sunday in honor of Dr. and Mrs. A. Baird, formerly -Cf Vilmette.. Mrs. Louis Suekoif of .819 Chest- sv4thwestern u- i Mr, end Mrs. Walter McIntosh, and their.-daughter, jean, 1100 Green- Wood, avenue, are leaving next week on a montb's visit to: Orlando and Winter Park, Fia. -o- Mr. and Mrs.. Harry A. Bfown, 819 Ashland avenue, entertained twenty guests atthe Vista del LaoStur- day., ANOTIMER SEASON- Scei the LIEADER ut tu Neyer before ho been possible to el our thorough, ex cleaning servie such low pricesi it todtiy! -njoy çpe rt Phone e at WJNNETKA Try 'c ILsî ourUe Car et I ýt avenue