WILL ROGERS: TOOI SY OWORK Strs Tliunr., :4; 9:5l Sfarts- Sat., 2:00:- 4:04; #:0s; OI Taxi Boys Começly .. esert Iegatta Spoirtiiglit,t >.. Krazy :kat gartoon *.~Motrotone News. . . satur:lay aIt the, 4:00 M1atlnee Final SPeei-O.Byke fiaWle SUNDAY,. MONDAY and ,TUESDAY, JANUARY 15-16717, BORIS, KARLOFF CHARLES LAUGHTON S:10; 10:10 * (~Ior<>,,. Ie y t, . a rlifounit Latest <r WEDNESUAY and ~141N% 9 Z~1 ior n aaiI-aui:u unnier inan ever. 1i n'e saine goes for rolly Moran cde- I J harle'ssobriety, pleasing rather votees. Now for the surging climax thanapainful, features "Evenings for of this advice to mnovie fans. Nobody Sale,"I starring Mary Boland, Lier- can afford, to, miss that inimitable laugh* bert Marshall and Sari MAràit7a at duo, Marie Dressier 'and Polly Moran,, the Varsity theater on Monda:y and ýin1 "Prosperity.". Tuesday, January 16 and 17. Mary EaCb of the girls is a capable actress. B oand plays a sentimental Amnericghn But when:they get together, even the widow with ten millions and a desire GetSon ae Cudhv to grin. to see the Vienna of bler. "Merry Persons-if there be any such"-who .Widow" dreamsg. Herbert: Marshall have lost the laugh habit will ýwonder is the 'pauperized, post-war count. -whatbsbtt mwhien theirroin -Here's Jè. E., Browum blends with the ýguffawýs of other movie On Friday and. Saturday, january fans. 13 and 14, Joe 'E. Brown will perpe- Not that the' picture lacks. a serious tate grand nonsense in "You Said ai side. Tbere's plenty' to Worry about Mouthful," the story of a fellow who'bfr teflm ends. But the picture c a n 't s w i m a s tr k e b u t is m i s t a e w i î r o b b l three b e edfail fora'chiapio andbtms t otrogh s wh poblsoni eney of smalow foith-acace.pioanger R.tà oer and sa ewiholMiss Drmesyfsler a Mis sw el i dinac .,G f "Sran ge rsIntelde"a Môr:: as ith ls mothers-m-land- i ssn are two other reasonis for seeing this ' ov" th affairs of t.huir married chil- fim dren. Of course, .t1ire's no bickering Some good old melodrama will (no, atot nuch!) over the welfare of. mark "'Tess of the Stormn Country," the griindchildren. Varsity attraction Wednesday, Iburs-' New Star to Appear day and Friday, January 18, 19 andl On Th'lursday- and Friday of this 20. Sentimentalism wv:th a saît-sealileck, the XVilinette theater presents, tang and a wind-whipped wallop- "A Bill of I)iv-orcemienit," starring John that's "Tess of the Storm Country,"'arryniore and Katharine Hepburnl. featuring Janet Gaynor and CalsIc))i-ici.iee ymn Farrell. critics as the gretcst screcnl find si:ice Oh, Spare That Villabi! Garbo-lias a1 poignant role. She por- This nicture wili nffer trainimz n traivs avunoiri ,e<n,<pjL- nd about STUART ERWIN Li SIDNEY TOLER .Stiirts 7:42; 9:52 "Torchy's isy l)ay" Coieiy . . Strange As T;. Seems, Travelogue . . . Paramouant Nevs FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JANUARY 20-21i The week's biggest wallop, liow,%- Howv does shue meet tis crisis? ever, is packed in the filmn, "I An a Barrymnore, too, gives a performance Fugitive Fromi a Chain Ganig," hein- of sucli power and brilliancy that thé shown at tbe Varsity tonight. (Thurs-. audience will .be swept' dc(eply ixto the day). Paul Muni is the star. 'mood . . . the aching thrill . . . of Clemence Dane's "A Bill of Divorce- WW 7'.ment.", wlnnetka Lad ImproveS jHollywood i owls at itself, and liun- Ether WVaves on Coast dreds will howl at Hollywo~od when Buddv Weil, fnrnerIv of Wfinn t. Once .. in à Lifetime" is presented at . . . . . . . . feature being ieaters. THREE PLANE BLAZ E hletic Universal crashed and burned thrée ights," airplanes to obtain the vivid wreck nQrth scencs which feature the thrilling picture,,"Air Mail." 'p