The WVoman's Club of Wilmette is to.have its "Red Letter' day next Wed- nesday when it celebrates Founders and Guest day.. At- that .time. it will pre- sent 1t* ô outstanding wonien 'as speak- ers,Hen Bennett, :in a mgrring lecture, and MrS.. Grace 'Morrison Poule, General Feeration, president, in the afternoon6 Music wiIl supplement both programs. .The club is inviting té be its guests upon this occasion the charter niembers living in Wilmnette and on the north shore and those hbo oinedtecu prior to 1900: Mis. J.. M.> Brown, Miss Anna W., Dingee, Mrs. E. P. Fatch, Mr.Helen- S. Gage, Mrs. Henry B. Gates, Mrs. Frank L.. Joy,, M iss. Hattie B.. Latham, Mrs. John A., MacLean, Mrs. E. L. Scheidenhelni, Mrs., Frank J. Scheidenhelm, Mrs. John Segsworth, Mrs. William Panushka, Mrs. S. M. Singleton, Mns. Lewis BR Springer. In addition to these early members, Mrs. Grace Morrison Poole, Mrs. Wil- liam 'F. Farrell, president of the Illi- nois federation; Mrs. Ivor Jeffreys, president of the Tenth district, and the presidents of ten neighboring clubs, Mrs. George W. Schwartz of the Ev- anston Woman's Catholic club; Mrs. William J. Weidoil. of the Friends in Council of Evanston; Mrs. Aima E. Klehm, of the Nules Center Woman's the çiuD, will c De ICof the ostesses, at the Library Coffeehouse Friday, evening next week. Mrs, Henry Hoyt Hil1ton, a charter miember oftbe, College *club, will spegk on "Books Without .Words." The. club's lasi program. this month wiIl be a talk by Dr. Harry A. Overstreet Tuesday evening,, January 31. "The Psychol-. ogy. oýf Remaining Young" will be Dr. Overstreets - subject. He is -the author. of "Influencing ,Humnan Be- havior". and "The' Enduring Quest." Auxiliaries. Au>ait> Junior Gala Night, The juniors of the Tenth district. Illinois Federation of Womnens Clubs are making elaborate plans for their Junior Gala night to be held on Jan- 1ary 27, ýat'the Roigers Park Wom- an's club lieuse, 7079 North Ashland avenue. Chicago. Mrs. Clernent J. Cox, junior chairman of the district, will preside with Mrs. R. Nelson act- ing as hostess president. Talent from the Junior clubs will be furnished and Mrs. Grace Mor- rison Poole, president of the Generai Federation of Women's Clubs, is te deliver one of her inspiring talks on "Current E vents." canism cepaien o %oFL coin council of the American Legion aux- The Federation of Clubs of the iliary, an annual prize of $50 is award- Tenth Congressional District of 1111- ed to the best painting exhibited.-by nois will meet with the North End an e.x-service mani. Although tAhe Womnen's club at _the Edgewater salon is sponsored by the Hoosier Beach hotel Thursday, -january 26 patrons,, the. awards go out al over Mrs. Grace Morrison Poole, national. the United States. Last year the grandpesdnwlbetepakr prize .was artist from one of Temrigssinwl pna the soutbwestern states, and the h onn esinwl pna Coucilprie ws wared e te pr-10, in the Crystal baliroom with the trait of Guy Browtn of Wiser Ohio. dsrc etn.Ms .E nih district chairman'of mnusic, will iead Two new features of interest to the in the singing of "America the Beau- I.egion auxiliary were introduced last tiful." Mrs. MauriceH. Lieber of year, a special* tour of the gaileries, Winnetka, district, chairman ofAme- for Council m.iembers, and a special rican Citizenship, is to' Iead. in ýthe showing in March of pairitings hy Salitte and Pledge of Allegiance 'to ex-service men onfly, at the. Hoosier the Flag.' The recitation.of the Col- gallerie s on Wacker drive. Intercst lect, of -Club Women %vill be under in art life of. the veteran and<l "n- the> leadership of Mrs., Reginald, Ford. couragernent ini its developinîenii l- Ms Frank 0. Paisley, president creases yearly. of the hostess club will bring the The tour is to he repeated this gre.etings f rom ber oranization, and veàr on Frldar nicfning,'Feb-ruarý_% 3. Mrs. Ivor Jeffreys,. district ~president, at 11 'clock. wil1l give the response. Routine busi- Hostesses for the counicil will îb ness,- new business, and the roil cal 'Nr.Meiville Mucklestone, president vill then occupy the assemblage. ofteLrs.auiir, eatici-M rs : Smith again wili lead in the of. Ihell i on auxi. . lar, dpa-Cooktsinging of "These United States" and cf Ilinis; rs.R. L Flvd, ookthe district chairmen, ivili then, in a county president; Mrs. C. L. Raber, sort of symposium, give a programn a inember of the Americanisrn con- on "Build-ing Permanentiy for These mittee of the departmient-all of Clii- Unitedl States Throughi the Hm. cago-and Mrs. C. B. Cochran <>i The luncheon at 1 and the after- Wilmette, Atnericanism chairinan oî noon session will be in the aic the council. Diiig rocmi. Scott ofthte vvonan's Cub tun trvans- - ton: Mrs. Walter C. Hughes, of the program Friday afterno on, Janüïary Wornan's Library club of Gleticce; 27, at 2 o' ' 'ck, in the large audlitori- Mrs. Rollin D. Wood, of the Winnetka um of the Womnan's club. Mrs. Womani's club, and Mrs. Kenneth 1, Charles Broad is in charge of the Wilson, of the Young Woman's auxil- pregramn for the day.. She lias ar- iary of the Womnan's Club of Evans_. ranged a violin recital by C. Bjortison ho, ave been invited to be guests also. o the Chicago Symphony orchestra Ton, rin rgrm peiga and a group of dramatic readings. usa T 6:30,nill pogrmoening as Hostesses for the afternoon will be the general themé of the "Centuy of CisGnveeLgn r.Toa Progress." Members of the music de- habradMs , .W i; Neighbors'Sponsoring. Course of Ward Lectures Memlbers cf the Neighbor.ý cf Ken- 'Ilworth will mieet at the homne cf Mrs. John. Sinding, 627 .Warwick road, Kenilworth, Tuesday morning, Januarv 24, for the first of a serie,; of five discussions cf books and cur- rent events. ident of the General federation; M*Nrs. William F. Farrell, president of the Illinois federation, and the officers and chairmen of the national and state federations, wfllbe the guests of houer. Mrs. Poole, is giving the address of the afternoon. Its subject is "Corne, Let Us Reason Together." To Tell Art Class of. annunced, ,-i! being one of.t efew otnIrFtri >the program and the B. Mulford bas of Unitc ly fortunate in fer witl lubs in the Chi- visited. ayur le, r- Diwght o'clock. ..avenqe, bomie, to hold at 8:30 at Mrs. reenleai, day i -4ary