"This year will mark .a milestone ini Girl Scout history4 for in the spring we come of 'age. Twenty.one years of Girl Scouting in the United States! Before we look forward, we might do weèll to look back and consider Vhat that has meant for us al. Dur- 14g tiioe vears we founld oie.an- other.,. Togetiier vve sliared gooad timfes and. bad. The bad tîines have. heélped us 'toediscover, bow necessary our Girl Scout ideals and :activities are. to us, and the value of the friends we. have made throughi both. "*We start 1933, our Éoting-of-age year, with mor'e.girls, nire leaders, and more loyal supporters tlîan any- one but out far-seeing founider W'ould have thought possible in 1912-. This year's resolution should be, one 'that Juliette Low herseif mgh have made: To do our best tQ see that many more American girls have .a j .chance to join the one million who have -alteady pro'fited by the vision of Juliette Low. If we make thiat reso- lution, it will be a hîappy year flot only for the Girl Scouts, but also for- the country' of wlîichi they are citi- zens. "I wishi vou ala very lhappyý New Year !" -Birdsall 'Otis Edey, President. 1 to leaders who are interested in more advànced work for their troops. 'l'lie course will' continue for six weeks, iii the Girl Scout room of the Mthloil- ist church. The training course for comuitte miembers begins Monday afternioon'li january 23, and is conducted from i1 to 2:30 o'clock. AIl leaders are asked * to notify their commnittee mnibers oi this instruction. gitt packages for theIndians at Cass lake. Each package contained onc hand tomel1, a, wash-cloth, and.,soine soap-. Such thîings. %ve'. found', werc luxuries. to the: Indians living on a reservation. Before hearing ,M is-, Frances Cujune., the girls were not ýquiite certain the Indians would be pleased. We presented M-,ýiss Cujunle with the gifts at an ente.rtainment to which our parents. were'invited. She tlianked us and, gave. a.'n ' ce talk' about the- Indian life.,' Shie inspired althe 'scouts, and we 'hopé -to 'di), even more for the Indians this ,,ear. -mogene: Kaufman, acti ng scribe, Troop 1l.' At 'our meeting on Tuesday, janu- ar-y 3, we started the meeting by- playing "policeman and robber.*" After that, the four patrols werc naîned âfter,the four e sns'anïd each patrol gave a dramatization about its season. The play' which got the most votes was "Camîping," ini four sceiles. 1Each patrol elected new officers. The new patrol leaders are, .Frances Bickham, Catherine Rowlev, Marie' Iardin and Marjorie 1Hll. Ve closed our meeting with "Taps.". Xe had court of' honor after the meeting. -Jeanne Stark and Rosamiond Mc-~ Millan, Troop 5. make a beanstalk irom newspaper and can pull it out and -watçh it grow taller just as the real beanstal'k did. The. Brownies preseit' also learned how we got our first uni- brella, and would be glad to have everyone guess the. answer.. Pack 2 %vill hold its future meetings on \ed- nesdays instead of Fridavs. Thecir new "Brown Owl" will be at the next meeting, and so, Browniesý, let's bave everyone present! While Girl Scouts" manimas, at. the wheeI0, Tumble them out, 'mid merry squeais. On Abbotsford.road, at six-four-three. Let's follow. and see what we shal' seec A handclasp waits themn at the door,. And, "A Happy New Year! dear Troop 'Mýid,.packages, books and merry shouts., The "grins"ý unwtap, and lo!tir y e Scouts. They pour, over, "lhealth-grarns" dont.- They forin a *"curtain" of Girl Scout. And now,- they..behôld an accident r .are, Whecre the. Sailor, patrol gives the beý4t of'care To one 'who is hurt froin head to heel Bysipping on a ",'baniana,'peel." They are Yearning, under a Christinas t ree But 'the airis,'fuli of mystery They sing, they l- augh, they look about- And two long table:; have blossqnéfi~ out, ~wit h' calioped potatoes. and jellifes red.' And cab'bage salad, hot rolis and bread. Spaghetti.' and lapples and pies :0141 eake And other grand goodiie'i Girl Scoutis mnake. They are' having a "pot-luc(k" holid-ay feast-, And one glorlous tinte, f roin grea te.st to least. And, oh,' what a happy 'farnily 'they are. 'Tis the troop's first meeting of the year, 'And more than thlrty 'Girl Scouts atr. here-! Ail sorts of '"Plannings~" ar're ihe ;tir. news for Troop 7 savs tiiat the%- be- 1 gan the new year w-,ith nmuch ambhi- tion, resolved to miaster ail of thlée problemis of the second .class test. Mfrs. Anderson, whoc is acting' Cap- tain for the troop talked to thegil on the second class requirements and made plans to help the '-girls ineet t.hem. The bean bag gamies that' fol- lowed proved that scouting is not al "requiremients." arrangements to get in touchN w i various badge examiner s. Remnember that each girl makes her own arrangements after obtain- ing a.card signied by her captain. Al Girl Scouts will, of course, be very thoughitful and considerate about fit- ting tiîeir schedules inito' the busy schedules of' these mnen and womien whio do so 'muich for Girl Scoutinig.: For 'the' convenience of every sec- ond class an d first class Girl Scout, we1 are printing the 'list of Wilnmtte examiners: Artist, Craftsman-ýM.rs. A. J. Co-m l)urn, 915 Linden avenue. Athlete-M\ýiss Iris Bolton, New 'Trier, High school. 'ird Fin.der,. Star Finder, Tree Find- er-lýMiss Natalea Brown', Central sclîool. I3uglar. Drummtier -Joseph '-Sclhu- macher, New Trier. High 'scioo.l. Business WoInan -NMiss. Eva E.' Thorne, New Trier High school. Canner, Dressniaker, 'Needioman- Mrs. M. H. Bickham, 429 Ninth street. Child Nurse, Honme'Nurse. Fîrst Aid :-Mrs. H. J. Dernehi, 1010 L'inden- avenue. Junior Citizen, Patlifinider-.Nrý,. S. B3. Groves, 1223 \Vilmette avenue. Cook-Mýrs. D).\V. Rapp, 4(-) Park av enue, Hostess- Mrs. R. P., Bici, 1119 Lake avenue., Housekeeper .- -Nrs. George F. l'l ie. Lait rs-r. .W.Ilrpîis ,,55 otcourt. ufe SaIver, immris Jsic Nixon, New Trier High sclîool. Photographer-C. H. Hlaltermnan, 11-45 Greenleaf avenue. Scribe-Il, C. Pifer, 1620 Lake ave-, niue. ordKnowledge-Miss Laura rick, New Trier High school. UI- Your prayers (0f grassesi 'j'lie so)ng of That piake lie whlsper An,-l you tshali run ami wander, And you shall drean i ud sing O f brave things and bight things ~ Beyond ýthe swallow's wing., TROOr 4 Now what, pray tell, is ail titis' aboutl 'Watch the procession! We may find o>ut! And you shalh envy no mnf, Nor hurt your htsart with sîghis. For I will keelp you simple, That God nmy rmake you wise. -F-anniie Steas-ns Dvs ami11C MO rami. u1iJUCirL ., ti i Lý.iwinLi children, leav'e on Tuesday, Jn:r was recentl-y pledged to Wranglers at 20, for Flonda. Northwestern universit3i. 'He also -0- was' one of four freshmnan to make Mrs. Ph'ilip) Steitz, 1355 'Ashlaî,d his numerals in track. Paul is attend- avenue, enterta.ined lier bridge chli) ing school on a. Northwestern uni- at lun.cleon Tuésday of last %Neek. versity freshmani scholarship.