Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jan 1933, p. 40

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Ms. Dixo'i opeiied this, the first meetinîg of 1933, witli lier New Year mnessage ini whicli sle greeted. the menibers and urged thecir bielp in the tour rnis of intensive club work to corne. The iifternoons prtbgs*ai> wits giveii unlder tht, direction-,of the literae;ture de- partruent wlth the'.chairitan,.'Mrs.: Frank Adaîns,, pre sidlng after the elub*s buei- ness ~ %ilO was over. Sho* Talent Tivo sse who appeared to be l'ut out of their **teens,'ý Kathleen and EI- friedit Sauer*wild of 2MiWliakee, opened the, prograin. Unassuining, unaffecred, wit ih unusual ceomposure tht, girls dis- played, real stage preseiice wliich giiveý ao(ded appealI to their talent.- fleal beautv isA. üithe, contralto oe of Kathleeni Sauerwald; Inlaits riehness, lits mia ture expression, its haunting, sus- taifled, toile quality. it is Weil placed and of great power %which, enianatinig froin one of, a stature aln>.'t fràgî 'le, cones as a distinct sur,- priee. Jier %wvilsonîe mile eaptiv'ates. Shie has nmore ilhan an adequate founda- tion for a t 'uly ilagilficent v'oice. Her mong.-4wei"e lptiyulal' 4êvoiilts, wth.her sainglng of B.l:hahnîs Wiegeulied out- standing. She gaeos>encored. Her -sistvr in two pianob solos, played well wîtlî firin, strong~ toile, anid easyv, trailned technique. She .si, however, a natural borna &.uonpanist, withi that in- * sti~i~eresl)oIilene!ss to the inood of a singer mllich gives vital and reati:sup- port. She displayeý,td tlîis partitilarly ini *.tL~e diffiult passatges oif -Per Er.lkoenlig- 'relis let Ieter It was a real pleasuire to livar at Ehirern.perger of Evamnton, the, speaker "Power,"' "Stuccess," and "Josephus," which have rated hlm as a genius in the fine art of revealing human nature as it is actually lived. He bas a rare sense of "bumor. WVhen asked to tell the pressý soniéthing about himfself, he said, "Oh!, just tell tbem I amn:65 inches tali and have 29 of my oWn. teeth. I arn avege- tariati but in practtcearn aîbig meat eater . . . at this date have eaten the flesli of 8,237 pieces of:,beef,, 1,712 pieces of game and 17,000 pieces of fowl'and have. consumed- 6,000 oysters."1 Fewv men .have. had the lifetime ex- periences which have endowed ý;Dr., !Fuchtwanger %vith the power to make the subject of buman.,nature so inter-' esting, it is stated. To get material for bis pen lhe. packed, bis worldly belofig- ings ini knapsacks at an early age and wiflh bis y'oung Wl fe travirled. the con-ý tinent of Europe. They slept on corn- husks. met people enacting life's trage- dies Ilifh ahnd Iôw. lived on heavy wine, goat's milk and black cbtinks of bread. At one time when in Sicily they were reduced tô a tin of sardines and four slices of bread. ExPecting a check from a Germian nieNspaper, they fasted one dav and on the . norrow* ate the sardines and hread. ... the third day they again fasted. Next day thle moneéy camne. Tickets. may be secured by either tcleplioning or writing the temple of-I sons5 interCsted in aviation. rNofthnal, Hrbor po rîPt. wi UtbcIISiiIli 01 dues are tQ cover the cost and mail ing the Arnerican Legion national air of .postcards which are to be sent to mneet at the Century of Progréss ex- members, inforrning them of the time position, he was notified recently by and place of the social, event which the '33 corporation wvhich, is staging will feature eèach month. Present the Legion's national 'convention ini plans contenmplate freqqent l 1ectures* Chicago during the, world'sfar liv aviation authocrities and also tbe 'To discuss plans for. the air nct. furnishing of a lounige ýroom for Majcr, Schroed er1 attended the first mneîîbers, at the airport. 1 session 'of the Legion's National coil- Mitte on Aviation field Monday aîd. Tuesday of this week at Indianapolis,. T pe sCodéietlhe Legion's national headquarters. Sehool at Sky Harbor -Ma- E. V. "Eddie",Rickenibacker, the Eliot S. Staples, groutid school lin- ited >withî bringing down twenty-six structor Who 'is ýwell :knowîî on the enieniy planes, is chairman of tîhe north shore, conducts classes ever,%,comniittee. day and evening at Skv Harbor air-* hsLgo i et ob eda por inairian mchaicsschol ndone of the' north shore airports dtwf----- general ground school. 'rhese Suhl> ing the sumnier, will be the year-S jects. arc designed to hielp studeiits lIgrgest- aviation event lin the Uniitedl qualify fo>r pilot's licenses. Staples. States, according to p lans. who started bis school atil kv Har- bor th sf t h~~e yer, s tTun 1 n adition to discussing the air over ail the repair facilities at this ' meet, the committee at Indianapolis airport. outlined a national prograni on avi- _______________ation for the American L.egion. The success of the Arnerican Le- These Fliers SwappedI gion air meet at Sky Harbor airport Fine arns No oubtlast Septemiber caused Legion ofil Fine arns No oubtcials to begîn makîîîg plans for aà Ortoti Hoover, aviator, Whîo -,\a,,,'imilar mneet-the one discttssed at hield captive for nionths by the pro- j Indianapolis 'Monday and Tuesday visional goverrnent in Brazil, plan- and projected as a national event: ned to speud this last Sunday- at Skyl The Cook Couuty counicil of the l.e- Hlarbor airport swapping yarris witl)i gîdu tvas the sponsor of the mneet at Çt. Frn.,,4e i> TA tion o ii II subjet, go eiIIUeI iy eai J_' ~ru'W~ seniousires of purpose, wheh mike his . 1] talk entertaining at' the samle thue' it Ne. .Oinve$-s thought ful nmesage. ____________________ He delves itito his v'aried and wide experience 'and acquaintançe wlthl per- Mothers of the childremî of theC sonalities of the stage and into his sent gaetStFaischo extensive study of the theater, to forni enhgae tS.Facs col the basis (of a thought provoking re- ivill mieet for tea at the home of Nf rs. flection upon the theater .(,f today alid George MNcCarthiv, 512 Forest ave- its future, nue, Monday, Jaîîuarv 3,). Audiences Important . A tea wvas given on Jarnuarv 10> for ---- --'. .- 'Masons Await Thrills Fred Antonsen Wins of Lecture by Aviator 64E The Northî Shore Masouiic lodge, ,Early Bird" Honors 941 Laivrence avenue; Chicago. is Fred Antonsen, 4431 Broadvvav, awaiting a talk to be giveit Tuesdav. Chicago, wins a place orvthe lhoîorý Jauuary 24, by Mai. R. W. Schroeder, roll of Sky Harbor airport for being of Sky Harbor airport. On Thursda the first person in the niew year tol of last .week, Major Schiroeder talkedV pass his Departmnent of Commerce test to the Rotary club of Kankakee. Ili., for a pilot's license. 'Mr. Antotîsei. wl-o J where lie also inspected airport sites. is a memiber of the Sky Harbor FI\ - The Arleington .Heights -Dost, mn AmOng the miany alino uncements pre- ceding the program were. several. of ,meetings and benefitt to corne announe - < tr that y. ~*saiternon oVi a4 Week 101 la noneymoon s en ded trip to the west coast. Kentucky. Mr. ;tstop was.at Des Moines, la. the trip by au~ nt in Tennessee and nd Mrs. Kenty made ne. mi

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