JIIOIJL WlWa.lAE lue 0teIataU t n embers- forEage S out ofth lie svin clsswil! be in Held by Troop 1 JointIy With Troop8 I<ecalis Good J'urn the DEagfeScoutsields' tankfor the 3 and 5; Three Troop1 Scouts Reby Unknown Scout In place of tbe substitution of full hour and a haif to take tiieir Ceive Eagle BadgesTeByScusoAmra ar safety merit badge for pioneering in exam, there will bc no swimingThBoScusf mranes the Life and Eagle. Scout require- for either menit' badge or first Troop 1, Xilmette, hield a court of. its 23rd birthday which will be mark- ments as previously adopted; the ýclass swiînmers on this Saturday, hn r usay eember 22, joint- do erur nBy Sot~ek executive board of nationalcouncil, Januay1.Casswî otnu ywt ros3ad5 t teFrtThis forthcoming.,celebration in at -its> October, 1932, meetinga- on reIa ceueJnay2. Cnreainlcuc.Atri e-clîs attention to the fatthtago proved that. ___________________slûte to the colors,. the fol- tr oei h lowing awarswr al osot an. American visitor by, anl unknowit '4S fe y e dd d o he re ui e-of ýTroop Y: Boy Scout w as responsible forlbnig - mnents for Life Scout rank as an _Get LJniforms ReadyTedfot Glenn Sanuelson ing teBy cu movement to alternative to life saving or pioncer- PTeU L rnkekr , auoKllggan America.. in a d ha sfey e ma e n d-fo L Sr 4I ay rr ~ K Guy M a kin; second-class: jack The Boy, Scout movement nia rks dicotional 're .ie subeot for agl Scouts throughout the. country arc Harvey, James Mcllrath, Glenn Sanl- its birthday each year,- Februarv 8, subjects instead of ten. Titis >5Wgetting their scout uniformis ready ucîlson, Bob 'Matthew.s and Courtney upon whiçh ,date in 1910 the late l nwfor the- 23rd Boy Scout. Birjthday Rodger;.first-class: George Schwall W illlam.D. lOoece,_Chicago publisher. week, February 8 to 14. Scouts and Carl, Michelsen; merit' bade- and tofriends, incorporated *tlhe LtNe Rqurm tseverywhere wear their complete uni- Vernon Brown, woodworking, path.- Boy Scouts of Amenica in Wýasiiîg- The new safety menit badge :re- forms continually during that week fnig civics, campin;Jarvistn .C.,teeyfral an quiremeënts as changed in Noveinber and want them to look, as neat and Brown, camping, scholarship, path- ing the movement in. America. and which imusù bc used nozv arelas cdean as. possible, it is, stated. New finding; Philip Sarnuelson,, pathfind- .Nortl Siore to Celebrat Scouts. are, gettting new unifornms ing, plumnbing, camping, first aid to Bo0Y Scout week will be, observirai 1. Submnit evidence of having satis- while mothers of older Scouts repair animaIs; Gordon 'Schuber, pathfind- the North Shore Area couni ya factorily done one of the follow,ýing: and dytoesuykhigandArSnowowri- extensive pi-ograin starting Scout Wc (a) Made a safety inspection of luÈiy estudrka inrents i11a19rSano, wodrin g, . neSday, February 8.... Spijay of thal h~ome an peisslstdcodiinsat have steod so weil the kntiakt handicraît, first aid- to an t~s. week, th ols a n ds of scout t(>) whieh might *prove dangerous, amij of play, hikes and troop mieetings. The award cerenionies. were cli-, throughout the Unitedi States wij1 at- taken practical mneasures to reniedy a t New scout uniformns, it is annoulnc- mnaxed by the presentation of Eagle tend swecial services in churches v;, * Ieast two such conditions; or badgesg aIl religlSumuelsths. and se>men (b) Actively shared In the safety ed, should be piirchased locaîîy on bagstoPiipSmeso yMr.wI be preached concerning thegrth Work in school over a period of at presentation of the scout's registra- S. Samuelsoni and to Vernon Brown prog,,res.s and value iof thxe Boy s(eou1 least ten weeks and at ail timies donc tion card at any nftefioigadJri rw yMs .L ovemshen lt meric. S cn on th his. best by examiple and attitude to In- soof ilntt-ôth'l e pant-%"1 Brown. Troop 1 will now start the otshrdtebckoDceb, terpst hie schooimates In safety activ- mtstore Wine t ka-G L. Zick artnew year with five Eagle Scouts. 190, g nizd.The in1ofnie t as conti <c) Built cabinet for the safe anmi and company; Hubbard W,ýoods-W. Atrteaad hdbe ae ued to grow to show more thant 2,200ý propr strag of ediinesandpoisns;Lincoln C. Torrey, scoutmaster of Cuhs, Boy scouts and Sea Scouts regis- or kitchen cabinet for storage of lye, B. ZGkarndt; ighliny; GPark(-J B Troop 5,' showed the scouts and par- tered in the council. Approximlat.Iy 60o "lysol," ammonia, etc; or suitable iyB ant;HghadPr .B spicu o anp1M a c1 .ult volunteur scout leaders are ac- pen for the baby, screeralng, If deslred. Garnett; Lake Forest - Marshall enspitrs fcmp1-a-a veîy serving. for outdôor use;,or gate guardlng stairs Field and company; Libertyville- Wall in Elcho, Wis. 'Ihe pictures The good turn by the London J3ov for *chilidren; or safety rail for celiîîr Langworthy's stores; eril-were nmade durin g the sunner of Sýcout,-,whieh. led to the beginnjîng of stairs with pqinted white stripes on 1932..sotn' uki~int z. 5,*uAonsirnt.Ehow binseif visible while road at nght; expiair of the road he .shoul night, and why. 3. Demonstrate with (a) the direction iri point the muzzle Nvhei and tell why;* (b) other. safety pr should always be tak( cident when harîdling a it' to another person,a ce. - I1 rOOP 1 lô USY 1'4nishing iroo'- i, mimee he would iake MoL oakn n thih ie M dlColonial Bungaow Kenilworth Scouts tenjoy In n wic sie, The scouts of Troop 16 were btisy Outing at Lake Geneva id walk, day or last Thursday night, rusbilg the Thirty-six Kenilworth Boy Scouts smodern gun: completioîî of their model colonial adsvrlo h aet noe which he sbould1 bungalow in wvhich, in the nearf- an ail-day outing at Lake Geneva n plcking It up ture, they expect to hold their patrol *atStra.Ii n otelk recautions whichmetns Th hos is to have a was arrange<î by Robert W. Town- en to avolà ac- fireplace, a .wooded floor and aIl the 1ley, director of physical education at a. gun or passing .fittings that will :give it the appear-th JsehSarsholwii and tel Why. antce teosephydv home.h wiW - _ _ .0Sin, With Axe nceof teeeya oe twl 1-- rý (a) escaping gas;- (b) wlre dangling thUi from electri c lino; (c) safÇ storage and 1 he reference to- bis handbook past that it is a shag-bark hick-iJsay, *.,vn9ýn( 1,nu the autun nof 1909 and was, abot t rturn to America. Mr. Boyce left bhis hoteiln London to trainsajct busiess and was caught ln one of the dense, heavy fogs which are character- stlc of London ln the autulitun amjI which cast a Yellow, miurky pali ovea- sthat city. He was groping his way 1about. A boy approached buii an(] 1asked, "May 1 be of service to, you?' Mr. Boyce told the boy where hie wisýhed1 to go and 'theé lad, salutng, sid, Vomé with me, sir," and led in, to his (les- ttination. __Scout Berlines Reward cdLvugratr ecîucational1j hIns. bronze bfalo, now' at the ent has taken place than if BnilsbBOY Scout trainIng school at dl-nowngGilwe1, Englsnd, bears a himple but ~il-knowing, all-discerning impressive InLqcription:'"okh n :er houd tke u quckl. kownScout Whose Faithfulness In the, tree and pointing his finger Performance of the Daily, Gond Turn ' tt' a ha-bak, icory" rought the Scout Movement to the: t's shg-brk ickry. United -Stateu of America.".