Governmnent Buys Central-Park, Corner 'for New Wilmette Post Office Structure In connection with the construc- tion of a proposed new post-office in, Wilmette, Postmaster joseph. E. Shanitz, was notified,,by Çongress-man Carl R.. Chintdblom last Saturday that the government bas accepted the proposai of R. M. Johnston and comi- pany, agents for the property at the southeast corner.of Central and 'Park avenues. Thé bid on this site was $40,000. The site on which it is proposed to build the post-office extends. 240 feet alonig the soutb, side *of, Central, ave-. nue east of Park avenue and 150 feet along the east side of Park avenue south of Centra~l avenue. .Several Owners * The property is owned bv, several parties. The portion nearest the. street intersection, 200 feet facing Central avenue and 100 feet along Park avenue, belongs to the hieirs of the late George W. Cur'ley, former *Village clerk. The forty f eet West of this 'on Central avenue is owned by Charles Brethold. and the building standing on it at the alley is used by NWinneris ofte Wilmette Chamber of Comm erce. anniual commercial Christmas lighting contest we re anà- nounced Monday noon at-the regular montlily meeting of the Chamber' at' Weeks'..dining room, The first prize,:a large floor Jamp, went to Wortheni's store, while the' second prize, an indirect floor lamp, was a warded to th e'Village Cleaner S. Several other business bouses re- cevdhonorable mention, namnely, Lyman's Drug. store,. the MilIen Hardware store,. SchbneidWer~s Boot- ery, the Snider-Cazel Drug store, the Wilmnette State Bank and Wolff- Griffis jHardware store. Three judges appointed, by tbe Wilmette Playground' and Recreation board 'at the request of tbe Chamber of Commerce, selected the winners. The judges were Miss Anne L. Whit- mack, librarian; Mrs. J.- D. Kinnear, president of the Logan-HowAard Par- ent-Teacher association, and Clarke Leach, commander of the Wilmette post of the Anierican Legion. Points taken into consideration' in iudL-hinLy the contest included artistic Il WITH BYSTANDER i Editor's Noôte: -The appended discus- sion with Byàtaiider là one of a series ifaugurated last autumnn pertaining to Wllmnette public affairs. It is a frank connnent on the* present politloâI situa- tion in the vil lage and "was 'promnpted largely by the announcernent in last week's Issue of WILiâiT'ru Lirim that the, *Villag9e Party," headed 'by ]Presi- dent C. P. Dubhs, has announced, its siate. of candidates.. Bistantder's ob- servâtions should ýbe of vital interest to every citizenr. of the ommunity. The serles, wiieh, commanded wlde- :-;pread attention and much, speculation Iaàst autumn, Will çontlnue, articles ap- liearing from time to time when, queis- tons 'Pertinent, to Wilmette public af- 'a1irs present thernselves. Watch for Rystauler's "Talks About Ivilmette! ARTICLE NO * 9 mette politics. Septemnber 8 last this writer con- tributcd to WiLmErTE LiIE a f ew ob- servations on. the subject in wwhichi, wvhile approving in principle of thie then newly planned Wilmette. Per- petual Harmony caucus, the general conclusion was reacbed that the pro- mloters of the project had counted 'Elected Active Head of WiI- mette State Bank; Stone- Namned Board Chairman At the 28th annual meeting of 'the stockholders of the .Wilnïette State bank, beld at thé batik'Thursday, Jan- uary 5, .ail retiring. directors were re- elected and W. D).- Leary, vice-presi-. dett and, F. Dewey Anderson, cashier, were added to the board, white . the by-laws of the bank were amended to provide for the offce of a chairmnan of the board of directors. >At -the directors' meeting which fol- lowed, Judson F. Stone was elected chairman of the board, and F. Dewey Andersonwas made president of the bank. W. 1). Leary was nanîed, vice- president and cashier; other officers were re-appointed and Harry L. Stone was -madle an assistant cashier. Directs Policies Judson F. Stone, the new chairman of the board, in addition to his re- sponsibility as manager of the Mc- Cormick Estates, is an 'officer and director of a number of corporations and the pressure of these duties bas made it necessary for him to find re- lief from. the active duties of the bank's presidency. Thus, ini his election as chimn of the board, Mr. Stone will second floor of. the house standing on this lot. .Martlia Waters, one of the beirs of the. late George W. Curley, now occupies the old Curley -home at the southeast corner of Central and Park avenues. Other beirs are George- J. Curley and Mrs. Ross Shelton of Wilmette and Mrs. George Muilen of Glencoe. pi clne o rthe to Ponder Ballot Bil promptness, iný the- typical 'hand1- guiance wbicb bas, so successfully At the cail of President Frederick picked macbine metbod almost four piloted the institution for tbe. past. five; 0. Mason, there will lie a special Totenôctbsadrwo years. meeting of the officers and directors not in the confidence of any cliques Anderson WeIl Qualified of the New Trier Citizens league at or parties, this bas ail the earmarks F. Dewey Anderson's election to tbe the City club, 'Chicago, at 12:30 of astute politics and preparedness. office of presiclent is a deserved recog- One gets several siants' on tbe prac-ý nition of. bis banking ability. He bas <o.r1nrk Saturdav. anuarv 14, for the nlt ,J rf l-rae-Ttk o nut served tbe bank and the community in Kenilwortfl on Monciay, Mway 6. The tag day was approved by- the Keniilwortb Village board at its regu- lar, montbly meeting Monday nigbt. qews ...... 22 N. .. .. .. .. .. . JIs there anything -realIy sign in this episode of harmonv (Continued on paLgeg8. no ending January 7, according to local Healtb departmnent records..