Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jan 1933, p. 33

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the clubhouse at 10 o'clock. Rudolph Reeder. They are planning Dr. Baiduf, dean of the Cen" to include paîntings by north shore tral Y. M. C. A. College of Arts residenits this year as well as the and Sciences in' Chicago, presented supue neeclework, wood work his first. lecture in the psychology and inetal work that hias been on ex- course on1 the. morning prograin of hibition iii pr evious seasons. The ex- the. Wornan's. club,. Wednesday, jan- hibitis ope" to flot only WVînetka utary 1.residents btayn ntenrt The 'titie -of this initial lecture wvas shore. .'The Mienace.of a Stale Psvchiology,", Edmond Giesbert, who is one of1 which' Dr. Baàlduf said hie selected d tiefaculty of ýboth the Chicago Art first, in tlhe hope that it would excite istitute >and the University of'Chi-. .the ilnterest of the club memfbers in cago, will be the speaker ai the his course and a large attendance of regiilar meeting of the club. on, that nxle,ers that In'orninig showed proof day., of Dr. Balduf's ,first. psychiological 'Anyone wishing further. informa- experînient in Wilmettel and second, tion regarding -the exhibit- may cali because lie wished to show ýthe bear- Mrs. Ferry, at hier home, 480, Hibbard, ing of a *'staIe psychology" on c1hild., road, Winnetka. training. Dr. Balduf stressed the fact that lie is flot a psychologist, but anî Setwing'Day for .Infanit educator or one whose, work ii the guidance of the, young. Welf are, Open to Alil Verv briefly I)r. Balduf- sketched Ail women of, Wilmett e are invited the history of the attitudes toward to come to the Woman's club Fri- *huzuan nature f rom tliat put forili ib I ay to sew for the Inf ant Wefare St. .Augustine that human nature wvas, Societyv under auspices of the club's essentially bad, which study wvas philanthropy departmnent. Froni 10 baseil on the soul and resulted in until about 3 :30 w-ork continues and ascet1ciitn, through t he opposing 1luncheon is served at noon. - poinit of view that human nature 'vas i Mrs. Harry B. Wilson is chairman essentially good. as espoused by J. J. of the wvork for this day, which like Rotu._seau, and based on the "feel- ail other Pniday sewing s essions are inig<', and "back to nature" idea. Both 9Peln to anyone . nterested. Assit- these points of viev were upset by ing lier -are Mrs. Hubert Carleto, DarwIiiî. wlose theory that we are Mrs. John W. Cullen, Mrs. Charles anrnals. p)art good and part bad, re-{ S. NMcCoy, MNrs. J, F. Stone and Mrs. say -"Thank You" by continuing this Dr y Cleaningî Special for the remhainder of this week. Hu rry! Saturday This Spe cial Ends Night January i21. First Garment o Cleaned &Presse 50 Second Garment Any 2 Garments brouglît out the fact that human be- havioyrlis conditioned more byV sub- cousýclous eleinents than tby the t consclotfs nmmd. Dr. Balduif then gave briefly ani *outhle of the behavior equipment- I the central niervous systemi and thel automnatic nervoùs system. He con- cluded his lecture with the citation of the history of twvo cases, which have recently conie to his attention in lus worki, and which showv the' neeii of a Dsvcholou~+ i,; ndI an aAti I Wilmiette wliere ing the hiolidavs the George T. Street. slue had beenl at lier son's . Evans, 16091 M"\rs. C. L". Clovis. rèturned to. ler hom11e in Coutîcil Bluffs, Iowa, Iast Sunday. Slîe lhad been visiting lier son and daughiter.. Mr. and 'Mrs. Paul C. Clovis, 314 Oxford road, Keiiil- Cali and CLEANERS Fi DYER Service Store: 24 N. Sheridmu Road, H S"NoJ#rth Shore's Largest and Most Popudar ' ly',ron West. Mrs. J Mrs. Lemuel Owen, an, Johutston. .. WINNETKA 7-51 5e 55e Deliver rk Lury lvIII Mrs. R.

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