Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jan 1933, p. 40

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The first two gaines 'of the evening were close enobugh for any basketball fan, the staff further remarks, The first> game. was decided by a single point, and during the ,first half of. the second game, the. score changed fromn minute to minute as . well as the niame of the leading team. The' final -game bet-ween 'Schultz .& Nord and XiI- mette- Life was bard foughit but end- edwith. the former tearn veIl in the léad. The first gamne betweeîr thieVag- rants and Hoffmianni Florigts enided 34to 33, with Hoffmfanni Florists on toP, atog the Vagrants. had had a.1 two-point lead as often as their oppoet had aIl through the gameé. Te :final score inthseodam betweeti Huiff Boilers and the Bahai team of Wilmette %vas 29 to 19 but -most of the ten-point-lead was scored in the last quarter W'lïeni the Baha'i team suddenly sloved uip. Up to that time it was anybody's gaine. Hot Cames Tomorrow Dudley C. Stone, recreation as- sistant i charge of the North Shore league, announces that atn CvCI more closely contested card of gaines Nviii b e played tomorrow evening when ' the final games of the first round rob- in of the league will be pflaved. The Hoffmann FIorist and Bahiai SThe Schultz-Nord and hitf Boîlers' game has added interest in tthat,,each, team bas' nosed the other teani out of past 'champiorMships duriîig the last three years and if the Schlutz & Nord team cati succeed. in humii- bling the Evauston visitors they flot only will avenge past affronts but will tie for Ieading place ini the North Shore league. On the other hand, if the Baha'i tearn cati defeat the Hloff- Lyflarn Texacos (ý33> W. Rogers., L. Pahiman R.. Horn D). Dtngwall V. Wyle R. Bierndtàon H. Kaufmnan C. Hill i-Toffiiiann Fli. ks (3 7) C' Grater, F.Oelerleh, D. Oelerich R. Huck ,J. Bagnell J. Zopp A. Hoffmiann M-%ethrodlt (05,) P. Reinhdnld C. Varnley F. Wailener M. Boyailn mW. une'~ P. Lundberg R . Pence Teai tacig 1-oft'nann Flnrst s~ L~ynainTexaeos qtate Banik K<. 0 f C St. Francis ini B. Eobinsfln, Yorks (19)1 Rt. sweet W. Sneed R. ljor 1k ..smnith C.. Gauger. j. airison V. Metel R. Meter T. Obermeler- Il. Sieren B. lurd M. Y. P. D. (23) J1. Monre . SQoa P lieagité: Hoffnianx FIorists 4 2 .667 Bahal. 3 3 .500 WinetýLi fe 2 4 .333 Vagrants O0 i .000 i4pr EaiendEJ Thursday, January 12, 7 P. .-Gi'rls' gynasiuni Howard gymilasitumi. 7 :30 -p.. m.-ýSev entlh amnal ýkating meet.. Vîllage Green. 8 *p-. îx.-La.dies' gynam ini . Howard gyin1sini., iass. class.1 Frîday, January 13 7 i. fil'. -Nofth Shore Baskctbaîll leaguie. Hoffmalnn Florist, vs.Ballai. Howard gynasitin. 8 p. mn.-Northl Shorc Baskcthlall league. qchutltz & Nord "'s. Hutff Boilers. Howard gyiniasîiii. 9 p. mi.-lNorthi Shore Basketball league. Wilniette Life vs.ýagraits,. Hov.ard gyninasîum.ii Pot. Monday,' January 16 .7.,( Porters.' Stolp gymnasiumn. .500 7.30 p. m.-MNein's Volley bail. Vlff- .175 inanwis vs. S%Ned(islh Bushienl. Io-b- i ard gyinasiiumi. 1'> F) .m-il'bsktai r~nc . Poero R. W'ateýrs (45 ht. eoss Tif T -. Gos Il. Winheérg i.sts 1:1) .P 8:30 p. V.Me' olley hall. Rap- tist vs. H-owvard P. T. A. 11owad 9 .. .-;i baskethall. Ktudai, vs Six Bit,. Stolp g\nIllnasîuînl. Tuesday, January 17 7 p. î'bMîislasketball. l.J>- league. Aniericani Legion vs .IIornet-. Hovward gvnasnîmii.' 8 p). n.-Men's haskcetbail. 'B~ league. Basketeers vs. VY. P. C. It wiIl be lieid, according to Daniiel M. Davis. director of recre.ation; vho made this announcement .Tué-sdav a fternoon "If tle NN-leatlier is coid cîiough bx' Mednesd ay- noon to permit frcczing' the ponld" and ..If the forecasts. for Chicago ati& vicinity promiiseý on that date that there w.ili be enough continued coid- ness to permit the ice staSing' in fairîý condition by the time of the mneet." Otherwise, 'according to the saine authority. the s 1eventh annuai ice skating nieet, wiil be postpo ned tultil the îiext cons ecutive cold spel i whei the 'wcather conditions are suitahie* -for holding the*event. So far there haS been littie skatinllz in Vilinette this year outside o the days just prior~ to 'the Chrisftmas vax tioni but the residents are assured b1w the Recreatiotn authorities that 'the ponids will be flooded at the first po'- sible oI)1ortunity. 'l'lie Recreation board wias the onlv agenicy on the niorth shore able to conduct a ineet without a single' po'-t- poniement last year an(l ivas one of the few niorth shore agenicies ab](. to coiidîct the nieet at ail. 1,,iîitries ini the 1933 mecet '&eCre ti close Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clýcLc but re'gistration will be reopenied tgo .Ur"es Use of Schools for Recreation Needs 'lhle following letter ivas sent lil t;overnor' Ely of Massachiuse'tts. to tlhe cliairmnan of the schiool cominittee. i ecdi citY and town of the state: -f arn writing to aslç your coopera- tion and advice with regard to what 1 consider one "of the most funda- ai pi dur- T. Obe,ý 11R. ireforees efe 1B. qter . ýýz . -.- .- '... 1 ý u tl tI u ui.SL gs t ý Win~J 011 hursay, anuay 19be a real an-d essential contribution ehT.sdy auay1 to the needs of a miost important eh 7 p. m.-Girls', gymnasiumi class, element, in our communities. ge Hwar gynasm."I, shall appreciate your sugges- 8 P. m.-Ladies' gymnasium class. tions as to what may be done along Howard gymnasium.. these uines in your schools." , ý f*ý ý i ,, ý à Qdd and J94es, réfereês Tôdd a nd Jones,

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