tîbis year at' the Navy pier March 31- The' club bas scheduled a diniier A,ýpril 8, from ail indications, gives meeting for Friday evening, januar:: prl)miiseof being the largest and beést' 20, at 8,15 o'clock. James Keelev in the club's histQry., llspeak on "The Air conditioning N eliithis seasoni's show is to be of Pullnman* Cars and Other Rail- the houôse with two gairdens. covering1 road Equipment and:the PossibilitieS a space 20x60 feet. ,A rooru will be 'of. Future Use of Air ConditiQning .shown .with mantel and table arrange -JApparatus for, Homes." The host- nients, of floNvers and the formaI and! esses, will lie Mres,. George. Packard, kitchen gardens are to be ini keeping 1 Mrs. Joseph L. Valenltine, and Miss. with the style and architecture of the Elleii Hoît. bxouse. À bridge- lunicheon will be held There will be special gardens 20x20; Saturdav. Januarv 14.- at 1 oeclock, icet in wý%hich'are' to be green gardens' wtith Miss AiceHuerndMs anxd green aind hite gardens, and FIo0w- i h.cith Hatisler as -hostesses.. Miss er Stalîs, of, Naions. 'rhe usual table,\'irgiia àGunderson and Mis E a1 arragemets *Ill bc dispflayed includ-; Asmus are the hostesses for.teee iig -tables of the Cenitury of Progress ý niflg bridge Wednesdav, Jaiur 8 illu:nrating tables as they h ave been [at 8:15 o'clock. decorated durifig the past -one1 hundred vears. ]'liejuniour Garden clubs are to have B Uw.sofl C;re9, exihits of. their own féaturing bird' Celebrate Art Day lo:sfeeding trays, conservation post- Art day will be obseryed by the ers, dlay models, picnic and lutncl tables, ,r.no circle on Io.nday, January1 tr 'te-leaf books and collections of seeds 6.Ilèen it meets for a breakfast "a la 4ui trees and sbrubs native to Illinois. Blereatiocck Annfma Ititerest and enthusiasm rau' high~ at îuk isqcussion, and an exhibit of arts a recent meeting of the Garden Club _11,d rfscetdI iclmmbs ()f Illinois when the president, Mrs. ~cat cetd vcrl ebr O. W Dyns, rportd mot exellet A prec-ede the business meeting at 2.1 At3, MNr. and MNrs. Frank V. Dudley! pruspects for the Fiower show. Space \villgive an art lecture-recital. Mrs.~ i, being taken rapidly and a fine. co- 1, .Imhf i hima farTo operation is ianifested f ar and wide, Ithle 'Brow\ýnsoil circle, and the art and S AI J.nuary l6th to .Inclusive Wild Alaska Skiis . . .thsseasons "catch," shipped to us diectfrfýom the.trappers. >Prices ere f- rom $37,50 up These sc-arfs normnally priced would soul fromn $200. to $550. You cannoft afford to miss this opportunity to a+ Ieast sée. tiswonderful arrày of "Silver Foxos."l Corne in and mnale your selection. A deposit wiII reserve it for you. OPEN EVENIN6S BY APPOINTMENT VICTOR BRO7-HERS CO. 368 CENTRAI Manufacturing Furriers L AVENUE HIGHLAND PARK 351 clubs have been making their entries' with promptness and enthusiasm, and inasmnuch as seven entries among the classes for juniors and seniors already are closed, clubs considering inaking enitries are asked to make their plans earIv. AIl entries, close* February 15. Catholic Club Juniors ested May cail Miss Lorraine Moore, who h Ienilworth 1489 . Kn Anonements. concerning the liter- f or thi at' circle will1 followý shortly.. day. incluied verv infornial talks on book hy -pnimbers, the reading of 'severa Or:iginal poems bv. the chairmian of edu. cation. and 'Miss Margaret Hayes presentation (J a conibined reviewo- "The Epic of Amnerica" and "The Pon trait of an A-r.ericani." Unique Dance Pro gram for Womenof Rotary d been vislting iniChicago anc )rth for ten' days. . They lefi rhome in New 'York on Mon- the year 'round cooked to order -and only fresb vegjetables usedi One gooc Megowen tables are V era 501 Davis St. d réason out of many wky Ver& food fastes bei-tr-.Ii our vege- > fresb daily, are fresb cooked to iMegowen EVANSTON 512 Main St. I 1 ý t 1 - iin Sf.,