LAYER RAISINS Imporited Spanieh clusters. lb 29e OLIVE QIL Antonini fine I.talion. qt. $1.29 beef. Orders for Saturday uhould ;b. received 'by Friday noon. SIRLOIN- CLUB. è.*. * . . .lb. 29c e lb. 35c MARSHMALLO rehAgel. lb. 19c, Riley's rum end butter.l. CHIPSO THE 25e CARTONS 2 POP. 290 PLUMS Richelieu large, whole green gage jp1trnS. 2 No. 2y 9 CHERRIES Richelieu largest White Royal Anune. No. 2!/32e CAMAY SOAP o coupon frt with &Or. - CHEESE Mild YelJow Anmericm or Wisconsin Cream Brick «Ceh I SARDINES Smnall Norwegian smoked i olive oil. 1/4-1bb tins.. pure TOILET PAPER Snow White softest crepe. Larde r or quick, 23c, carton ....... CýORN MEAL Richelieu, finest ýyellow or white'.............. ea. 15c lb. 9c l ('rtltcd or Prcntiim Whole or Hait Stanadards Qt., à9e ci] LEI lb. 14e seI4èets 69e Fresli I)res,4eEI Roaster,~ Ail purpose disin. i ê 5 fectnnt and bleach ..Pt 15 DATES .1 AND TWELFTH.. son %W@&MUTWU £U"AMOSEB *op I MU B ......... , l . . - , - iým ý,., - m ý ý ; . . 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 . ý 1 + l-