Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jan 1933, p. 12

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Sunday schIIU-U-I_. .:g4a Morning worshig> . ....Il a.m. FIreside service . ....... 7 p,. Mrs. May Belle Hagenow-Jtcksof (L)irector of Music) Music-Sunday, January 29 Prelude ln A ....... ........ -. oerster A nthem-I Heard theý Voice of Jesus Say'........ ....... Schreeker Offrtory-Out of the,. Depths . .. Wôoler *Mrq. Win. J. Benner Postlude-Y'antasia In: F.....Poleère Junor choir rehearsai Friday after- noon at 4 o'clock. We have JS organ- ized a verv -fine Junior,'chir and an Invitation is extended to ail young peo- pie of high schooi age to join us. This choir je under the direction of Mrs, Jackson, Who Is a very competent teach- er of voice. Senior choir -rehearsal. Frtday eve- ning at',7 :15> o'clock. New voices are a iwa ys welcome. On 'Sunday eventng, January 219, a t 7 o'clock, we wilI. hoid another one of. our fine Fireside services. We wiil gath- Pr 'round the 'firepiace for- an hour of the fn y Confirmation eiass %01il e.et on Mon- day afternoon at 4 o'cilock, On Thur.,day afternoon, February 2_ ut 2 o'clock. the wonian's Society willl nieet'at the church. The topic. 'Tht, Schffli in China," wiii becpresented by Miss Caroline Eickstaedt. We are prom- ised a very intere-,,ting meeting and wt, invite ail the women to be with us. On ThursdaSv evening, Februarv 2, at 8 o'clock the Luther league wiil meet at thle £hrch. We' invite the' young peo- We' teaen and preavhnthe iVror(f Ga ln Its truth and purity. To ail whn would know Jesus, we bid welcome:, Bapit4tChurcb Wiimette and Forest avenues George D. Allison, minister "A Church that Canes" Anothen stirIng' service of praise. 1,; planned fotr Sunday miorning at il -e,. VVdite -a Jloose. OraPhelps, R aas, Eleanor The -'B. Y. P. U. mieeting next Sunday- eveniing will be, lni. charge of Anna Ger-. trudtée Orvis. «"How Shaîl We Deter- mine Our Idealis" wiii b e tIoplc for di scussion. Help us. atarI the meeting on time by-being on lime. the Aduit ciasswill have a party at the home of the Guthridge's on Fnridaý, January, 27 Wom.EN,'SSOCIETYLINVKS Thursday, January 26: Link E, Mrs. E. Phei-ps, chairman- and hostess1 260 *Woodcourt. 1 o'clock luncheon. Fniday, *january 27: .For 1 o'ci'ock luncheon; Link R. Mms. Borgfelit, chairman: hosteK- Mrs. Russell John-, son, 231 lOth street. Link D, Mrs. Dflstrom, chiiian,. hoste.-s 1Mrs. J. Reichet. 1328. Eini- woiod avenue; M. R. Beilainy aii Liik S,.11 -s. lRelier, çcha.irmn; hosI- e ss, Mrs. 0. N. LambIli-)11 Woodbine aivenuie: Mrs. W. C. Matthews, assist- ing. Link H.1, rs. (lruhni, echairman hosit- es Mrs. E. A. Claar, 1301. Chestnut Li- -,Mrs. Sutlierland, ehairmin hostess, Mrs. A. Scoî't, 2120 MeDanl- tels avenue, Evanston. Eéninig Link 1. wili meel aI tht'éieChurIICh at 8 o'cio.ck. Hostesses. 'Misses Heien Beflkowski. Alice Everiy. Ruby E- erily. ti-t. The first sevie will hc held in our last church Sunday evening, March 5, at mwas 7 :30. A. large chorus choir will bo aW.j f-ature of the service. The lows: First Presb teranMig Womnan's club roonis wortl Tenth street at Greenfleaf avenue Logiè James T. Vene-kiasen, minister. C. C( -, 'The At our iniidieek àervice, Wednemdav evening at 8 o'clock, theARev. Allen Parker, principal of-the WoodStock qchool and college. of Mus.,Soorle, India, wili be the speaker. We Invite you to hear Ibis direct news froni India., Our, next, communion and reception of memýérberâ wilI be held 'on Sunday morn- ing, February 5, Those who wiould like to .Join our church faniliy are 're- quested..to interview the pastor. Auxiiiary memberships in the, Presby- lerian homle, may be secured Ihrough Mrà. R., Wallace Young, 922 Ashland avenue during January. S.Auagustine's Sunday, January.29, iWill be the fourfÉ Sunday after Epiphany. There will lie Hoiy Communion at 8 A. MChurch sehools and Bible classes at 9 :45, andi morning pra.yer with addre(,.s at il A\. M. T1he WoVýmen Assoýciated Guild circles wili nieet as foiiowvs Fivla.-y,Jnuy 27.: Ëast Cirele -at the home of Mrsz. Philip V. Bi-ight, 731 Ashal avenue, This meeting Is cailed. fripiIl o'clocl<. wvith luncheon serýved prmptly at 1ý' o' dock., West Ciriýe- aI the home of Mrs. C. J. Horn, 418 Fifteenth stireet. Thids circle will have a card part,, for mem- bers otly. ~hiil i eh, e avenue. willbe. le anhual Parlsh meoting held riday night, Mr. Ilerry F'owler lected senior warden, and Mr. R. Candllsh, juniort warden. newly elected vestry 15 i as foi- sJ.C. MclQuîile, Mrs. R. C. Jen- ,Mr. W. G. Shearer, Mr. J. J. Wal- Mr. G,.,E. H'artman, M.A. E. Mr.' R. N. Wade, and Mr. ,.J. nf were ece convention *nt St.Au Ttiesday-7 :30 p.m.-Troop No~. 2, Boy' Scouts. 'Thursday-4:0O' p.m.-Junior Choir ne-. hearsal. Thursday-77:30 p.m.-'rroop No. 1, Boy Scouts. 2Fiday-3 :15 p.m.-Brownies.. FridaY-7 :*30 p.rn.-Senlior Camtp Fine Girls. Saturday-9 :30. a.me-Cub Pack No. 63. The, Senior choir willl mccl for re- hearsal Thursday evening at 7:15 under tke direction of 'Miss BEmily Robents.ý KentiWorth.,Union Keiiwortht avenue and Wa'rwick road Dr~. flerbert. L. Willett, inister, Dr. Wiliett's subject for* Sunday,'.Jan- uary 29, will be 'Jew and Christian," an Interpretation of his* recent book, "The Jew Through. the 'Centuries." The chure-h services I& at Il o!clock. On Sunday, February 5, the or di- nance of Baptism will be adininistered. anld the Communion 'wil h chbbtd Those who wish to unite with the church upon confession of failli, or, by letter froffi arutier churrch, or tlirose wvho have 'children, to ho baptized, are.' asked to confer with the iiniste.r or the sec retary. The Wednesday evenitig meeting for Bible study and conference wvlll be ld Fcbruary 1, at 8' o'cloCk at Dr. Willett's residence. The subject Nvill be 'Early Christians and Jewish Laws." The Women's guild wili mieet Mon- day morning, January 30, The hours of meeting are from 10 to 4 o'clock. The woinen ar~e asked to. cone in for Methodist Chkurch Oscar Thomnas Olson, "D. D., . 'minister The ministers sernion theine foi, next Sund'ay morning will be "The Four Frold Se.trch." The music for the ýeleven o'clo-k wor- ship) service will be as followNs: Organ Prelude-"De(-cThyseif, O MINy Soul.ý............. ah. "Ave iM-aria" .............Bossi Introit '-' "Corne; Ye That Love the ieen Sbout the I Century of Pr( choir menpbers ess. Three thousand3 ýre crowded Int thei instian Endeavor isoriety w'" u hsnand avenue. vrs. atone wilI have.- ,th Mis.s Jeanette Ogle,601 as asitng hostesses Mrs. J. W. Cuilen During Februany there wviIl be at venue, nt 5:30 o'ciock, Th' i nd Mrs.' W. H. Hlutson. leaa.'t Iwo evening' Vesper services. Be- oris Goode and Georgia Burch ginntng with the first Sunday, ln Lent the 'meeting. The topic wiil1 The C.'ozy Corner Circie wili meet on there wiil ho- an eveningr service of 'wor..

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