,ake Shore drive, et 8 :15 o'clock. Dr. Feuchtwangei is a inguist of m i No Cover ontelcu E dward L.. Scheideyiltne,suJr., rc- yDne note and his Eiiglish o h etr turned New Year's day orsnehi Sundays-..Twihi platform will leave littie to be desired, studies at the H{arvard Laiv school i 0yDnnr it is explained. Wlien hie as asked Cambridge,, Mass., after spending the réectly to tell, somtething about him- holidays 'with his parents, theE. L sel.f that the newspapers of theehem of7Uniteý veueED Stte îgt a e fw intimate de- Theiehlso 0 aeaeu. tails on his. arrivai, hie checerfull1y jot ted Their daughter, and her'family, the down,.the followringý facts aid vouched iJ.-W.. Pherrins of Des MonS, forthe: owa, left. Friday after, a two wecks' 41 "lion Feuchtwanger ini the prime of1 visit with them. life is 65 inches tali and lias 29 of bis own teeth, including soie prominent, ones. shaped like shingles ald, threc gold teeth. He is .a good swiii er and a 'poor dancer.. He is ililed toward the theory of vegetaria'nism but il, prcielie is a. big mneat eatcr. At this date hie lias ceatenthtle flesli of 8,237 pieces of beef,- 1,712 pieces: of gaie,. and 14,000 pieces of f oW'. 0f. sea fish *,he lias consumned 6i,0,and. -- ýiiiuinerable oysters, silails, and' the Die" ir. Feuicht\\wanger- lias 'a rare sense of liiifiot as is sectii D)r. Feuicht%%aniger Wvas born in Miuicç. Ili is notes on his carly edu- cation the iremioranda contains the fol- Iowing: "IIn the Bavarian cityý of MNunwh I. was instructed in 211 disciplines he took nie 18 vears to eradicate 172 frolm ny meniory. 1 spent 14 years in the sehools and universities of Berlin and MuTtnich; 5 -'> nmonths in thear, 17 days in a war prison and the rust of *mly life in coniparativefrem. His vQ1ung Wlife cherftullv .accepted Marine m' 5 fo 6 P. -M. followed ncg ýRoom fili 9 o'clock. ATER, BEACH HOTE 5300 Block-eh.r*îdan Road CHICAGO' cnuld.: fot read o(r write,-(lraâk heavy \vine anid gots iilk and ate chunks of black 1 -read. Tu liked this exist- Clceut~ra-~ it cotldn't endure' if t ewre, to succeed "nii f e. The 1 couple wan(lered to Sicilv whiere thé liiishand expected a, check frorn a Ger- mani newspatper. While waitiig frý thle check they vvere reclucced to a tin i (f sardines- and four slices of bread.i They fasted one day and on the Inor- row ate. the sardines and the bread: 'Drink more milk, Jimmy. That'Yll give you, muscle" D OCTORS e, ing otf mle. are urging9 the more liberal drink- Mrs. Ralpi> F. Potter, 925 Chestnut avenue, wilI have the meeting of her Reading circle on Monday afternoon, January 16. The members are re- quested to be at Mrs. Potter's home at i odclock instead of the usuai timne of1 2 o'clock.