aI vmiew tram our chapel recess >i)m wlich affords the impres-. club lounge. Ou, oîur is Equ'ippied 'rha Ppe fOrgani Fhe ()Ildeq F.sabIish.ed Undertakers op, th,Imrnediale e North..Shbore "The Huseof ersonal Srie 1118 G.EENLEAFAVE. WJL MEr-TE 654 554 CEN17ER ST. WINNETKA 404 Supeîîn A mb;iarlÉe service L icensed L ady Assis tant 9 . COY miWARMý No MilagfrIh»me11v CoId illt NigImli * fts stili as N%-arin and cozy iiidoors -as a baliny d-ay ini Bermuda. That is. if yot4rc wise and <rdelr Mit dean, convenient. ecQflomical fuel. yourscif inyoutr Co.1)LS'IS 1JST Wïii1tte Coal &Mate-rial Yard 1301, 1ýAKE iAVENUE le NEWLET1E42(x Phonse Wilhette 691«696' l a