Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jan 1933, p. 14

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mand the confile£nce anda cnauenge the support of the body of- our !citizensbip, 1 turaed, my attenion« to the. formation of such 'a. plan. That plan is now before 'you. 1 talked this: plan over witb several peopfle before reducing it to writing.* Among others, 1 discussed it with Mr. Dubbs, Who expressed a -keen in- terest in .it, and. asked if- I could, put it, on paper so that -it might be more carefully considered., That was donc, and it was res4bmitted. Mr. Dlubbs voiced bis. complete, approval and added that "livery shsnking person in - Wihsette w Uil support Ihis plan." Later be made one critficism, ýand it *as to meet that criicism that the followving sectionws added: Questions of Publie PeU.iY *IWibnve & utIiown arise o VM ates for vilage ou e.rubis to carry out the wIII of t expressed by a majorlty ýg upon the question at su Committte, wnicn . commite wi actually, select the membership of the convention. Tbey -are: Càthéli Woan's club, Wilnitte Woman's club, Chamober of coumerce, Wilmette Business and Prof... ujouai Womn'a club,. North Ridge Woumdn' club, Wilmette Ci'vic lengue, Rotary club, Northw..t Mens clu~b Opthnist Club of Minmette Langue of WoumamVoter.. The Wil mette Federation of Churches and the two American ýLe- gion posts, with their 'auxiliarie si de-. clinied 'te cooperate, the latter be- cause of constitutional barriers, and the former because it felt that in- dividual churches should decide ac- To P'reent Candidates The "Creative Comniittee," madle up of two anembers from each of the above organizations, is now busily engaged in seiecting the menabersbip of the convention, and will soon com- plete its work. When this is done the convention, according to the plan, will hold a public meeting at which Group" of the necessity of going ah ad withthe Harmoniy:Plan. lInthé.-first, place the writer is flot a ware of any such-thing as the' "Har- inony Croup." That is, -no "group" is organized to ".put the, Harmhony Plan over. That is the princi*pal virtue, of the.Harnony Plan. The, Plan bas rather -spontaneously come to the, front as a possible solution of our'political muddle ini Wilmette. It bas some enthusiastic proponents, of course, but in its present stage of de- veloapment it is entirely in the hands of isCreative committee.,OThis is a corn-, mnittee of twenty citizens who were ap- pointed to their, duties by:,the civic or- ganizations of the village. Its fate now rests largely in the hands of that com- mittee. No one originally connected wjtb the Plan (and. 1.use "originally" in its literai sense) has any voice in the conduct of t he Plan nor cati influence. its outcome in any way except thÉough the channels of discussion. As I say, its fate rests largely with the Creative committee-to the extent that they are, at present, the only mo- tivating force behind the plan. lIn the last analysis, however, its fate rests entirely with the voters of Minmette. Quite cvidently the Village Party It is flot the Harmony Plan that WB on trial :in -Wilmette. Those that art oni trial are the various "cliques" wbo are often prone to elevate their petty ambitions above the larger question of. "the greatest good to the greatest num ber" Yoursvrytruly,' Randolph W. McCandlisb,' 819 Sixteenth street, Wilmnette, 111. Edàitor 's note: Appended. is a ciopy of a Jetter directed té Wilniette Pû't of the Amerlcan Legion relative tio cm- ployrhent prefermhent and restrictions~ established in, connection with construc- tion of the proposed, Wilmnette niunicip.1l Water. works, January 1,13 Wilmette Post No. 46, Arnerkà.an Legion,' WVilmette, Illinois 1 would like for you to give me some information ini regard to the number of uneniployed ex-service mien in Wilmet te, who could be put to work on the proposed new water- works. As you know, the Village of XiI- mette lias been granted a boan by the Reconstruction Finance Corporationi made a reques; tzia the en- armony plan be drctpped, ex- g that lie feared the conven- rould be 'packed" by a certain and the harrnony plan wrecked, further that bis group felt to put a ticket of its own in ld, although at that time there aindication of any ticket other axes to grinti or old scores Uo settIg It is aimed at no group. It is not vebicle for apyone's political ambi tions. It is not partisan, but strictli civic in its intents and purposes. Fc these reasons it sbould comman, your confidence and support. Sponsors of the harmony plan hav 1 1- ----- ... tiuP---projccî preference shall bc given "to there is no necessity for the continuation ex-service meni with dependents.' of the Harmony Plan, there was neyer There is a furtber restriction which Lany "necessity'5 even . to start it. It 1igh pohbit any one person f rom either a solution of our dimeiulties or it woig oreta0 or e is not and '"the proof of the puddingweekigmr hn3 hospe is~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n ii bwatnehref"Te etta on the project~ is i th caingtheeof" Te bst hat Though it is not stipulated that ex- anyone ever felt about the Harm ony service men must be unemployed in Plan is that it is worth a try. The ormtionof he illae Prtyorder to get on the pref.erred liat, 1 bas not altered the status of the Planasuettnox-eicmawud 4t aIl. As a mnatter of fact this typ o want o give up his job- to get work then 1 have But iivaru LtU[U 111 As the barmnoný plan rece mère and mère publicitymany. tionitace cemetery. place 1 Tihe prerequisite to the 'success. of the 1 efforts of the Creative committee is féri tsïde of oUr Village? DIoes the st believe that. ail ex-service men (Continued on.page 37) group - stating, I

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