UtS 5V DuVtif 4., Ile t l moNe * tric refrlg. Close to transp. iti able rentai. E. E. STULTÎS Ér..LTY CI 460 Winnietka Ave.. Winnetli 92LT: * FoU lRENT NICE KITCIIE:ý apartment ln fire-prooif huildîn. trie. refrigeration. R. J. JOUNSTON & 34o Linden.Ave. iir FOR:.RENT-TWO ROOM.% KITI. ette apartmeflt near, transpol Steam heat, electrical refrige ('ail MWilmette 1800. 92LTý 4 RM- APT.,.H. W. HEAT, ATT. gas stove and ice box' furn. location. $35. Ph., Wilmette 4 921 * 93 FM>R RENT-FURNISMED Pàl F01R RENT -REDUCED RATI attractively furnished 4 rhu. anÈ apartment.q. Conveniently locati Wilmette 2399 or Wilirette 242 97 __FOR,_RENY-NOU-SES RENTING -SE RVICE- TO FIND FOR YOU.- THE RIGHT A-%PARTM\ENI IN THE RIGHT LOCATIO: AT THE. RIGHT PRICE 1.181'YOUR N *,i 'e-.'-'-- : vPIjal),qýle toay or -jcLUUer., for ~le or rent atrJasonable prices. Iof Greenwood Avenue. Chestnut Ave- q02 SFraceS . .. scot, Frances J. Winscott nue. Elmwood Avenue, and Flfteenth k1800 I SrceS.Winnetka l1267 Wt 16Street 13Wing Nwithinthe: outer nsf 16_____ L~-t ad anSre.also. that portion of' X361t1 WEL FIIN 6 M.RESIECE i-n. IIILTN36-ltp the central twenty-three (23) fe n NETTE IH. W. .heat, o011 uher, Pit tsbur rg ALI ANbHeý.\;twee() nthe softhwe the fSaeetMan g. eiec- water heater, frigidaire. insulatd beLIY AN HA M tw <) n he sof ifst et SreetMing 'C . 0tsadingvalue in' 'à6 rorn en Stet ImprovO4I by removng __________68_____________ brick home on beauti- <i id curb and gutter, brick pavement, 99 WNTED10 ENT-OUSS Evns-on.e lot in Lincolnwood, sidewalk, trees and stumps, by grading, L3- 99 _______ Modm in è' ery de- inûIudlng ,.parkways,, by, cohstructlng à CHE t\ANP D O RE Tlu Ms Didrjksen. tormi water, sewer wlth brick manholes,. ~raton. We re avig cllsfror pr~- e~ i, ~ ~ Cflsructing Yew brick catch bas-ins erttn. X <ar hainandl ro pon ew: brick* catch basin Inlets, by N3-f pects for bouses to ýrtýnt in LN-- . ! adjusîtiing al ýmanholes. and catch basin GAR, anston, Wllmette,, Kenilworth.155Iovrwiin he ns fadlm Good Winnetka. ,Glencoeand Hghl22DaiLSTGen36af procmerit to the proper grade. by. pav- land Park, PIéase ciait our office _!LT3 lcing itrenocd oceepae nt m11-t n. No "Man's Land. 'Wiimete (HRIGEGLS o4,S .10 conetructing a concrete, curb, by - 374o* if your hou.se ie f or rent. Winnetka. >5. bedrms., 9 baths, ou Ceonstructing . new- concrete tideWalks PT. If the early January weather heat, attached garage._$20.000. Manyi and otherwise imiprovlng sald, portion of continues leases will be -made other good values for sale adf or MiN Street and Fifteenth Street.. al 'E ON earlîer than imual. Better, list rE-nt. Mrs. Lange, Wivnetka 1194. 1iu the 'Village of Wiimette, County of d.1 rm. vAur bouse t(day for 4îs-sr-11TN6 1 ook, and tate of Illinois, Wilmette ýe.Ph. ice. _________ pealAsessment No. 25I h 27. 114 tS EATY.mcR______________________Chunty Court of Cook -,County, ~Inois. '~'~î~î4s <ut Wlrnttv374 j100-FT. LOT OVERLOOKINO .SKOKIE -NOTICE IS HERIEBY given to al in G;lencoe Garden sub-division al esn neetd httebado about oneý-haîf the original cost. P~h. 1ioca.l iniprovenients of sald Village of WE*AEDESIRABLE CLIENTS WMinneîka ý4I4. 114L36-ltp1 Wiimet te bas heretofore flled ln sald b)oth locajl and c-ut of towý%n who arc _________________-curt, in sýaid cause, a certificate show- in the narh-et fo)r nmoderatel( , cdi-ina the ost of the imiprovemeit. and, * homies. if your 1) iluse la availabie for 117 - WINTER RESORTS the aniount reserved for Interest, Ieav- vleiniedia-tePý or May st, kindiv OW -LT1 -COLONIAL INN ,inc No Dollars aLnd 'No Cents. to be 1'r advise '.\r. Heys er. onl a Millf <ýIcioOkilg NMOBILE BAY. :ab:tted in reduction of sald assesmnent. NFli rh -qpe. Alabanii. A deiightful and also that said iniprovenent has been SM RT& G Ir e w-ne oeraoalerts onpieted in substantIal conformity to i .~ :-~wrain x.* ni' .-r-r¶ noS 11j.4T3-t h, requirenients of the original ordinance '~~'u TN~ lIc-__________ -terefor. and has applied to said court HAV-E MANY LI NSTUR'6 129 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS to coonsider and determine whether or and rç~m bu~ <O t"$~ E~ 'PIEI ~VLN-U DIINQ OMnot the facts stated in said certificate, c, rrnl - ,"- 1 . - ore tr4.- n d .A t..,ê WA ....: t....1- *1 L\MIN(; E N(;AS T4ICK Hus. cefntral Winnetka, nvar. tran-p(ortati<ii and scli2ol3, j are. 10 ris., 4 baths. 2-car garage. Unubsual value at $20*i. Mrs. Fuller & Win. Pickard 1618 Chicago Ave.. Greenfleaf 7220 Winnetka 2594. 97 LTN36-ltc home 4 bdrms, 2 aths, studio liv- ingcm. ImmE-,diate îosse's$if;fl $100. 7*25 Elrn .t. Winnetkà 3500 I BLQK FRo-m LKE tractive Spanish type hlome i. C1hoice HIighland Parkloain with large lot and lvl aie Will cash out aIt ezceptionally 10w ý-figure. 1071 Skokie Ridge Dr. GlerIc-noe 1554 111 TT' 4,.I iii ii-gnar a - r "1; t)t).1 riie and place for the hearin-g on 1'-'qL,36 - tp application. Ail versons deslring FflIGTDAMTE FOR SA-LE. $25, IN file, objections in said court before gond' conditiun. Phone Glencoe 56q. day. and rnay appear on the he; * 12L36-tp nd make their defense. FOR SL-4IC WALNUT DIX-. Dntedt Srd day of January. 1933. ln,- rrocm table. Phone Glencoe 423, C. P. DUBBS * 129L6-ltpALBERT W. FROEHDE ____________________JOS. HEINZEN. SR. H. C. KI.NNE Fuît SALF c>ne ,tr(b V4-.- Lrv r ar ci said. as sist you in pirepaili tain maximum resuits., is ru» four consecutive times Ju8t ~ sk for your'copy u, l May esaid aring