cotored o xiD aIc ...I...w PEPPEREIL CASES. 42x36, .ach. ..........17c. 45x36. *ach ...... 19c PEQUOT PILLOW 25 CASES. 42x36, sac .....25 each . . . . . . ' PATCHWOR K QUIITS. Fuit siz., bouquet patterns, allSlors, .1iind withrmuslin,98 ah. ....... 8c MATITRESS PADSadCORS Twin bed SIZO,88 each .......... Fuil b.d size 98C eactl............. . BED PILLOWS., Extra quality feathers, 2 ix27,9 - *ach ..........9 C BLANKETS. Part wooi, in~ plaids. 72x84. Th-ink of the té) Il o SCOTT TOILET TISSUE., Fuit sfr. rolis, regular prico. 12I/2c. W. lmit 10 mills ta a custmr 18 roll .... ....8... HICKORY SO0-O0N S. Pinkc or p.ach, 9-incb f/ ~le Ingth, 3 pairs If boards, yard .. .. . . . . .. MANGLE CLOTH, 45 inches wide, a fine weave, for- Mangles, 25ce yard valu.. 17ad orSc ar PEPPERELL SHÊETS, guaranteed for 52 washings, .9 81 X99,. an unusual value, eack..... PEPPEREIL SHEETS,.74 72x99, ,ach . . .1. . . . . .. .. . . . PEQUOT SHEETS, 72Î99, each .... . . ... 98C PEQUOT SHEETS, 84 99, each-.$ O SAL $68 Plain colors and new Take advaritage of this event. LINEN DRESSES for i early Spring . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . 1019 CLOSING OUT AIL WINTER COATS for Misses AÔ and Cbildren. Sizes 8 to 18, $ 10 and $15 coats......$48 WHITE SPORT COATS wth dumi Clearance Thés*' are discontinued patterns. MEN'S BROADCLOTH S-HIRTS. Wieonly ..coliar çattached. 98c BOYS.» SHIRTS of BROADCLO.TH with a tliftti wooi in he. 700, colored. from Xmas, iand $3.50. .15C 1patterns g $1.95, IVIWb b 'VYtIltEI. 'UOat style mn heather mixtures, gray and black, $3.95 value .......... ..2 MEN'S HOSE. Fancy, and plan colors. $l value. I OFT COLLARS. OU FITERS Woirthoen a Dspt. Store-I 146-48 Ave., Plhone WiI. 588-589 OUFITESFirst National Bank Ski;. Phion 0 WiIm.tff.2655 r t T