Ail the LUXURY of an, expensivei. rug except. ex pense. BICELOW7,SAN.FORDS::AT'LORD's See these hiandsome rugs selected by our expertl S.K. Jorjorian, , with ail the care with which hée slects bhis ýgenuine .Orie>ntalsl LORD'S is :now ýNorth Shore. headquarters for Bigelow-Sanàfords.> Rich, deep-piled rug.. glamrorous Oriental pate'ns.. soff, cgtow- ing colors... patterns' suitable for living room, dininqg'room or boudoir. Now isyo u rchance tfomakte your decorative dreams corn e truel AN otabi y Fine Grouping in the 9x12 Room Size $ 350, Infi.Oriental Rug Sectio-IORD'ýS-Third Ploor ý "North Star" 72x84 Very Spedial .Purc hase 'Beautiful solid-color blankets in rose, blue, peach, orchd or green. A close, félty weave of unusuai warmntb-giving quality; satin bound in harmonizing shades. Truly a marvetous value. In the Bedding Sectioi-LORD'S-First IPloor the h ja' thé Umm mammiffl