t. deprive, yomr family et 900 oe.ati, Try them-theoy ar rI BUTTER, brickr or' 22e rom, 1.l ...... RIB ROAST of BE EF,28 tkl and 7th rns,b. ...b . 2S5e CHICE4Si, froeb 24e BEEF POT ROAST, 20C lb............ LEG 0F LAMB, 2é PORK TENDERLOIN,34 Iteol, lb ....4 The tunerai services wer cI iioi day afternoon at a chapel in Chicago. Burial was at Rosehill cemetery. RECRUIT NEW'MEMB3ERS The Kenilworth AII-Year 'club, comùposeçd of -boy,,s inthe ýixth grade at the ýJoseph Sèars school -Who are especally interested in, outdoor exer- cise and outdnor ife, took in three nlew mnembers last Friday. Thev are jack La wson, Frank Carpenter and Bud Stilîman. The cluùb was formed this year. - I succeeding years when boys reach the'sixth grade they will, be eligible 'for membership.- The group calîsitself the KAY-K club, because .of the symbols it us es, thé letters "KAY-K" standing for Kenil- worth Al-Year club. Thona.s ,M athiesôfl,545 Exmnoor road, left last Saturday for, Virginia to be golie for soine time on business. Ridge Avenue, Wihmitte Free Ph..,. Delivery wilsuitte Service 2Mf-1-152 o Mrs. H. G. Dalton, programn chair- mnan, .expressed 'regrei over the in-. ability of. Judge Mary M. Bartelmàe of tbe j 1uven.ile.. court, speaker of the day, to attend. 'Miss Irene Kawin, chief deputy probation officer -of the Cook countyý. juvenile court, -was Judge Bartelme's own clice a's-,a substitute. Miss Kawini gave a fine accounit of the splendid- work bein g done i the Juvenile court and ern- phasized. the tremnendous ,responsib)il- ity in having to décide the fate of about twveéîty thousanid c h il1 d r e ni every year. Theý work at present is being *hampered, by finiancial condi- tinsandMis awin expressed the hope. that kind-hearted people livingý in pleasant north shore bornes Would take some of these children and af- fectionately help them overcomie their shortomings, 4perha96 .gaining îr.1 themfselves the great pleasuire of sec-1 ing these children becomie good citi- zens. Miss Kawvin is an interesting speaker. and one could tiot help be-! ing impressed by her gentie, under- standing way in telling of her con-ý tacts with the less fortunate children with wbom she has had nineteen! years of experience. .Tea and social haif-hour were ei-i ~White of Lieerfield. Jïm vcmir. the New Trier speedster who has bee hih-pintman i ail previous meets, -competed in only one event. the diving. ý He won this with a total of. 84. points, the ,highest, scored'in, a meet this year. As the Competition was notvery rushing, no *eceptional timnes,.wvere made. The Highland Park juniors were no more successful than' the seniors, as they were also held to'one first-_ the-40-yard *backstroke. Bob W att Of New Trier was again highi-point man of the meet, scoring two firsts, in the 40, and 60-yard free style, be-, sides sWimming in.the relay . Both squads were to journey to Pr ,oviso Thurs.day for their third league meet. The summaries: Seniors 160-yard relay:. won by New Trier. Timo 1 :20.5. 100-yard breas*t stroke: won b)y .Hayn (NT), *Pearson (NT'), second; Ulliuan (D), third. Time 1 :16.8. 40-yard free style: won by Palenske (NT) ; Patton (NT),- second; Cazel (D). third. 'lime :20.5. 100-yard back stroke: won by White (D) : Bryant (NT), second ; Byrnen (NT), third. Time 1 :16.6. 100-yard free style: won by Shaipker (NT); Happ (NT), second ; Holines (D), third. Time :60. Diving: won by Wec(kler- (NT); Burcliard (D) second; Davis (NT). JC. siowl III Au Plione ~Ik~.h tertain twenty-four guests at a bridge * 40-yard .bréast stroke : won by Rieil dinner Saturday in hono~r of their (NT) ; Gadyzik (D), second: Coffin tenth wedding anniversary. (,NT), third. Tinie :30. _________________40-yard free style: won by Watt V IV E(NT)>; Cunningham (NT), second; Grif- C IE Mrs. Frank Cheesemnan of Evans- fis (D), third. Time :22.1. ton, formerly of Kenilivorth, will en- 40-yard back stroke: won by Ànder- A. B. Van Deuaeit tertain at luncheon and a matinee son (D) ; Beebe (NT); second, Fltz- part Saurdy. ierguets iîîseehugh (NT), third. Time :28.8.ý Pary Sturay.Herguets illsec 60-yard free style: won by Watt *"Show Boat." (NT); Schuman (NT), second; Griffis T iiu e . -O--(D), tid Dlvlng: won by Barnard (NT);* Gayz- -.Mrs.. Frank Cheesernan of the Or- dik (D), second; Fieburg (NT), third. THE! PUBLIC 18S CORDU.LLY IVI1D TO AlTTND THE CHURCH SERVICES LAND VISIT TH1E aEADIO ROC. 11 Iý I I~. -------------- - - -- - ------------ ------ --- - ---- 1 .r ai CI 1