Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Jan 1933, p. 9

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JL-.... uil. i Mrs. Snorf told how sonie of the f unds of the P. f- A.. were. being used to :give proper aid to thiose' needing it. These, cases are bel ing halndled 4y a comùmittée throughli Mrs.1 Rollo .Gt1Ilickson-and Mrs. M., Il. Bickhiaùl with the aid and advite ,Of Miss' G reene, the schooi nurse. M rs.. Taylor. ýrepresenting thie Ceni- tilr%.,of Progress exposition, enter- tained %v ith ýa wo)rd pic turc of -the Chiîldreti's part . of the expositiôi.1 TIhereis to be ail Enchanted Island., a lhve-acre 'tract playgrolund. iand scapC(i am designe<I for the delight.: entertaininient, and( education of the chiidren attending the- exposition.j .\1111g ail the ýinterçstiing things slie (le scrii>ed there is' tc' bc a thecater, >eatiwîg .5O chiidren, where. three days a the Junior league Nvili' present their c.hiii4en's piays. l'lel theater wvil te opente other day s, with puppet shows, marionettes and miovies. *And-there is even to bc ai nrsrv. inder trained supervisioni where the tiny ones can be checked, for an hiour,-or a dav, Nwith the ftîll kliowied(ge that theY vii1 be weIi care(l for and fed. .And theilN rs. Robert G. Haiieli nitroduccd the speaker of tUe day.* Mr.Chester Hl. Greene, who had for t h cr subject "Better Filinis." Fulil- ' t)v kniowv ng just wliat type* of piCture tlic chiidren were seezîw. SUe caiied to our attention the faise sccuritv that iay ini tities alone, auid pointed.', out soinle very' fine liCtures thiat wotiid le i)asse(liiip, i f thev were judged by tities. Slie did itot give ilie impression tlhat she feit al pic- tures shoid Uc sugar-coatcd fairy;l mng unicr Miss Davenport's direction. 'rhev' are. Iearningfolk songs of differ- ent eYountries. M rs. Lyman Si. Drake, 933 Lake avenite. -wili have >the meeting niext' iTuesdav of lier lunicheon bridjge Club. Your, Skin - us sure to need attention becaus,. of the prevailingi chanigeable weather. A Fac.ia wiII rostore the natural warmth and color and gve you that soft, smooth skin that js so much desire,. Rogular $2.00 Value $1.00 Phone leuir Appointment Today WILMETTE 4517 Iowest prices i .deliverv anclude, FRESH FRUITS.AND'VEGETABLES BROCCOLU: So many ways to pre- pare this delicioua vege-, table, try it-in salads with either French'or boiled dressing, lb. ..... JCý WINESAP APPLE$ A perfectly marve lous buYý extra la~rge -rosy red eating apples, will keep indefinitely. Lay in a supply for the children, they'JI relisb them any tme2 BOX $1.69 GRAPEFRUIT SEC TIONS Juat the pure fruit. Chili and serve for breakfast or in com- bination. fruit saiads 13 No. 2 tins ........... 1c 8 FOR 95c WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE FRENCH ENDIVE- American grown, a, trial will con vince you that ýour own farmers',.prod- uct is. equal inflavor and, excellence to the importq and at baif theý price, lb.,.5 C ONIONS Fine forcem> g r 10-lb. handy bag only., 5 FLQRIDA STflAWBERRIES ,Ohso - *wft -nd 4 ios14u Thursday, Friday and.. 25c Saturday, pt., 2 for.. Ir~ FRESH SPINACH Soilil, tender leaves, I9 peck ...... .. 9 CAItROTS Try F~rench frying tii, they're delicious, bunch..5c supper. No. 2 tins 3 for MC~ HEINZ CHILI SAUCE Baked beans really arefl't com- plete without a generous heJp- ing of this perfectly blended. sauce.21 IZ-oz. size......21 5 FOR $1.00 235 RI DGE ROAD

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