s.)flle lact Man3Y quel it stands purpose of has (l e 10 NUI..*.... ' 4.ese ques-locations: January 11-730 Ninth treet tiokiareinthe minds of newcoiners, t14)fly. le in ence the appenided in-ant 9:45'p. m.; aur 12-Seventeenth t~rzntion.and Isabella. streets at 8:10 p. m.; jaq- uary 13 -Happ and Ramona roads at (ContribUted) I11:30 a. m.; January 15--2822 ,Black- Pr ior to 1906,, whenever there' Nvas hawk road at 12:15 p. m. and 1025 Mo-. o):ccasion flor a large gathering of .any hw odat :0p. ým.; Jaur ,ort.or a Meeting or entertainment 'rhird street and Linden avenue at 6:10 îoo largeï for .aiiy of the Kenilworth p. nm. and Third street and Laurel ave- lhoime. .it was necessa ry to go to nue at 7:35 p. m.n,; january 17-area Ravinia or Winnietka. or elsewhere between Hlibbard and Ramona roadyl ttidc the, village., The.tneed ýfor a north of Lake avenue. at 1:.35 P. m. and ýuit able building wvas becoming more:I-Iapp and Locust.roads. at 2:05 p. M. aud mnore pressing and ivas .finally' recogized ,and the project of 'pro- M" Lcer 1il e vidingstich a. place got 'uixder Nvayl lbFetInJal 1 ini the.~ creation, of the Keniworth G Flm n Ja.3 \sýénibly Hall association. This The marriage of'Miss Georgeanina, aisociation was, orgaâized ini 1906, M. Locker, daughter of, Mrs. Made- %vith 1 sonie eighty original members leineLocker of 418 'Ridge road, and. an.aided by' very generous gifts George j. Feltmann, son of \,r. and ironi James Culbertson, joseph Sears Mrs. Daniel M. Feltmann, 1439 Cen- and The Neighbors; enough money 1 Mal avenue; will take place e sday wvas '-ubscribed to erect the first unit,! morning, january 31, at St. Joseph's earlyv in 1907. In 1913, having out-i church with the Rev. J. A. Neu- grown. the original bqilding,, more1 mann ofllciating. funds were subscribed and loaned to; The only attendants to the bride flie association and the Assenibly hall and groom ivill be Miss Ada Bernardi was enlarged to its present size. and Leon Steffens. both of Wilmnette. 1For mnany years the association re- The wedcing ceremony will be fol- ceived sufficient. income from rentaIs lowed by a breakfast at the Georgian to support the project, but as the hotel for only the inuimediate farn- nortlî shore developed, hiotels and ilies. Mr. Feltmnann andI bis bride club)s becoming more numerous, its will reside at 1521 Gregory avenue. revenue fell off, andi in 1921,. with!___________________ of. Public Accpunts of the State ot IlliRnois, pursua law, and filed in the officeof the said Auditor of P Accounts on the Eleventh day of January, 1933. RESÙURCS Loans on Real 1Estate..... ............$ Loans onCollateral Security............. OQther, Loans................. Overdrafts................... .......... Uj. S. Governrnent Investmnents ........... Other Bonds and Stocks.... ........ Baniking House, Furniiture and Fixtures .... Othtr Real Estate ............... Due frorn Banks, Cash and, Other Cash Resources ....................... Custorners' liability undeir Letters, cf Credit Customers' liability account of Acceptances.. Ôther 'Resotirces........................ 27",1M »0>»5.48 afm 342,*e7 ToQtal Resouirces....................l7E,*14 LIABILITIE Stock ...............$ cd Profits (Net) ................ ent sum w%,as raised, to pay 'off al boans andI free the property from debt, these moneys having been col- lected fromi oltI members of the ass- ciation, the noteholders, miost of agreed to cancel their notes, and irom mienmbers of the KenilJworth The management of the property Nvas turnied over to the Kenilworth club and,. by the terms of this ar- SM AtL spemît 10W Bis Payable .......................... Re-discounts............................... Nom Letters of Credit........................... Noue Bank Acceptances...... .................... Noue Other Liabilities....................... 6,275.69 Total Liabi lities.......................$1,781,016.48 Par value of securities deposited with Auditor of Public Accounts. Sprin-field, Illinois, The original trustees at the time of organization were Messrs. Hetmian A. 1 Kasten, George W. -Keehn, GrAnt, Rldg- Maina St. phone pu Ave. 3334 My commission expires November 6, 1934. j.