Not only do we boast of deslrable location but our building has a quiet dlgnity comýbined with rare beauty and uharili which is UN- .zt741'ASSLIi along.the North Shore. AGENTS 424 L.inden Avé>. Wilniette .50f 921.TN37-4tl 146Chica go Avelule EVA$TO'SFINELST'APART.N1ENTS, 6 ROOM- BATHIS !4 ROOMS-4 BATrIJS Firejr<of elévator bldg. Choiévî loca- tii>fll. ( onvenient ail tas1.L.arge roirns. lFuie bathx. 1rivate garage with da4y and: nigbit servic-e. Tennis vou rt. Ste .Ma nager on îreises. f'r. 41-»Si9. [ni. 5 S2aftetr 6 p. n. (IREATLY REDUCED*1 RENTALS Corner Elmn St. and Arbor Vitae. Ose 4 room and one 5 roQm. SfTH & GOSS 725 EIn S t. Winnetlta 350 92LTN36-tfrý 5 R.NMS., STEAM! ILEAT. 1716 FORESTI A ve. Good transp., large Yard with sh-ade trees and shrubbery. Ideal for c-hildi-en. Rent reas. Cal Mr. ]Ray- mond, Gre. 0471. 92LTN37-ltc PLAT FORt RENT-3 ROOIMS AND bath. Gas, electric, hot water. and hcat furnlshcd. Ph, Wilmette 3742.. 3- ROO.M F1 AND BA water heat. Plione Wilmel I4IST YOUR NAME NOW WE- ant to take you to see'locadis. 513 Davis Sgt. . Gre. 1 617 97LTN36-3te XINNETKA 4 bedrn., i btbs, htd, sleeping porch and sun rin1. Colonial wval]>aper$. Oil heat. >100-ft. lotyardfencd -i. 3bloeks, to school and transi). $100 a nmo. Real Estate Service, mnc., 553 Liîi&oln Ave. W'tinnetka 3540 _______97LTN37-1tc AI TItA(yrVÈî.7 7 BMBUNG.ALOW;- oU 114ea t, garage. $70. b neI-Irick, 7 rs,4' bedrnîs., Iylatiis, extra lvatry ttachèd 2-car garage.. $110. NLiny other good %ýllue. $i iremit adMrsi.Mrs. Lant.,Winît.k:î11944. 97jTN37-1tp) porches, garage, immediate po)ssessýion. Rent reasonable. Caîl owner at Wi. mette 2791, 1021 Central Ave. 97LTN37-ltp ONLY $50 A MONTH. ATT-R. 6 R. WVlnnetka home in chôlce nelghbrd. I lot air ht., gar. HEINSEN REALTY CO., 660 Center St., Winnetka 834. M. aterh unusual prq 104 FOR RENT-STORlb AND OFFIcES DEST, LOCATION IN HUBBARD W0o4s, next to Walgreen's. Fine store with large stone fireplac£e and slate floor, suitable'for gift, or sport 3hop, wornen's tvear, or rnen's f lsh-ings, ýFRANI< A. RID 954 Linden Ave. Wihnetka 1300 Hubbard Woods 104LTN37-lte III FO (MALOsm 5, MASTER BEDROOMS Comfort'and spaciousness for fnlyof larger than usual size. 4 ahs ervants' quarters, pan- eiled lhrary wlth fireplace, bil- lard' roomn,' ail in exellent: condition. Very desirable' Ev- anston location, niear University *and lake. New first mortgage. An uusual bouy. ~Se Mr. John-. son. Ba4rd e fâ(I 1071 Skokje Ridge ýDrtivýe Glen coe1 1554 111ILTN37-ltc BEAUTIFUL HOME ON RAVINE, lafldscaPed rock gardes. Built os hollcow tile, 16-inch wall, face brick, cut stone . trim. Clay tile roof. T col. tule baths, tule kitchen, 2 lavs., 3 bed- rms., cedar closet, service stairs, lake, 1071 Skokie ýRidge Drive Clencoe 1554r 11ILTN37..Ite JUST LISTED Charming nioderO home with 4 bedrmns., 2 1baths,011 1heat, landscapeà lot 72x164. Attached garage, fine location. $18.000, or le." If cash for equity. Mvrs.. Fulle & W.rn. Pickard 1518 Cýhicago.Ave. Evanston Greenleaf 7220 or %Winnetka 2594 U1L BE OPEN S UNDAY For CGrowing. Family Who needs this 4 bedroom brick, >Colonial homne with space. for 2 addltlonal bedrms. 1Deep, shaded lot.: .North Evanston., piret, mortgage $12,000. Rouse with lesa. investmnent 'Plus 'cash ac- eepted In trade., 2807* Harrison. See Miss Cronk, 522 >avl St.Gre. 1855 11ILT.N37-1te I1X FAST KENILWORTH-AN 8 RMl. brick Colonial on a 100-ft. wooded lot. 2 baths,~ library, and sun rm., oil ht. A real home that eau be bought at a ksatrjiee. Priced under $25.000. Address A-12, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. AT GROUNID VALUE.ONLY Substantla.l 8 rm. brick lieuse, fine loc. $15,000. Abso 6 mi.- stucco, $6,250. Sec Agent, 877 Elsi St.,. Tel. Win- VEPY LARGE .5 RNI. MODERN APT. in Hubbard Nods' Phone Winnetka 235 or .1657. 92LTN33-tfe *3 QRRNt-FURtNiSHE APTB. FOR- RENT-FREDUCED, RATE ON .attractively flurnished 4 rm. and 1 rm. apartments. Conveniently. located. Ph. Wilmette 2399 or Wiimette 2427., Marech I~st, or îpurnsibly May lst. iRent 1i1-p J J-< JAJ-x* I L . inust be attractive. Phone Winn. 332. Brittasy type, 5 bedrm s., 4 baths, use 99'LTN37-ltc of old timbers in an unusual and hand- WANTE TO ENT -DESIABLEpain.ted decoration, are some of the. clients requjesting homes, 4 or 5 bed- artistie tentures of. this moder. homo, rooms, 3. baths, ln Winnetka andi located in w.est Wilmette Estates sec-. tion. Oil heat with modern air con- Glescoe. Grace E. Grant, Glengables. ditîonlsg system. Wei flnanced. Qwner Ph. Glencoe 844. 99L37-ltp ivill consider trade for smraller. Sec WANTED TO RENT !- HiîOUSE ,IN Mý.r. Adams. Winnetka.. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, o ARD heat. .Reasonable. 1 -to 3 yea. BAI D & WTARNER Write A-35, Box 40, Wilmette. 522 Davis St. Gre. 1855 *Very dainty Modern house,-7 rms-., 4 bedrms.,. 2 baths. sleep- ing and sun porches. 011 heat. Frigidaire. Inciuerator. Attached garage. Value $32,000. Will take Small modem bi ouse on near forth side orin Il yde Park ln exchange. J. b. FLOYD CC) 394 Center St. Winnetkýa "3602 wINNETKA 12SLTN37-lte ClW]ILMETTE 4300A-Taker L -i[ý wifîmelf