Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jan 1933, p. 30

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shiallLitg's orchestra, tilos"' who are to'he uit usanuîlîg acnîevenients o f te. devotees of Terpsichîore, xvihl vield to day. tikn oor( h(IStrw the,-speil of thüe niuse of. the (lance. 'l'tie screin gclrapd sleqes.ptre Those \ivlo find cards more to their Illinovis' raniiithe'edticatioiial wvOr1l taste. .Will find tables arranged for a t nvriis omlsloî,aî thcir diversion* inithe c!ub's iich iiarmiî t lem entr intitut iornascotrandt letitige. 'mianiV .scenit setrcrtôic n The hoiur is 8. anid,-wen dancing apct.reratona aîî ae-stlhtic surce:s f roin the >at prk and cards are uver. refreshmnetit.s w il adohrpit o euylt h lie served.adotrpons f ety t te 1~r Strke cairan iiîerus tîeiiiis and inspiring lus- ~rs .ui0a I torical and litcrarv nerorials. and, af- of hissuberitio clnceseresof.ford a conclusive refutatioii of the low> m1ich ,;aturda%-'s évent is the third ini a chaiui of five. .Mrs. Alvin E. Beirnies .~~ f h hcaoa( sevrn is co-chairnian. Assi.stinig in .the mak- 5o9itTl~ xrse ynnrsd iing'of,,arranigèeents are Nlrs. jElmer critic:. Claar. ,M rs.- Conrad FrNykm!an, Mrs.' Ceorge Ilijif. .\rs..Cliester [<avrencc, Congeai'a Mrs. Charles Roh, >Jr.,'. Dr.- Alice nrgtoa ul Tuttlie, Mrs. Fratnk 1Lewis, ,Mrs. Hubert Meeting January 13 I-IoldoNav..ýirs. Paul Retnsch. 'l'le \oa' guild of tficoj~e Proceeds f rom the -dances are plâced oational clitrclh of \Vilmiette is hiav- ifthe li~ ui building ftind. ~ i~i~'àî r étî n~~&v *luniicheon ivill be served i the Northî M r C.Frkm New ndcircle and sewviing illhe fer~ LVI1~. .- AÇ/..anlocal charities. The sp)eaker duiîùi Infant Welf are Head fthe afterînoon 1prograti Nill bc -Mrs. Mrs. Gonrad T. Frvkmalî xviII take [.îllian Nortlîami, lhead of t l .e - èiuri- up lier office as chiairmnan of the Wil- tic,; in Wiliiiette. *mette Junior auxiliary of the Infant l'le Nihoho cice oif due Welfare society at its neNt imeeting cluuirchi is meieting on 'I'uesdav, Iau Monday afternoin. january 16, in the tuarv 17, iwith MNrs; V.1. e. . lounige of the Wna' club, at 2 43o Lake avenue. .1 une,'lieoîu wi Il o'clock., Coing into office withi lier wjll be foc ed 1 v scwivi. NIr>. oter commîittee cliaurien rtetain othice anothier year. Hostesses for the meceting next Mn day are Mrs. George F. lliff, Ms F. R. Eccles. 'Mrs. Charles Ný. Evans, Mrs. W. A. Kenldrick, Mrs. R. R. Lip- pincott, Mrs. 1P. H. Newman. Mrs. E. D. Oherg. Mrs. 1). E. lPenick. Club At Vista: del -Lago JanuarY .at lic \Vista (ICI Lago xill inicludlee i stal "urdvnighitnov- ie,; for cideîarnd ltluirparents witlh at special (hiier 1)4 4h o r hov.s and girls, and fo r thecir eIders,. '[IliS eVe- ning the uîmotionu picture prograinuis ;a Larry Semôon conied'v. andj a travel pic- ture of Bermuda. Néx\t TIîursdav ilipiht, Janutarv\ 19, a Celle 1Tunn1ey film and life along tte R'ornaltic khiie" 1710 Jncwo-aV t 4 , ce. lC u Iicil(f. anniiolince fle dngaçgel,il Of hitci.r <illigliter, /llnne. fi)Gordon J1 Shaftuck, Son of Mir. and.Is Alrthur E. Slsattuck .of* S/riin<Ilwid, Jla.ss. tMiss J3odi4' ,is iina t a qradl1Ëif' ai I )artmouth :'<1ll,-< .lla incili'r v.J't pi< fra ternit v. I\fiss Narv ie.t Is 2 alluonse guetf the iddies, Iore.Mi Boddie \\il] bc înarried I in June. Jesse Akelys Celebrating Golden Wedding Jan. 18ý NIr. and -Mrs. Jesse C. Akelv will receive their friends iniformalify a* the homne(of -Mr. and Mrs. Burleigh Withers, 2222 1Lincoîn s-treet, Evani- Ln.ydEIolUi, son or vir. anivI r1. j. v,4 ICuiminis of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The cereimony~ took place at St.. Atigustine's lI Episcopal clitircli w1i Dr. Ilubert ICar1etoun officiating at a cand(le-liglhf service. Aý recèptioni at Shawnee Country club w%%as followed by dancing in thi.e.lallroomü. Miss Wceteriade a inost attractive bride iii ier emupire gow.vn of ivory sat- ini %vîth lier rose.poinit lace veil, which bier, grandnîothle r atnd. hci 1r other had ýý-orni at thecir weddings, extending the fu.i! length of the long satin con trt train. The v'eil wvas lield "to lier hIea(l hy a cap of tiniv ,seed pearîs. 'rhlue bridaIl houquftet, %vas of it roses and hules cf thie, valley. Tfl' iaidl of lhonor, M iss: Mary Li.uuse I-Iav s, as gowned in '1 tadon Nute crepe itlîN%-hite2 fox trimmiiing ()il the shouilder. Slie wýore a bNue lace luat andcarried an amri bouqutet of pinik roe.'l'le bhndesmnaids. Miss Kathecr- ille \Veniter, 'Miss .,J)orotliy Cimms, Mrs. \Vaynie Kinig,-Miss Betty Fol-, arty. 'Miss Carlotta 1Logorio. aid Nt* MiSs Xaonlie MIails, wvere gowned. in bille crepe vtl short coats enthroidered ini .îvrain! wore smta]I blue hats .with liort tulle veilIs. AIl carried bouquets '<f pjnik roses. N[ari JITTriier, a niece ofthtie hrirle's n(ither, attend(e<l lier cousin a,, flower girl1. Shme vas dreýssed iii Nlue georgette eihrýiuk.red iiiM1ver aind carrie(l .a P,< Cei V of simll flowers. Wa' t iie KHwyscrved the rderon as îx 4; ta nd Ithu iushers wereDr C. W. C row)e, ,Frank Wentur, Guy 14')iis A1,ý A)u rt4 n. M 111ilins, Dtinrielh 1Haw~km5-i, aid \\., lliain Il ,eniings. Mr. iiid NIrs, ('iînmiiiins ave mo- t1 fred s(ouilth ontileir învnci, fe wlîie tlîe \wii reiurti to live Mi v Dr. Marti-n Bickham Will Addres Baptist Women Dr. Martin H.LIickham of \iliette. origixiator of the "earnecd rle"plant for Illinois, is to he th.ee.aker flie ma Phi Beta at lun< M4onday, january:9. eoni and 1) sociey wil befieldýý"enesdy jng at 10 ocloclc, at the hom-e of Mrs., socly iIIbe el Wed esday, ian The Babies Frietmdly societY will V. KR. Spicer, 312 Essex road, Keutil- uary 18, at the home of Ms Cedric ineet at the home of, Mrs. Howard worth. The inembers will hear a talk Smith, 205 Essex road, Kenilworth. B~rown,' 1539 Highland avenue, W-onJonMsedotLareate0o Th nw ffcrswil reie t hi ette, Thursday, January 19, fopr an England." Mr.. Masefield is 1o visit-, seso.al[-day sçssion. . îng the. United, States. Kei

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