Cihicago area of the Methodist Epis- copal churcli will be ýthe principal speaker at a conxrnuniity task dinner to lie hld( by, citizens of'Evanston and the north shore Mfonday evening, bjalitiary 2.3 at the, Orrinlgtoni hotel. Bisliop, \aldorf will speak, on '*The Conhined. Religiouis adMoral. ForceS, a nd Waiting Tasks Around Ille Corner.*" Ile is 'to bc introduced I)v D)r. F.rnest Fretnont Tittie, pas-tor of tlie 1irst Methodist church .of Ev- Presi<Ient Edna D>ean B'aker of the National ,College of Education wvill if low Bîshop1) WaldorU on t.he pro- grain with a l)rief adklress on -Think- ilng Mi Terns of Cld(hoodl." Othier ,peatkers scheduled for the evening' are PBisiôp George Caig St ewart 'of tlie Clicago Diocese of thie Protest- ant 1Episcopal chitirchi. Chiancellor L. J îk.a loig-tiiîne resident of Ev-1 awstoît. and Dr. James Alton J anes! of the Iiistory departrnent of' North- mesternI ulniverslt\-. D)r. James wilI s1)eak on "Practical Applications for Ouîr Conunu.iinit\v." Dr. Frederick Grant of Western *. Thieolog-ical sei1nary. an institution ft lie. Protestant. En"isconal clhnrclh. Th le dental clinic is openi each Tues- dayN morning from 9 o'clock until 12 Miss Jean Upson, dental hygieniest, has given ber services at the "dental. clinfic for over the ps ya.Miess Upson baS proved hersel f a valtiahle niembher, of the clinic. staff. 'The \Viliniette Health Center coi'- ducted 'its Iloda3-.,Faii- uary_16, Tw-enty-five patients. cigit.- een of wvhomi were new,, wereý ex-' ami ned I1w Dr. :Novàk, phiysiciai -iii! charge. A large quaitity, of cod liver. oi wvas dispensed. This splendid benefitI i s made possible ' by the -kindness of tiiose %vho have. donated to the cod liver oul fund. It is hoped that these donations will continue. This wouild certainiy be a fact if peol gnral realized or could sec the advattgýes .obtaineil. Thie*next chest clinic %vill be held on the third Monday ini Februarv. Anyorre needing care or initerested Mi the wvork \vIll benost. elcoine. Thle Ini'fant Welfare clinic will lie hield frorn 2:30 to 4:30 p. iii. jan- uarv 25. Miss Mary Louise Hogaîx of' Ev- their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. anston, formerly of Wilmette, is leav- and Mrs. E. N. Person, 2232 Elm- ing today for Los Angeýles, Cal., for wood avenue. a rest and to visit friends.' Mis Carl, Keitb, 310 Warwick' Mr. and Mrs. 'Peter Steffenis, 1515 road, Kenilworth, wais: hostess to Wilmette avenue, are parents où a nie mbers 'of ber Chicago bridgé club daughter, born last Monday at the, at luncheo n hrsda oflt E vanston hospital. week. If I aYoui man lday" GENUINE "I would ppend et leaSt one or two evenings a week in university courses, learnirag thxe fundamental principles of modern business. Sorne 5,000 ambitious young business men and womein are tAis year devoting one or more even- FELTMAN & ,CURME' 617 DAVIS STREET,' EVANSTON