ycung piatiist, wno 15 Row studying wvith, Miss Emily Boettcher of North- westo-rn'.university Sc hool of Music, will present several groups, of piano sélections during the afternoon. : .Among the guests ôf honor will be Mrs. Arthur F. Dixon, president of the Senior club, who will receive, with. the juniors; Mrs; Clement J. Coic, junior chairnman of the Tenth district, andI Mrs. Ivor, Jeffrey, pres- * ident 'of the 'Iénth district. Plans are also in -progress for the annual Valentine card party which is to take place on - Saturday, Fè- bruary I11L Miss Dorotbyl Hall, chair- min of the ways and means com- mittee, announ.ces "a. larger party with aIl the attractions of previous years andI several new features." The .price f tickets has be*in reduced from the usual fee. The proceeds froni the Party will be used for continuing the local cbarity work which .the club is now sponsoring. Following are the committee miein- bers wbo are in charge of aIl ar- rangements for the party: .Tickets-Miss Constance Bersch., Mrs. Edwin A. Robson. -Tab)les-Miss Alvina Rejcbiinaniî, Dinner dances and dinner bridge the hostess. of Wilrnette with 137 had the. highest parties continue their popularity as The McLarengiids eenga average score. The highest total for evening diversions, while the Fridayý the home of Mrs. J. A. Colvini, 116 three net games was 475, and this brigelunheos fnd fao ,Robsart. road,- Xe filworth. was -won by, Mrs. Thomas L. Grisa- brdg lnceos in fvr as day - mnore>of Wilmette. There vas algo events for womnen.. members, and their 1 The McLaren guild will havea card apiefrtepae b oee guests. party atý the home of Mrs. Albert R. h e hndiapthe most ho tcrad Mrs. L. N. Ingwersen and . Mrs., Fleischmann,: 336. Essex, road, Kenil- it wa$s given to 1Mrs. R.> R. Lippincott John H., Platt will be hostesses a worth on Wedn esday, February 15, of Wilmette who Was'ablet rn the lunicheon and bridge game Friday. andI the Anderson.,guild at the home br hnia on tet-iv of this week, and Mrs. Joseph Kutý- of *Mrs. Anthony, J. Bemis, 337, Ra- ,o~s tenandMrs VitorAlln wîî ct, leigh road, Kenilworth. in tatcpaciy nJanuary 27. The Stewart guild met Monday, Tefloigtas onpcs TheVisa dl Lgo id-intr Jnuay 1, a th hoe o Mr. acording>-to their order given: first The ist de Lao md-%intr jnuar 16 atthehom . f Mrsplace, Mes. W. C Farrar of. Wil- dance, wiIl be heltI Saturday, of tis. George W. Bay, 414 Abbotsford road, mette ati;Ms .C akof weetcý and- the following week a din Kenilwortb.Eason.MsC.W Witg, r. ner bridge at 7 is planned. Mr, and P. W. Cook o vntn r.W Mrs. I. A. Archambault andI Mr. and Pi Beta .Phi Aluimnae t o A. Kend rick of Wilmette, and Mrsà. Mrs.- W. P, Baker will be lhosts on,,. H. Briggs of X-fighland Park. January 28. Hear of Technnercti.-. Hostess at Dance in Ho nor oyf Engtish, Bride Miss Dorotby Duncan of 225 Wood court entertained at a supper-dance. held at the Alpha Omicron Pi bouse in Evanston last week in bonor of Mr. and Mrs. Brooke Wykebaîn- George, of Chicago.> Mrs. Wykebam-George, who was before ber inarriage Miss Constance Hanson of London, England, crossed on tbe Berengaria. She was met in Mrs.: Fred Schroeder, Jr., 1000 Lake avenue, Wilrnette, is opennîig librn -fmê or the. fanuary meieting. of the North Shore Alumnae club. of Pi Beta Phi, on Friday afternoon, January 20, at 2. The .subject for the prograrnof the afternoon which is heing planned by Mrs. James L. Lardner of Evanston., is "What, Is Trecbinocracv-?" M rs. Harris Frazier of Evanston w ill be- gin the discussion and several other members of the cluib vil1I also speak. H-ostesses for the aft.ernoon 'are: \Vood- Luncheon was, tollowed by a -card Party.. A dance for the junior members of Shawneeê Cou.ntry, eub m, Ileh.lerld this.Friday evening at 9 o'clock. Last Tuesday afternoon the club heltI a swinlring ineet for boys and girls. There were events for al acres, Bridge Tea Bene fit for Alpha Phi Fund T'le .alumnae of Beta Alpha chap- ter of Alffhn Phi oort n- nah, Miss lJorothy H-all. Publicity-Mrs. John Y oung, Mrs. Harding Van Schaack. Ex-officio--Miss .Mary Mack. "Hfigh Spots of Europe" for Wellesley Cidce Fred Stone, Mr. and Mrs. John Jr.,. chairman, of Evanston.1 Franklin Arnold, andI Miss Darathea Reservations inay be made. with Pflager andI Charles W. Pflager, Jr. Mrs. Charles J. Merriani, of 757 Fox- of Evanston. dale avenue, Xinnetka. Mr. Wykeham-George's father was head of the munitions departmnent of the British legation in Washington Smith Club Pro gram during the World war. on Colonial Illinois St. Augustine's- Guild Th - 'tn-ot Shore Smih and anyone interested in this form of bandcraft is invited to corne. The .following Will act as bostesses: Mrs. Base] Brune of Winnetka, Mrs.. Dale Brou-n of Chicago, Mrs. Howard Co,ç Ponzer of Niles Center, and Miss Marian Thayer. The affair i$. given as a benefit for the.bouse fund* University caimpus. of a current be served: Mittelbusher. Ce wilI be the play -by Mrs. imn luncel inuary 13. 138. Ab- had a cight on ay sewîrl riendIv si es' or A it uni N