originial <J1awings4, tilemscives, he1 maV t my ser ~Cvi~c was Utflessentiai and Uur fCxt visit was to the juziks, 'I séeito irnitate the miodern neyer been publicly shown. Hô,.Never, valuable. ivhlere 1 was allowed to go in wâh the Sorte;fot' taetsIuli a twenty-four of thern have been col- First, tbe case. worker and I called wvorker. This family of two aduits, I of living." It was. with these words lected and. are on display this wveeki on the O'Briens,.iii response tù an, ur- neither of whomt read or spoke Eng-1 thatl August Comite- chartered. his life at. 'havnee Cotr club. Duringgn euest f rom the father. Mrs. lish iiVed in three sinall roorns,. second to the pattern of-Benjamin Frank- the: Fair the drawings lwill. be ex-1 O'Brien,. neyer strong, had become flôor.reair. The man was tubercular. lns hibited in their respective buildings, 1 veaker. and "'queerer" since ýthe birth Mr.Jzkile rkeinls er n kisysMs himc i and -afterwards Will flot be circulatcd1 ofithe last infant,, 110w six ionth old. fully, said that "John had'gone by a comnienting on. this important figure at aIl. The, night before, she liad become vio- friend." The rent was due, the. gasý man in the history of Ameia a ra A large. pastel dIrawing of the Fair Iently insane, and was taken to theéa' ie fnlntc, onhd10in~ many. fields-politics, diplomiacy, at. night by William ' Macey stands Psychopeaihic Ward of the County host- shirt,,and the "'boss mhan" threatened to science, business and literature. Hé. ()lt vivîdly in 'the gop n two 1 pital. I waited outside f or the .worker put their' furnitur ntesre.Te eiin n"otc .imaginao vie- sof. the Administ .ration building wh.ile she .,talked- with Mr. O'Brien.. had 1,ad-a-og-"one sucéh a big, ni ce and appreciation of the spiritual side hv H. Burnham,. J. Holabird, and E. WVhen she caine out she, told nie about dog.!', They had * sold the dog to pay of hunian1 nature, but he was endow-, Bfennett show. that building lit cx-;'the filthy. house' and, the worried .dis- the rent ($8). Now they havýe. no dok, ed with humnor and wisdùm." He was quisite (lrawings andi colors. Also hv trâcted father, Who didn't know wheth- no, rent, no nothing. "ICould. Mrs." get an exemplar of* the virtues 'of in- tlie saine architect. there are .twvo er to abandon the children, so he could John a j ob to wash the windows-Johnm ustrypesernegeoit ad prwoposed entrances of the, Staties' -o to sce about his wif e, or to worry wxashed windo'vs- so, nice. The worker selfý-command. groups and a perfcctlv sgtunnîniig-Vlew about the w%,if e and. stay at home with talked, with the landlady, Who said shep Here are some of the.books about of, the, Federa.l Gnvernimirnt building- the cildreni. The wvorker solved the "9came up to give the Juziks hollaration, Franklin and his contemporaries that l)idles a color studv of th doui o problemt by providing a temporarv becauise tbey pay no rent." It was, ar- the Wilmette Public library bas to the Very tiquidiTie ravel and Tranis- housekeeper for hum. ranged.* that one' month's.rent1 would offer its patrons: p&ot building and a "C'elle of the easî \Ve drove next, while talking, to the he paid. The Juziks' stove was a coin- Franklin-Autobiography. entrace~.ay4und ~Hood auR ar-ilQne ofa £1a4i~ teU4efltRMWMI~rntioigeê~a.id.coa êndtlieytlita.-then<»ip.. te . ooftMoodernn etitrance Electrical buildingar-on oe hsband hteldgetdeserted tongsad>,oladthytogt its zhitect for tle Ecctorica stiU(l ber mn hoe lusandhddsr they could find enough kindling "by the;j rord-Many Slded Frankln. slhows a beautifuil orstd of tleher and whio, also, a being cared for factory," for cooking. 'Ihen we returned O'Higgins-Amer1can Mind in Actionl. buiildiýng andi a detaiIed picture of tlhe lw the Charities. ITèr children wvere 13. tc the office where another case Worker Russel-Benjainin Franklin, the First pvlon,. L1. F. Colemiali bas a view and 15 vears old. Hearing the O'Brieni's:I was wvaiting for me. . Sh iermanAmerican. ni flic Horticulture building, and predicauiient, she %villingly volunteered More volunteer drivers who will give Guedalla-Fathers of the Americait tlîer'e are drawings byv Pauil Phiililppe lier services and we took ber back to a day reýularly, weekly or every other ?11evolution. Cret of the Hall of Science. the O'Briens wbere she immediately' week, lviII help greatlyv. Mrs. Ralph [lis Contemoraris.d 'flic formnai opening of the exhiibit took full charge, allowing MrI u' Wlet 12 rMs.Dnl Bwr-efe nadHamiliton. ~ottr, Wlmete 14. orMrs.Donad Aams-Revolutionary New England. last Sunday aftertioon attracted O'Brien to go to the hospital Maxwell, Wilmette 2986, will be gladi Little--George WashingtQn. .matiy distjnguished guests including1 to give a detailed report to the to have von caîl thern if you Pan give Whitlock-La Fayrette. M r. 'and MIrs. Rufus Dawes, '.\r. and doctor about bis wife's actions. (1 this service. jeIiinaraJeffe rson, Nirs EdwartI Shernian, James Gaf-ý and Mr. Ritow; Williani Page,. *g the.....fe......... wel as The eal nursoilcedrat principal .of the Brown schiool in Chi- i e ctfe wesawe aaryJuryoilcanara cago, and Mrs. Page; and Mrs. f ôr another departinent which will be' Shawnee Country club includes an in- Lawrence Bfuck of Raviniia, wid(ow1 reopened about the saine time, consid- f ormai dance and open bouse Saturday erable. remodeling work bas been taking of the noted architect. Mr. Gaffnevh h da .S ' evening when the new mnembers will wvil1 hring the niembers of bis claqs pllace i the Edrst of Jan vens' store have an opportunity to become ac- iii architecture to the exhibit thi5 siuceth isofJnay week; and Mr. Page, ,vlo lias been The principal change inarng et uatd.A threetoalfiite Instrumental in having the conven- Of the store, wbich has been completed, will be open stich as the swiinming tion of th 'e National Educational as- i,' the removal of the store's generallpool, the bowling alîcys, and the ping- sociation held in Chicago, is also office from the second floor to the base- pong tables. brînging, a group out to Wilinette to ment. ,* played for the first tiir Patricia Christian roiCalifornia and nilother,, Mrs. Ursula 1133 Central-avenue. mionthly meeting -Monday, January 16, at 10:~30 o'clock in the niornig, in the Central Eleanor club at 17 North State street, Chicago. The American home departinent, of which. Mrs. Estella B. Pitts is chair- mnan, is in charge. The f ollowing pro- gram will be presented: Mrs. Wilbur. Fribiey will talk on the "The Home-niaker." M rs. J. Paul Carter. state chaimman of American lias returned Mrs. Israel Cope of Woodley road. Mrs. Herbert B. Taylor, 631 Ab- Mrs. Charles 0. Kile of Ivesdale, is with bier Winnetka, will l1eave Friday for Lake botsford road, Kenilwortb, entertain- Ill., -i-s-visiting her daughter,, Mrs. Christianý of.Wls I. o hers ftewn ed ber bridge club at luncheon on Allan BulIey, of 333 Ricbmnond road~, te.ITuesday, January 10. Kenilworth,,fo'r a week.'