tie vrts ti enistt LIIUILii, rl *~ofitin the 'Far East-The Man-. cirucrian Question" va's the topic of tihe initial program, on. which Prof, Kenneth Colegrove and- Prof.' Willia'tm * MOn1tgomery ),cÇovern, bothi mem- 1*e r s,,of thé. department ofpoi qi tical science. at, Northwestern uni- vt!rsity. Wcre the speakers. Their (lis- cu won~as ccntere(I arotjid thiel. * toni rep)ort, explainîing the viewpoirîts of.China, Jgiaan,: Great :Britaini and the. United States,. and %vas presentc<i i10 conversational forni. Subsequenît progranms ill iiave. the foyllowviing subject.s :' ,i.I-Fre ltnvestii .ents and Peace'; jan, 22- '"War Debts, Reparations of Disarnm- amxent' (land . 292'Eooni Planning and Peace." ficers of the sichools. arc M rs. Helen .Fisher Hohrntanda.r<l rs. G;eorge, If. -Tonilison, co-chaîrmani; Mrs, V. S. Grant, vicýe chairnan -%r>. Roscoe A. Page., reccrding sec- ret2ry-; Mrs. jloseph B. Mfason. cor- responding sccret arv: a nd 1Nli, L.ouise Feiitrtcss, trea-strer, Mrs. Anastasia Zorn Taken by Death Here Nfs.,natastia Zorni died last Sipn- dia v at thuhonme of lier caughter, '.\r,;. * ~ .1 Roet .roschel. 6<1 Illinois 'road.' Nirs. '/3îrii, ~lI hoie'ws iii Chi-< "crtina Miller, .Mrs. A aL.ovc.well j Mrs.. Daisy Oehlberg. Mrs. 'Marie a~kns id Mrs, Enîli li aller, two sos'Frank F. andl Nicl'iei. G. Zorn, fli teen g randchi Idren and t w gr ea i i- 'Il i e fulieral services \ý etc led \< nesav noringfrom thee muerai homie at 29.38 icon avenume.'Chicago, to St.. A-lph]onlsus church. 'Burial took. lc at St. Bnniface ceinitcry. wil grace the windows of b;oth h-_ 'braries,' and Nil11add gieatly to thje "hmies"of the rooms.' Besides,,a1 unique and select collection of bookSI of fiction,' biography, poetry, ess ay, travel, and pliilosophv h lave'.béetn added to the already 'cloiée collection' of books. On Frida.v, J'anuarfv (, threFirst, Friday of the month and 'the Feast of Epiphanly,', or ,Tlrree Kinàs, the Sodalists of Malinckrodt assenmbled to fuifil :their monthly obligation of meeting, in a. body and assisting at. Holy Mass and receiving èoi-Muniion, in a ody.The arge attendance, in spite of the -early hour, showed the students' good will and effort ini the! interesis of the. Sodality. The Mothers' club-activity for Jan-, uarv is another card party wvhich is schieduled for Eriday, January 20. Dr. H. C. West, Former Wi'Imette Resident, Dies Dr. Hl. C. WVest, \Vilmette resident for' twenty vears; died on Tuesday inorning of this weeck at' his homae in' San Gabriel, 'Clif., wvhere lie had 'lived for the past eight years sirîce inôving atway from Wilrhnette. Wourd of Dr. West's death wvas receiv(d Tuesdav 1)y lis brotlher-iin-la\%-,john iG, Munro. 1119j -le sva s active 'n, \V iinutte civie at- faýirs ani a înunri>tr (fut.M Augustinies clrurch. Fur thîe 'jxrt tw o s cars of bis residence In San (, driul Dr. \Vest's hclhhad beecu t.adis declining. leis survive li s, %idlow, Mrs. Nlvrt.le W'est, hx' three dauighturs, Lu- cille and Janice Wýest anîd Nrs. Donald McCalluni, and by a son. George. Al, reside in Califorila. C*Aldt~lt Dy tie s~a i DanK as ai rust coiiipaniy, tLUmimaI~IiLUr of~ Public Accounits of the State of Illinois, pursuant. to law, and filed in the office of the said Auditor of Publiic Accounts On the Eleventh day of January, 19.33. RIESOURCES boans on Real E4,state.. ......... Loans onCollaterat Securitv.......... ... . . . . . . Overdrafts. ..... ....................... U, S. Goverumiient liivestnents...... Oth.er. Bonids and Stocks......... ........ Bauking House, Furinituire and Fixtures. Other Real Estate........ ............... I)uc from Banks, Cash and.Otiier Cash Resources......................... 'Cuistomiers' liabilitv untder Letters of Credit Custoiners' 1 iabilitv accoutit of Acceptances. . Other Resouirces ......................... 'Total Resources.ý............. 275,51.53 20,p935.48 87,658.12 384.88 76,846.36 34W..627231 94el70.42 478,947.1 Nono 12e928.57 $1,780,016.48 LIABILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . Capital Stock............... Surplus....... ............. Undivided Profits (Net). Tiiiie Deîiosits ................ lseserve i-ccouint*,,............. ............ BusPayable........................... Rýe-discounits .. . . . . . . . . Lette rs of 'Credit .................. Bank Acceptances................... Other -Lialitie............. Total- Liabilities................... Par value of secuirities deposited ýwitli A of Public Accouints, Springfield, Il Noue None None .1,780,016.48 Subscribe'd and sworn 1933. (SEAIL) to before me, th day of januar H. L. $TONF, Notary Publie My commission' expires November 6, 1934. Phmone Uni#eraity 3353"