Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jan 1933, p. 23

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SAVE* UP FOR "tECHOES"l There bas been 'considerable dis- cussion within the Iast few weeks as to whether we ýshal1 have our -Ecboes."P Do the students owant it? X\11ilI they corne out nearly, 100 per- cent in purcbasirig? XViII they urge sales? Let's talk it up, discuss and en courage it. Don't you .wanit a printed record. of the honor and faine brougbht to New Trier, its pupils. and faculty?, Don't you Want pictures to bring back mhernories? If you -do, li's. Up) to you. Let the adlministration ktno% you ývant it and then corne out full force Ini buying. * Okay, class of '331 Snapyour pic- tures, design your book, write your articles. XV&*ere ready an"d awaiting your "Echoes" for the ~first of jume! \\e'I pull together andi push 014 ' Man Depression to the wall. PENYJENSIVENESS cfter al study hallZ Sitoiele bc a place- Bc scat £0 alier)! Al ter al St udiy hall SKhould bc a place To face The tvo.ecs a td carcs- 0>1 our ufjfair8,, So il iceechoose, And prcfcr'>to musev- What the e! It's our neck In tite fl008 1l'hat lias tile seilool to 108e P mention the name of the, place wode f FRED Ab.LEN could be GRACIE'S long lost,'brother? ED WYNN tells about a fellow who was. so-oh skininy, that be buttoned his double-breasted suit in the b'ack * .did you know that IQD WYNN'S real name îs ISRAE1L EDWIN LEO- POLD? .,."No',wonder tbe statue of. liberty looks cold V' .exclaims EDDIE CANTOR, "'She bas only a INew jersey to ber back." . .. accor*d- ing ýto JACX ÉBENNYi, it was the cough drop .manùfacturers wvho first said: "A hoarse, a hoare, my. king- domn for. a boarse!" . . -. KAT E SMITH, the song bird of the souse tàan4, assures us that ber, themne song "XVen tbe Moon Cornes Over the Mountaini," bas no reference to Ken- tucky bootlegging.. well. N. B. C.- ilg you, 'as they say dovvl at the Nierchandise mart .,, and we migbt add that a certain atinoupeer, should be under the ether instead of on at who ? ... the sbadroe knows . tureci by one versed in« e3cting affairs of the day, it 'is met with a question that is safe because it stili expresses the viéws of the majority- -Well, wliat IS technocracy, any- howQ And we promise that wben we have comipiled enougb informna- tion to arrive at a satisfactory defini- tion,. we intend to. submnit it to our readers. Any ideas or suggestions on the subjectare welconed. riexu irom class andi study hall, shooed out of the iness hall and. stared haif to deatb betiveen classes. They are quite faithful to the school, and ro)mp-i.n-ibe-snow as readily as on the grass. Some few follow their owners, to, school,, but, so far there have been no littie lambs.' One of the mnost da ring feats ever attempted, outside of th.e gym classes was exccuted.,the other day by a',gal., lant.senior, in rescuing a fair danioi-ý sel le's bandkercbief, and another fair, damoiselles door key. It seemis that tresenior girls, ýaIl qualified tol know better, had, been playing para-, chute,,of aIl things, with a handker- chief and door key, wvhen the vvind - caught the, supposed parachute-and lilew it onto the roof -of the walk go-1 ing froinitbe mess hall to the main builing. As th'e hàindtketefief wàs' a new onie, and the door key essential to the cornfort of the person con- cerned, a bit of the old rescue work %vas in order. A brave gentleman,, on information duty at the time, uponi being asked if. be would retrieve tbe articles replied ini bis best informa- tion desk nianner than bhe would, and proceeded to do so, upsetting, as a result of bis actions, about balf a dozen classes that hiave a view of the second story landing, facing the mess We hear tbey behiaved much as if they had been doing it ail their lives. Only wby didn't tbey institute sncb a system when wve-were sophomnores?, Why? Tea to Reward Victors in Fistball Tournament1 The double elimnination fistball tourn'ament bas been started and is work, of the New Trier guards, Pres- ton, }Iallquist and Barrett, wýas the bigbÉ spot of'the gamne, holding Pro- viso to.only itre field gol. Pearson at left guard for Provise, was the high. point man of the gamn. scorig for field goals..Duke Scot at center for. New Trier was in the seodposition witb three baskets., L'igbt'of the ýlosers, eighteen points were made' on. free throw 8. N. T.1 Offene.Saw o In this week's game the New Trier feneseemed much >more polis;hed than in the game against* Evanston the week before. Excellent strenth ýin the "subs" was sbown by the fine wvork of Clayton and Barrett. Clay- ton played at rigbt forward in place of Capt. "Goog" Dabi who is stijJ suffèrînk eligibifity' trouble 'whle' Barrett went in at a critical moment wvhen Preston was put out on fouis in the closing minutes of the fourth period. This .win puts the team lin a tie for second place with Evanston wbicb was beaten 18 to 14 by Oak' Park. In the lightweight encounter the Grey-Green cagers were outreached aild outrun. 37 to 23. T'he riL-ht for- liespite the showing to date, the lightweigbt squad is improving rapid- ly,. and another week sbould show a smnootb teami out for the long, due victory. .Fridav. Januiary 20, Deerfield jour- nyeyvs to Xinnetka for the usual dou-, blelieader. The ligbtweights from Highland Park seern to -be the most 1poverful, judged by their games to date, as their heavies bhave been~ un- atndu it' have more ioilowing ner "Quick, Watson, the need1e,'" example. It's beconiing the fashion-I chuckled Sherlock Holmes as he re- able thing to.do, girls! woiund the pbonograph. The doors of learning have. been opened by sornebody 'to quite a f ew. .Let's l.eave .Sa Ifinsuli alote-no dogs recently.. 'And these dogs areL Sho~ ~ters MORE- NEW TRIER NEWS ON PAGE 46, ý S, hov aters

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