CHANDLER'S Po untoin Square Evanston * -ardeu Statlouery, Cheer 'Eau Up! SEND A BOOK SPJECIAL ON PRINTED STATIONERY 100iJ Declkl Edge Velluni and 100 Envelopes Nime and addres5 or monogram Jannary OnIy 1724 OIUNOTON AVENUE' OrrlnSton Hotel Bd1g. EVANSTON iacs r *8am*e &G iasnions, iGLLJLe .Uis.- ( f ---relen of i roy "-tat is one ofrthe jasters, conventions, flash back vividly Kof books like "The .Dolly Dialogues"~ in to the m emory. The four, volumes of Four new and gzood specimens of which a new manner is borni with a J Our Times'! are delight.fui. They are' that priceless. solace ýof an emtpty.preto htits own, originator delig1htful because they, recali sio hour, -the joy of the yo'ung,.- the cno eatr-u.this bookis I ruch of the surface -ofi our recent refuge of the. older ones, a "*mysterv. much more .successful than its u J ivilization- that, surface which story!" Carefree 'schoolbovs, pre- thors's Galahad."' The reason is changes so rapidly, wvhose colors and.occupied matrons., the wvork-tired plain, th at Mr. Erskine, like a very formis sa sooà: become divertingly business men, staid an d : lturdcoi- Poiiinito omon sense,b- quaint, wvhich for, ail adults is wrap- lege professors, anyone capable, of gins by taking away fro th Ar ped up with so mnany personal memo-, surrendering himself to, an hot1r',; thuriai s ail their'tmagic chalices; and ries. . The present volume (which in- diversion ýcaught from the, crowded -%vithout thé Holy Grail there is noth- çïdentally lias a misleading titie, for twenty-four, will find, enjovm e t;ù iulg left' of the storyý of Galahad, icornes only to 1913) is as ap'pealing any of the above books. !%%hereas' without . the. love-potion as its predece'ssors. For one-reader ",The Penthouse Uurder s" s p9-iere. is the stary of Tristan and the who woufld be Jnterested in a thor-1 sored by the Crime club,. which is a1twvo' Isoldes a strong, even, a bitter ough, exploration. of the problems, of prettv good guarantee.. The.settii,.1j novel;- and this Mr. Erskine has come American history under Taft, a hun- as thetteipl-,i igl oe îert brtn.H as -:nat quite dred. are initerested ini recalling the anansnva vsevsoiss ritten it, as a, matter of his ownl i ohso-Jffîe fgh, heTîancoften are, despite the almost inevîit-l chioice b ecae he has. not taken disaster, thie Waldorf bar,th suf able corpse whichoe tmls1ovrTita fr«h pncalhrce, fragette agitation, aId ways of adver- ibhûnesubesoe~tis or is rnscipafulcharac te tising toothibrushes and tinderwear, 6rsachater.but iso Pldes nscessullve, GlniCùttiss' 7H.udson' River fliglit,1 . "nther inte fmos lilth'le book-is v oneanode Billy Sunday, and the advent of jazz. i nte ntefanu 'Ih6t licious as *flelen- of Troy," butt it is Mý,r. Sullivan does not give us thor-i series., a tale of secret service i- i eeper. It is bath witty and thought- ough, iwell-balanced, or philosophicltige'! "e Gra ndE~fi. lboth îtragic. and laughiable; above history; lie does give us an extremelv lish operatives.. Thle livelv action , al. it is a book that one mnay càll, amusing panorama. mnoves through Eng-land, Gernauv sîie, in the tone of voice i and Serbia, -with a romnantic loveIwhilîiîîjane Austen mîade that one of PRIX FEMINA CHOICE motif to give color and softness to thu .lictetrnis of praise. WVilla Cather's Sliadozz-son the harsli scenes. Rtrî, 'Rock is the first choice of anl American "Mr. Reeder etrs, anotlher jJIiscellany ihook b)v the Prix Femina for trans- Crime club offering, needs no com- lation into Frenchi. Madame Jeanne I nendation to..those who know- their A BOWL 0F CHERRIES. Bv johin Dauban, perpettual secretary to thle EgrWlae n sei lly e H.eld, Jr. (Vanguard.> Amierican selection conîmiiittee and mild anid deceptive Mr. Reeder. Tol I WAS THE MAN. 1y Paniula a French booc'ilb chosen an- acters to suroass the gentie andj ter- THE GLASS LADY ' By Asa Bor- nuallv for pub)licatian ini translation rific old £gentleman of. Brockiv\ Roadf dages. New York. (Goodw\\in.) in th.e United- States. Harcourt. "The Murder of the Ninthi Bar- TALES OF TRESPASS. Bv Sir Brace \vIll l)e the publisher. 'l'le(:)net." 'Mr. Fletcher is an En ih4Gog on.(xodUies Amrwn oninii te iecînîcdwriter of great diligence -whlo ia ity Press.) ithree .\nxcricin l, k,,bthe FrenchI given innumierable baffiers to thie POWER. By Lion Feuchtm îîe r. coîmitce or e jndvorld. He ivrites extremelv well a (j ! Modemn Library. ic es.bis storjes :r ee ha rbdv~ THREE. SOLDIERS. B'v John Dos vieves.put together. The present effort i.,s! Passas. (Modern Librar-Y.) HERRIES FAMILY CONTINUED' perhaps flot his best but is decidedîxý THE COLLECTED WORKS 0F In The Fort rcs., Hugli Walpole, worth reading. The prospectivu PIERRE LOUYS. (Liveriglit.ý Bm.iý T he annual Hle memnori-al sermonTh e thoughtful reader will be ab- H.1 G. Wells, it is said, is goinz ta delivered November 9. 1932, by the sorbed by the philosophical probIem branch ouf i a new direction short- Rt. Rev.. -Frank E. Wilson. bishop of of good and evil presented by Somer- lv--he is to write the "book" of a Eau Claire, bas just been issued in set Maugham in T/ile INarroze, Corner., musical 'show! Low, the cartoonist. pamphlet forni by the Western Theo- The book was recently publishedi by. mwill design the settings. lgclseminary. . Doran. b J