Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jan 1933, p. 12

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s'h [ th us. invite >you .to wo)r- I Mis'e Ermna Rotinds. pianist and <~ reetrr. has; prepared the. following mu- * sical progra m: Prelude, Prayer" (Joce- lyn), (Go)dard;- anthem, "Behold. God i' Gre4-at," alr the choir.; solo, -In IMv Father's House Areê.Many Mansions." NfarDermid. Mr. Otis; postlude, 'MNarc-h in C,"' Rogers. We invite You to attend Our Sunday Qühool at 9 :10 'c"Iock. WUe have classe.; for, every age. The three, adult ýBibl- elaqses meet during the -Sunday school hour. The Preparatory clans for those who çrish to prepare for church mnerbership me.ets at 9 :30 ,o'clock uxider theéin isters :direction. Our Junior church cares. for the littl.. fc-lksQ during the mOrning worship. Tri tije afterno)n, at .1:15 )'clock, thert- will be a Lreaf Prefgn tissions mas.ý meeting at the Fourth Presbyterian1 church, 'Michigan avenue and Chestnut street, Chîcago. Dr. Robe-rt E. Spee-r. veter-an 5-cretary of the Presbyteriar., Board 0ýf Fore-ign Miss-ions-, will be the. i--hief speaker, The public- is cordially invited. The Chbristian Endea-jvor so)-cety will ineet with the other s(-)ie f thel north qhr)re. at the- Highiand Park Pre.s-ý byterian church fromr 4 te 7 o'clock ln a confe>rence. .Suippr-r wilI be served a t the church. Cars will c7airy thescit mermbersý. j - . I . I said :."Corn no etil y repre nttiv () the diocesan conven.. -First Con gregalsonai tht labour and are heavYý laden. niti4en chr,. -n and reports given r.f t h e John G;. finleIy, minister wiii g ive, you rest." vear's work. "A Faith That. Grlps" ýwill. be thr 'AA., Wednt sday, Jnay2,teCuc subject of the sermon -by 'Mr. Hindley B tst 1-l4 cmm.lorat theConversicin*ot at th~e servieif worship nr-xt Sundav W41lmette and ForeIst av,.nuieý I ýr. Paul. There wyill be:holyCo upc Mo-rning at,1il &clock. M.rg The musical prôegrm for ne-xt Stinda yi 1 Church, that Cares," Tho- Yrung Peroples socainw4ll riin.g'sq service will bc- as' follows:Chuuh meet in. the :Club Hous.e thi.sSunday. Prld: Adne"fo "eodAll dr-ertmentsof thes'-Chc aftc-rnoon at S:30 o'clock. After re, SymphonyV" Widot' c(on vE-rie at 9 :320 Sunday mo'rning. Th,.s 1 fri-hments there. will he an lntsercstýng. Anthen: *-Round the Lord in (Glry . makm. it psi for êv(-ry memrber otf inrm Setd"Jnowltcn. the, family. to find, a lilace -in the wor- Junior choir hi p and work rit: the school. ,Graded , , - , Offertory: "Ellevàtion" R ousQqs-,a uj nr.>-jrams are arraniged -for eaâch group~.'il vIetnoasst t urcn AnthFe'm:, -The Lord Is My The're 1 fine clasý for young 1ep. Light" H ý.Ëorati,, Park.-ýr o4ve-r high school ' age. The Senior de- Tht- minister's sermon theme for the Senior chrir and qjuartet- part ment rrche. stra adds a great de-al iloo worship, service next Sonday Postlude: "Fnar"Lmnn- tce the c. ning worship rit that group.: flOtflhiIg. will be .,'Our Spiritual HEr- A-t the 11l orlock srieDr. Allis..n ag,9 The imembners 0of tho- Senior choir will 1 wil! us the :ste)Év of. Joseph as mat-ýrial- participate in a prrog ram to be gi ve n b, tr i ,. s ermon. T lb..niu sîic foir next Sunday. n.ý1 the, Worl1d's Fair choir at th*- Univ-'rýitv -'iii be as foillows:' ref (hitraq-t-)chap--l Suriolay'afterrno In .r, RE -T HrKIN(; ISSIONsra rld ~"Adneç' ur 3 oclo.k.Anohergr'ar 'eing wilI be h.-ld an A d agîoi,"-from the >Mn, I ~ ~ sa~ ain,-tr-ç-25,' tr. diz(ctwý ?,0ata" y i ýL-rs The Wilmr-ttoe -unday Evening clu. frther th,ý PyasMis'na R- ThorAnthem-*Th, L'-rd is Myv L;g which rneets in this church at 7:2 -'rt in wvhi h 4everyone u. s... k-enlv t Parker. p. m., wilI preýsent next Siunday Bransr.Jtrestd..Oif trSlo bY Mrs. Pojsteýr E.Fk D'4'o",-u with hislatest "Drcam Picture"a jter b with musircal accopaniknt.The P. Y. P. U. will meet rat th, *ik Asa athr" bv Scott. Wrnderlands.' regular t ime,.53: 30 o'clocrk. S un (a v, T,-tnru,-tr 22. Teporm i ncag The Hligh Schorl. league uill .t On Tur-soiaay at I:310 &c(ioe,(k members c herbneLe lyic péientSunday eveninz at 5:30 at th, hiu, ,(, thie Nrthwe-st C-ircl1e will have ia I Mr. Vîrgil Kraft wvi1l sp.ak <ýn ~'. "Cooke Te" at thse horne -.f :rs. Con- (-,)n Fridav, Ianu.ir%-20, JtkFc h~Ct Dt"Attue f:un '<.. rarl Frykman. 1(14,3 Ashland 1avenueý. Wrnn oztv will meýtf- PreIipminary se:wing will be doný in luI h-eci with !rts. G. P ',1,Q l TeYin-.Pýpes-,-uiwl . pr'-aratr.. forthe eguar metin <4Winnc-tka, -Mr>. Ralpih m.tthi> Sundlay evening bu t will ' Rtýcice.ac'- xil N-th.e asýisting h.s~'. its inext mteeting Sunday e~ig .. Té,- )Sr*hw.u.ýt (<ira i L-l! ha... t Uay 2,a t-54.. The Sý;pt-k.s of the Womnans ~ce~dit.unche.on at 12 :3q wiil be. olre w'ili mee-t as foIliws: Sp4-ke -No-22,v i t h bhv'an îfteýr~ncjn4-f sec-ing. Mrs. ('hurch, 61n Maple avenue. Tues- Thr ugh -the -wïk ýitesf day at 1 oloc; Spoke Nn. .ý with Mrs ,4]grls ar e c actîvitis frwbo Rogefs Fiske, 1?4 ç;oýv-ntpf:nth ;tr--t ngilarshdudasflo: Tuesday- at 1 p. m., -Mrs. Hall c-ot Tesa- 0)p. m-CamnpFire4 Girs.I ems~: Sp..k.- No. 1(j ith Mrs, Ralph RiceGrlSc1tz 104)7 :Thirtee.4nth street. Tue-sday at 1 î'. ~v-'p. r.TopN.2 o'ic;Spe-ke No-. 1il ith Mfrs. Ralph Tu'd~4( .m.uirChÀ C'lark. 6*20 Foýrest nvenu, uIin(-ceon anIp ail day mner-tîng-. peas Thursdriv 7 30 P. m.-Trroop .. Our midvvieek mee.-ting wil hé: held on IBySot Wkednesday evFning at , odoc in the- Friday-1 :1 p. m-rw!s lV, -,ilc 1i, nmz c.m,- iii ie P.av ">0 n .-Sepn ýrIî ir a n Fir'-' and ongega4onbulforany ..1n' thýe -- village who i'riy be Interested. The 'Se nior Luther league wil1 mert - - I this evening at the cbtîrch at. 8 o'clock. The Wednesday ýevenlng meeting for We Invite aIl of our yougpelet BileI study and conference will be .held I be with us. JanuarY 25 at 8. 'clock at Dr. Willett's - reeidence. Ail1 Interested, frlends are 'The Junior choir Wiii hold Its firsti St. John's Luth eran Wilmette and Park avenuesý, Wilmette Hermnan W. Nfeyer, M. A.. pastor 406 Prairi, -aveýnue, tlpoe19 C'hir.hte!l.nc-, 5~'714 The Sxhdiiinwill nirt Tue'~Y Jainu a r 24, at the home c--f r.. G- Fisher, 63 5 Ash jtre.-t, iî.-a Theýroe will be sewing ati' :< lu.~nat noo-n. l n th.e church on T'~lyngt J~: SERVI(E Third Suflday afttecE panlarY 24, t S O'clockth, dl:d Ep1pàny- i l ù1'nimnt (,f thie Church sc"lwL: 1a.m.-First. service and sermoirn. its annual soial te wvhlchal iu. 30 . r/-undv ohol n! ih~ <ndthe-ir friends, are invited. Th-ý t S srm<n.j rc.gram - will htc given by thep lhi 1, - ilà. n--'odsevu-ath.,ans ' the Frindl,.- irile, ai t h.- '-*f Fattiz M-- ns class. 1 its and oiO he field of nd modern Pd mSC mtes. [t wlli cover I ladership"of Professor F'rank 'M. Mt'c- 3, learning, anclent Kibben of the department of Religiouj.Q ges. genieral science, Education of Northwestern University, whlch" wlll le of particular lniterest to g

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