Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jan 1933, p. 26

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xvere I GadeSepara tior, Wil save Lif e Let', Hasten -the Day! i, "We cannot imagine a riire. pathetic ele- ment in a mian's reputation than ýto be knîown asa humors. ts bad enoughi to be: known as a poet or Known as 'philanthropist ,or' as a a H(m orist cyniC. « But to, bekon as a humorist,, 9r as Nve. read in a, recent account of Alexander. Carr,- "widely kniown-'a s I a 1huniorist.> Think of living up1 to that unipleasant ýre p- uitation! Wlienever a mian 'kniown to be a litnir- ist appears people expect soinething funnlv from im;i He nuuist tell a funny story, or act in 'a funny way, or otherwise cauise his hearers to forget the depression. Wili Rogers, if he lias soniething sensible to say, must say it in a funny way. Heelias established a reputation somnewhiat like that of the old-timie king's jester, and wil neyer be allowed to be anything else. Even in bis sleep be lias to look funny. A huinorist is neyer taken seriouisly. 'People cannot believe that lie has any -serinus ideas,. unless these id ' as are seri- ous, beneath their :cpating. of humnor. It would be impossible for a huminorist to be- corne a candidate for any important office. for filling a public office is no joke. It %vould even be tremiendously diffictit for a funny man to be a p)olicenman, for those ivhomihe tried to control wvould think lie ,vas having somne funu at their expense, which naturally they wouild resent. So if your son is planning to be a Iiii We have yet to Iearni of, any« better mnetlod pf controlling traffie at street ini- tersections' than stop-and-go. light's. Un- der ainiost al conditions Stop and tîîey. are easily visible a t Go Lights a'distance of two or tbree blocks. They are also easily understoid even by a child of 4 or 5. Aithougli "Stop" signs are cheaP-ý er tlian stoppand-go lights, stlthyac thue authority, of the saf ety lights. On ap- proaching a "Stop"ýl sign. most, drivers do flot stop they merel, y slow .up. On .thie conitrary, drivers ýapproaching a re d light. u1sually stop completely. It is ou'r belief that if safety lights are installed on the new superhighway, nom- omipteted ftom MttÇrwiickk foad nhoto c fubbard Wvýoods, auto accidents wilI be re-~ duced to a gratifying minimum. Already there exists the probability that such- ights will be placed on this highway at the three critical intersections in W'il- miette. We are convinced that a survey of traffic on this highwvay ivili indicate the need of such lights. This need will increase as traffic iii- seemls like!Y that the average speed of cars xiii continue to increase. There is abunidant reason, therefôre, for installing safety iights on this highway at critical itersections and for installin g thein in the ,Veryinear* future. Everv timie that wve see or :ating rink, be it enclosed or i of a Open, Co ntt aon 1 b Sit,; And 1 i.jtcit not to dirges, .S'ungj. iarias, -ijs tlë12e piCej)oIeS of a mighty organ lu drk.vautedspaccs; l ýIîoh o far 1,orizoIS. Nor eii /ry into Mhe secrets ouaesnatchilng qfrc,, tfhecair, Anîd /'acking ii,,Io tiiny biids wzithiin; -or whcn y301fbînoîn again, lVit h Nlîlosnîi!S IHd with SnO2ýv Apid lriglt staniens, of stars;- l'il l'e gad I 7vaitCdý No ,:Iallyyears agýo w'len "east" was -cast ;nd *'%%-e as \vst" and "never the t%%aiin" coiild. nieetwitliout a- bit of *a scrap, XVilmette.%o!1( have been in an uprOar concerninig Uncle SanVs* <ecisîoii to. plant, bis nicw post office wýest 0' the tracks.Stii, howevcêr , as Qcred and4 withlollt causing so niticli as the mieresf ripple of excitemeîit. Ini the span of a decade or so the bar .riers (always rather ridlicuili)usl\vlimaginary) have bcen demnolished and New Trier*s flot ropolis gets along like one great big happy (aibeit occasionally. scrappy) faniily. It înay or mnay ixot interest our dear reàders to know that. the iïe\v \Vilmrette post office is tu ho located directly across the street f rom our sanctumi sýanctorufli. A stone's throw away, as it werc, thoughi we dolit expect to take advantagç of that fact. Al post offices' ii New Trier twîs ivjl ,now be loçate4 ywest of the North Western tracks, a fact that is not surpÉising when one bears iniind that. practically all the mail coinlg to these commiînities is dunmped off on that side of the right-of-\wa3". G;oertument efficiency, eh. wot? -MUSINGS 0F THE: NIGHT EDITOR 'ro the cleaners wciniust go and we must plead, with theni to remove our spats f romi the spot. It mnakes us shudder to think of it, but the spats are on the spot-no different! Before thlôse ankie blan- had we nip need for mnittens and ear-mnuffs. the i: Over and over again we had to pour aI- way. it will f2 lectors, )a's bill col- -MIQUE.,

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