Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jan 1933, p. 10

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Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Kiken, 1341 IAshland avenue, left Monday for 'a tnip.to Indianapolis a»d.Cincinnati. Mn.. Kiken:was called to Indianapolis on business, andi from there, they were going to Cincinnati to visit j -friends. LAST WREKOF TUE DUTCHMILL SALEI "THE sQUALITY. CANDY" Two Pounds sisoz -Make your own , election. ORANGE PEEL, TOFFEE, FRUITS, NUTS, HARD and SOFT CENTERS. SALIE ENDS SUNDA Y, JA NUA RY 22 DUTCH MILL CANDY 1187 WiImette Ave. Wilmette 2140 Mrs. Murphy as accompanist. The meet- ing was fol lowed- by, refreshments and a social hout. The, parents are plannin g a card and bunco party to be held Wednesday eve- ning. February 1 the object being to raise funds to care for I-igirest. chil- dren whose parents are unable,to pro- vidie dental or optical care as the case mai- be. .Mrs. ýCatherine Schwall, gen- eral chairman of the party , states, that "it is a mnost needy issue and needis every bit of cooperation possible." The party .Will be heldi in the scbool auditorium wýhere a large number of guests may conveniently attend. There vilI beprizes for both bunco and card .s and refresh- ments in charge of Mrs. Loretta Engels and Mrs. Anna ,E pp. Tickets wilI bej sold at a reasonable cost. Walter~ M. Milert, 521 Sixtlî street,~ is the west on a business trip. He will be .away two iweeks and wi1 stop in Portlandi,, Ore., and Oaklandl and L~os Angeles, Cal. George E. WVallis, 1612 Forest ave- nue, has been in New York -the past two weelcs on a business trip. H-e expects, to l>e away about a month. The twenty-one persons at the Jetter. Film meeting patciaeir1 adiscussion .of cunrent pictures be- fore enjoying, Mrs. McClùre's talk which included, an account of lier, trip to Hollywood. She likeneci the Hollywoôd tour to- a jounney arouffi the world. because'vanious movie sets accurately depicIteci a part ýof China, a stretch of the Sahara.. a bit of Gerniany, as well as. other regions, ýThe meetings of the Wilmette Éeti. ter Fil m group. hel -thie' third Mon- day of every mônth at the résidence of thec president, Mrs. Robert. Hal.li- well., are open to. every local resident initenested i n motion pictVures, it is ail- 'noinced. AvoÇa Pgpils Plani to Buy a New Radio Soon Pupils at the Avoca school realized- $5.48 on a candy sale they hield re- ceently. With this money and the Achievement club dues they have been saing, the pupils now have a total of thirteeni dollars. Thiey plan to buy a new ra dio, which will be useci for educational progirams, ac- corcling .to Mrs. Glen Clinebeli, prin- cipal. The nupilsiniay alsn bl a LIMITED OFFER 7x11 New ibrary books have been or- dered for the upper andi Iower grade rooms at the Avoca school, on Ash- lanci avenue west of Locust roaci. The board o education of the school, voteci ten dollars to each roomn for this purpose. The books will include> historical novels, fiction and other volumes suitable for use in connec- tion with the school wvojk. Univeruity -518 Davis 'Street 1 1101AVRMIR BERENICE VIOLE Teacher.;and l'ianisa' Studio: .114 Third. St. >Phone Wlnietteo 17i05 r tee

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