Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jan 1933, p. 3

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preservation anda nîru sancuuary wiis submnitted to the board at its regular înonthly meeting- Monday 'night by Mrs. A. *R. Hocige., representing -the Kenilwortb Home. and Gardeti c,.lub. The 'roperty in question was, until the death-of Miss Mary Mahoney last Octôber, owned by tbe Mahoney famn- ily, pioneer residentsof Kenilworth. It is located on both sides o f Sh e ri- dani road at the southeast limits of the village.. The portion ejast of Sheridan road extends to the lake. ,The M.%Iahoney:homesteadstili stands on1 that. part of the prop erty west of Sherian road. Bequest to Village Wb Wefi Miss Mary Maboney. xvho wvas the last surviving mnember of the fainilv. died -Iast .October she be- <qteathied ail of. the property to the Village of Kenilworth to be usedc as a public park an~d tç, be j<nown as 'Mahoney park. * The recommendation that this l)rolierty l)e developed as a \vild flower preservation and bird sanctu- ary read as folloivs: "The Kenilworth Home and Gardoni club recommends: Thtthe 'village board consider the development of Mahoney park as a wild tlower preservation and bird sanctuary an( that the board appoint a coimittee Consisting- of a member of each of the following organizations - the Kenil- worth Home and Garden club, the Ken- ilworth (larden club, the Old Settiers' * association and thie Neighibor-, of Ken- ilworth,. and the principal of the Joseph, Sears school, Commu*ity Project "This cominittee to draw Up plans for *the- development of this natural park, subjeet to the approval and co- operation. of the Village board, "These plans to be carrled out as. funds and materiais are supplied by those various groups, siîpplementing suceh improvements a-s the Village board- niay mnake from timje to time in *the pa rk. * ientire plan to be a means whiereby ail residents (of t-his village niay haive a part in developig titis park into i truiy. community idea;." Major Sawders, who is a recog- nized autbority on- Central and South American lif e and customs, brings to. the . Sunda.y Evening club information gleaned from bis mnost -recent expedition-that into the fascinating countries indicated in the subject of bis lecture. He bas, lectured extensiveiy tbroughout 'the country and, according to crjtics, "has. the happy f aculty, of giving ' as f information in amost' pleasinig and.amusing way.'> His pôise and. sense of humor.bave captivated bis- audiences and bis observa- tions' impress bi.s listeners witb the keeniness ,and .fair-mindedness witb -which. he regards our Latin Clzarîty Cames ÇwelI Local Welf are Fund Forty dollars, representinig the proceeds from the 'North Shore league basketball gaines conducted for charity Friday evening. were pre- sented to the Xilmetteý Conimutnity Chest board. this week hvN R. . Johnston, çhairman of- the Play- the entire. proceecis trom Its F~riay, evening receipts to charity. In' addi- tion to the gate receipts, a consider- able part of the donation was ob- tained froni pre-tieket sales and seli- ing contests conducted prior to the gamnes. Dudley C. Stone of, the recreation. staff bad cbarge of the ticket sales and the prograni of entertainmientl P. Dewey A Üderson Iast week we.as eIez t.vated to. t/wPOetion of president of the WiImette State baîîk. Mr. Anderson hasbeent con- itected with thé. bank in an of- ficiai capacitY for ,thte past ive ,Ils Jdso01 F. Stoili. wlho lias ,been 'priisdent of the~ ba,î7k'for five vears. zvas elected chairn*an of the board. Bullet Ricochets, Hits W. J. Dunham in Cheek WVilliam J. Dunbam ivas struck in the left cbeek by a bullet that ricocheted f rom the wall wbile be was engagingl Will Present Lecture on Christian Science Charles NT. Winn of Pasadena, Calif., will give a lecture on Christian, Science in First Churcbi of Christ, Sci1entist, in XVihette Tuesday, Jan- uary 17, at 8 o'clock. His subject will be, "Christian Science: The True taculty mernbers Tt5ponsle I~lor 48TIT7 ing on boys' club work in. senlior: high scbools of Illinois during re cent years. As outlined in a letter mailed toal high sÉcbools of Illinotis with enrol-' ments of more than 200 students, the^ conference aims to accomplù ishtwo. puivoses:* Cte Punrposes 1. To discuss the, organization, cur- renit activities and problems of Illinois boys' clubs. -Tbis discussion, it is be- Ilieved, will be intuaàlly befteficial to ail participating. 2.. To enable the -boys of different, bigb schools to become better ac- quainted, witb eacb ,other, on a basis wbich is flot comipetitive. Hear N. U. Leaderý D r. S. A. Hamrin of the Sebool of E4iwation at Nortbh&esterf uni versity will give a brief address on fo. Club Work" 'to open tbe program at 10 o'clock i the morning. Following Dr. Hamrin's talk several typical boys club programs of activity will be pre- sented by boys f rom various clubs. Tbis will be followed by'a general dis- cussion of these programs. The con- ference wiIl culminate in a banquet, at Iwbich there will be an outstanding speaker, the name of the speaker to ing the conierence. rEavrr sct.onuuii been asked to send not more than five délegates, aside f rom the interested faculty niembers. Pionieer in Club Work The Tri-Ship club at New Trier bas been a pioneer in boys' club work ini Illinois, and its program of activities compares favorably witb that of any. other high schëol boys' club ini the is pointed out, since all tne activities botb Sunday, and tbrougb-the-week are in a bigbly flourisbing condition. - Ils. HJenry Cutler, cbairman. be ivc the fif tor Uic Dest

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