Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jan 1933, p. 3

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extended report at a regular meeting of the association Monday night on the findings of the Griffenhagen re- port w ith reference to consolidation plans 'for the Chicago-Cook,.Colint.v metropolitan area. In general the commiittee expresscd itself as being "heartily in favor of cutting goveri mental costs and," the> commliittee believes, "this oïught, to be> and cati be accompished without dis- astrous effect." lt Nvas stated specifically that the canmmittee is opposed to any change ,which even, remotely. removes the contact of responsible government, officiais f rom residents andtaxpavers. Arecommiendationf agajrnst the crea- tion 'of more. comimissio nsor added power, binding> upon taxpayers. liot re vocable or responsive to 'the iies. or approval of the residents or tax- payçrs affected; was included in the report. Three Members Memibers of the Wilmnette Homne Owners' association comnittee on the l)roiiose(l consolidation flan. were Axel Loiliuist, chairmnan ; iIiam.n, . James. anîd William J. Weldon.* -'l'li Griffenhagen 1roposals with refercence to a unified public healtli prograin for the. entire mnetropolitaîx area were recommended by the corn-! A clrector ofthme U. S. Buildig and Loan league has been invited to address the meeting. Trhe* movemnent to.promote 'such an or ganization in the village is bcing sponsoredby. the Northwest Men's' clbof Wilmette.. At a meeting, Januarv ,4 when, the plan wvas dis- cussed, 'W. Frankin' Morrison, .829 Mulford street,: Evanston, long con- nected wiih the B ell. Savings Build- ing and Loan association., stateü, when lie addressed the gathering. that he believedsuch an association could. opera.te profitably-Ïin the vil- lage. It is expected that at the January 25 meeting some conclusion will be reached as to the advisability ofý pro- 1 ceeding 'Nith the project. -If at that time the consensuis of opinion* is favorable, preliminary steps toward, irgàiatin wilt be iakeu at on~e~ it is announced. The committee in charge of the building and loan association miove- ment comprises C. C. Henderson, Ar- thur Lee, Hermian T. Reiling. Richard M. Burns, Rav Treon, and 'William Art Leaguers Plan Iquired to take out, wiliI e ub Uject to, fine, Chief Brautigamn said. t Voters Asked toî D)emanda u in Federal Expenses ' Wilnxette voters, have been asked to assist the, Wilmette Chainber of b Commerce in its efforts to. have f ed- eral e xpe nditures curtailed. The fol)Iu lowing form letter bas been preparedr by the Chamnber, with the ýreqi lest that villagers send, it, or n imilar to t, o te to Illinois senators and the congressional representatives f rom this district:> ___Iam, a voter in> your district anu havesupported your candidacy. Thisi 1tteret laiMy fotmatl peut .yainstp the. preseit inn.cessry excessive federal expenditures, and 1 dend that you do everythin.gi10your power to reduce these expendituares as rnuch and -as rapidly ai possible." The Chamber of Commerce bast suggested that the letter be sent tro the two Illinois senators, Otis F Glenn and James Hamilton LeWis, to the to PnnerP4 ni n -t-large froin In the following paragraphs pa- trons of the Sunday. club will find in- l ormiation descriptive. of what. they wMî sce in the. "dream picturé*s": 1.*A -toUr ôof Alaska in t'esummeiér of 1931l. Prince Rupert and Alert Bay.- In- -terestiiig totem pole@. The famous In- side passage.'>A thousand ile Voyage o>f Infinite charm. Ketchikafl and Juneau. Arrlving at Skagmway. Memorlen of the trail of '98. A remarkable seriez, of pýIctures made during the gold rush, by photograpiher Hegge- of $ kagway, Authentie scenesm of the, prospectors' al- most Incredible hardshlps In niid-winter. ,Asending the Chilkoot and* White Hlome. passes. Building boatm at'Ltke Benlnett. « Shootîig thé, White -HIorse rapids., Lake Atila, a.senice gem of the north. The story of Ben-my-Chree. "Dawson and the Kiondyke. As it le, and as it was In the gold rush days. H-istory recorded. Down the Yukon, river oen the first boat a:fter the> 1931 bre.-m up). Ice stili running. from Lake Le Baue riniifxfthe Àeasofl's flrst sup- Ditigisid risswil. l lv1 C h-I ,and Childs glaciers. Cruising in1 wou14IDistnguihed rtiss Wil reate opies of the forn letter are e ,William Sound. The mlghty Colun Vour <'on~oîidata PoUc their own experiences asimmigra!it.,, ditrhtdaogvlaes.gacr. A zng otats (ofliIttve recognizes lR thalges, lcir A nogcotass greiater public service. could be rend- !ît is announced. i- glacier-- of Aiaska. 'Mt., Fairweathei t-red in the 1i2ht in crime and criini- Those attending the party have SPOKE HOSTESS Mt. St. Elias. Scenery of sublime j al tant cnsliae hepoie gecybeen requested to appear al costume,. eur. Cloud, shower and sunlst to insure the greatest cooperation and -\. . .r Mrs. Frank Church, 610 Maple of the Inside passage." uniform efficiency. It believes, however,i it IOSbe Three paintîngs wvll be avnemill be hostess next Tuesdlay, that this can be accomplished without aieenue.or 1nterfering with locaardedtaslpoizesrforvthe nmostor -afternoon to Spoke 3 of the Presbv- ug MayB rem interfering ith local o pur~ mal ~terian church. A dessert luncheon atJdg M ryB tem local policing affairs. It therefore rec- i* 2 . ost true to period, andtmotsei. T oxflrends, as folows: artîstîc costumifes; 1 o'clock will be followed by eig . A. Spakr r "That the sheriff of Cook conty î e Each miember bas been invited to Jug-ayM.Brem made Its chief police officer; exhibit two paiîtiigs-a fir________________________ cMary Mveil. courtell b0 Io use thes poses if the for oi arises. 1nur- the Viliages d a regular boari ision will be made mee ting sooni. 4, on. the Lands."

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